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Tom Kenney | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Climbing tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sierra Nevada | San Gabriel | California Desert | Angeles National Forest - Other | Java: Jakarta, Bogor, Taman, Puncak | Sacramento, July 2008 | San Francisco | Los Angeles | Huntington Library Gardens - December, 2019 | Seattle, November 2012 | Vancouver, BC Canada - April, 2016 | Joe Satriani at the Fox Theater | The Aristocrats at Harlow's and Alva's | Family | Cats | Paramount Ranch | Shinta's Stuff | Weekend At Pancho's | Natural History Museum of Los Angeles | Miscellaneous | Cloudscapes and Sunsets | Bicycling | Climbing | MandelBulb | Experiments | Travels | Map Images | 500_club | 1000_club | 1500_club | 2000_club | In Box | Nikon D5300 Test Images | DSP Screenshots | Ouch!


Pictures from various rock climbing adventures around southern California.

Tom at a belay, Fresno Dome
Tom at a belay, Fresno Dome
Geoff Jennings on Fresno Dome
Geoff Jennings on Fresno Dome
Rappelling from Mule Train, Fresno Dome
Rappelling from Mule Train, Fresno Dome
Gary climbing Chatsworth Sandstone
Gary climbing Chatsworth Sandstone
Tom leading on Twin Peaks, San Gabriel Wilderness
Tom leading on Twin Peaks, San Gabriel Wilderness
Mark bouldering, Twin Peaks, San Gabriel Wilderness
Mark bouldering, Twin Peaks, San Gabriel Wilderness
Sean rappelling from Juliet's Flake, Devil's Punchbowl
Sean rappelling from Juliet's Flake, Devil's Punchbowl
Sean climbing on Twin Peaks, San Gabriel Wilderness
Sean climbing on Twin Peaks, San Gabriel Wilderness
Tom climbing Stoner's Point, Chatsworth
Tom climbing Stoner's Point, Chatsworth
Mark on The Last Dihedral, Dome Rock, Kern River
Mark on The Last Dihedral, Dome Rock, Kern River
Gary rappelling from Merlin Dome, Kern River
Gary rappelling from Merlin Dome, Kern River
End-of-day at Stoner's Point, Chatsworth
End-of-day at Stoner's Point, Chatsworth
Sean tieing in, Stoner's Point, Chatsworth
Sean tieing in, Stoner's Point, Chatsworth
Robert climbing at Stoney Point, Chatsworth
Robert climbing at Stoney Point, Chatsworth