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Images by Wanda

Wanda is starting to take photographs. These are hers.
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Great Blue Heron 05_03_05.jpg
Great Blue Heron 05_03_05.jpg
Yellow-headed Blackbird 05_03_05.jpg
Yellow-headed Blackbird 05_03_05.jpg
Yellow-headed Blackbird  05_03_05b.jpg
Yellow-headed Blackbird 05_03_05b.jpg
Momma American Coot and ducklings.jpg
Momma American Coot and ducklings.jpg
Golden-mantel  Ground Squirrel.jpg
Golden-mantel Ground Squirrel.jpg
A day in Yellowstone 05_22_05.jpg
A day in Yellowstone 05_22_05.jpg
A Special Moment In Yellowstone 05_23_05.jpg
A Special Moment In Yellowstone 05_23_05.jpg
Camouflage 05_22_05.jpg
Camouflage 05_22_05.jpg
Little Mouse on the Prairie.jpg
Little Mouse on the Prairie.jpg
Great Blue Heron 05_22_05.jpg
Great Blue Heron 05_22_05.jpg
Piss and Vinegar 05_23_05.jpg
Piss and Vinegar 05_23_05.jpg
Orrin G Unamused 06_16_05.jpg
Orrin G Unamused 06_16_05.jpg
Orrin G 06_16_05.jpg
Orrin G 06_16_05.jpg
Jake 06_16_05.jpg
Jake 06_16_05.jpg
Jake 1 06_24_05.jpg
Jake 1 06_24_05.jpg
Jake 2 06_24_05.jpg
Jake 2 06_24_05.jpg
Jake 3 06_24_05.jpg
Jake 3 06_24_05.jpg
Orphaned Kittens 08_09_05.jpg
Orphaned Kittens 08_09_05.jpg
Kibbles 08_12_05.jpg
Kibbles 08_12_05.jpg
Some things Are Not Pretty 01_03_06.jpg
Some things Are Not Pretty 01_03_06.jpg
Keeping Skyline Drive Open 01_04_06.jpg
Keeping Skyline Drive Open 01_04_06.jpg
Wandas Wren 03_27_06.jpg
Wandas Wren 03_27_06.jpg
Pole Dancing Bear.jpg
Pole Dancing Bear.jpg
Rock Chuck.jpg
Rock Chuck.jpg
SIT 05_21_06.jpg
SIT 05_21_06.jpg
Eagle Ready To Snap.jpg
Eagle Ready To Snap.jpg
Miniature Mule.jpg
Miniature Mule.jpg
Great Horned Owl 1.jpg
Great Horned Owl 1.jpg
Wandas Hooters 06_20_06.jpg
Wandas Hooters 06_20_06.jpg
Sparrow 07_09_06.jpg
Sparrow 07_09_06.jpg
Jumping Into The Falls 07_10_06.jpg
Jumping Into The Falls 07_10_06.jpg
Pine Cone.jpg
Pine Cone.jpg
Flower and Pine.jpg
Flower and Pine.jpg
Bull Elk.jpg
Bull Elk.jpg
Purple Against Yellow.jpg
Purple Against Yellow.jpg
Bill Home On The Range.jpg
Bill Home On The Range.jpg
Baby Bird.jpg
Baby Bird.jpg
Momma Bird.jpg
Momma Bird.jpg
Elk relaxing.jpg
Elk relaxing.jpg
Bill and the Marmot.jpg
Bill and the Marmot.jpg
Marmot Head Shot.jpg
Marmot Head Shot.jpg
A Snap of Bill.jpg
A Snap of Bill.jpg
Killdeer Sitting on Eggs.jpg
Killdeer Sitting on Eggs.jpg
Who Gave Him the Handout.jpg
Who Gave Him the Handout.jpg
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