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Wm. Bates | all galleries >> Galleries >> Images by Wanda > Jake2.jpg
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For details about Jake, see other image "Jake 1"

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
1/200s f/6.3 at 64.0mm iso200 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Yves Rubin09-Jul-2006 09:12
Well, just adorable!
rbfresno17-Jun-2005 07:28
Too cute!!!!
Shayne09-Jun-2005 18:02
Nice pic... Jakes a cutie for sure.... Thanks to Dana for the rescue
Guest 09-Jun-2005 07:58
He’s a scruffy little tyke but I’d give him a home. Hat’s off to Dana for the rescue work.
Jim McKinlock09-Jun-2005 04:37
OOOOhh, What a cute little guy. Wanda, In your description of these photo's you seem to give all credit to your friend for saving Jake, but I'm willing to bet you deserve a lot of credit too.
Robin Reid09-Jun-2005 02:20
Tack on Wanda. Fun seeing both you getting the shot and seeing the shot.