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Wm. Bates | all galleries >> Galleries >> Images by Wanda > Orrin G Unamused 06_16_05.jpg
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Orrin G Unamused 06_16_05.jpg

Today little Jake came over for a visit. Orrin was not amused or impressed.
I was sure to give Orrin G a love and reassure him that he was not going to
be replaced!


Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
1/500s f/4.0 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 18-Jul-2006 18:39
Wonderful shot, love the DOF
Sam X04-Mar-2006 15:29
beautiful shot... even camera focus shows who's the man here
Pic Chick31-Jan-2006 04:24
What a fabulous shot! I know how hard it is to catch this at just the right moment. Well done Wanda!
Guest 05-Nov-2005 20:57
What a great shot! We have three cats and have experienced this scene before. Love it.
Jim McKinlock18-Jun-2005 06:25
Oh, What a shot. And I always thought Orin was such a nice kitty. I guess we all have things that will set us off.
Robin Reid17-Jun-2005 23:24
Great catch Wanda. The "other" personality of Orrin G. Well done.
Wm. Bates17-Jun-2005 03:55
I knew Jake would be safe because just off camera is his "mommy" Dana, and I knew she would intervene if she needed to. (s)

Wesley Aston17-Jun-2005 03:48
thats AWESOME hehe
James Lundy17-Jun-2005 02:42
What an amazing capture Wanda. Very impressive that you resisted the urge to react and got the shot. I am guessing that you knew Orrin wasn't going to hurt the little kitty.