Galerina calyptrata SherwoodForest 07-07 HW |
 Galerina marginata ANR Oct-11 |
 Galerina marginata on buried woodchip EatonWoodNR Apr-12 HW. |
 Galerina mniophila Bell Conifer University 18-11-84 HF |
 Galerina nana in conifer pot Carlton-in-Lindrick Oct-04 Howard Williams |
 Galerina pumila 001 mossy grass Spalford Warren NR Notts 2015-11-15.jpg |
 Galerina pumila 002 spores & cystidia 2015-11-15.jpg |
 Galerina pumila Dwarf Bell WalkeringhamNR Sep-09 HW |
 Galerina subclavata 001 in moss with mixed trees Budby Meadowbank Notts 2015-11-4.jpg |
 Galerina subclavata 002 tibiform cheilocystidia & spores 2015-11-4.jpg |
 Galerina subclavata 003 2-spored basidium 2015-11-4.jpg |
 Galerina vittiformis 001 forma bispora mossy soil Spalford Warren NR Notts 2015-11-15.jpg |
 Galerina vittiformis 002 forma bispora spores Spalford Warren NR Notts 2015-11-15.jpg |
 Galerina vittiformis 003 forma bispora pleurocystidia 2015-11-15.jpg |
 Galerina vittiformis 004 forma bispora 2-spored basidia & cheilocystidia 2015-11-15.JPG |
 Galerina vittiformis CuckneyHayWood Apr-10 Howard Wiliams |
 Ganoderma applanatum Artist's Bracket Ash GamstonWood 05-07 HW |
 Ganoderma applanatum Artist's Bracket AttenboroughNR 16-10-07 RR |
 Ganoderma applanatum Artist's Bracket with galls |
 Ganoderma applanatum galled by Agathomyia wankowiczi ANR Sep-12 |
 Ganoderma _applanatum pores with galls ANR Howard Williams |
 Ganoderma applantum Artists Bracket ANR Jan-13.jpg |
 Geastrum coronatum in sand with hawthorn Barrow Hills Everton Notts 2018-10-28.jpg |
 Geastrum coronatum under hedge Windmill Lane .png |
 Geastrum pectinatum Annesley Yew Mar-07 RR |
 Geastrum_rufescens_1_BarrowHills_10-05_HW. |
 Geastrum rufescens 2 BarrowHills 10-05 HW |
 Geastrum rufescens Earthstar KingsmillReservoir 18-11-06 RR |
 Geastrum striatum 1 Conifer Bestwood Aug-07_RR |
 Geastrum striatum 2 Conifer Bestwood Aug-07 RR |
 Geastrum striatum Carton-in-LindrickChurchyard Howard Williams |
 Geastrum striatum Striate Earthstar Lound 11-07 HM |
 Geastrum triplex Birch Seller'sWood Dec-06 RR |
 Geastrum triplex Collared Earthstar University Oct-81 HF |
 Geoglossum cookeanum Earthtongue University 15-11-84 HF |
 Geoglossum glutinosum BestwoodCP Oct-12 HW |
 Geoglossum glutinosum MansfieldCemetery Sep-08 RR |
 Geopora arenosa BestwoodCP Oct-07 RR |
 Geopora sumneriana with cedars Chilwell garden Nottingham AL 2018-3-24.jpg |
 Geopora tenuis Hucknall allotment Nov-11 AW |
 Geupinia helvelloides Salmon Salad ClumberPark Oct-11 John Brown |
 Gloeophyllum odoratum Anise Mazegill Pine BarrowHills 02-06 HW |
 Gloeophyllum sepiarium SherwoodHeath Howard Williams |
 Gloeophyllum sepiarum SherwoodHeath Sep-07 RR |
 Grifola frondosa Hen of the Woods ClumberPark Oct-08 RR |
 Grifolia frondosa Hen of the Woods ClumberPark 19-10-07 Peter Smith |
 Guepinia helvelloides Costhorpe 12-06 HW |
 Guignardia philoprina on dead yew leaves CarltonWood Jun-14 HW m.jpg |
 Gymnopilus junonius ClarboroughNR Sep-14 HW m.jpg |
 Gymnopilus junonius Spectacular Rustgill AttenboroughNR Oct-07 RR |
 Gymnopilus junonius Spectacular Rustgill Beech University Oct-81 HF |
 Gymnopilus penetrans Common Rustgill 100AcreWood Oct-07 RR |
 Gymnopus aquosus (inset cystidia) CarltonWood Aug-11 HW |
 Gymnopus aquosus with beech note rhizomes 100AcreWood HW m.jpg |
 Gymnopus erythropus 100 Acre Wood nr Worksop NNotts 2019-10-5 .JPG |
 Gymnopus fusipes Sherwood Forest Sep-11 HW |
 Gymnopus inodorus 001 Gamston Wood Notts 2015-10-14.jpg |
 Gymnopus inodorus 003 x20 Gamston Wood Notts 2015-10-14.jpg |
 Gymnopus inodorus 004 cheilocystidia & spores 2015-10-14.jpg |
 Gymnopus peronatus 100AcreWood Jun-14 HW m.jpg |
 Gymnosporangiium sabinae Pear Rust RR |
 Gymnosporangium confusum causing juniper fungus by Alison Linton May-13.jpg |
 Gymnosporangium sabinae 001 Pear Rust leaf upper surface Hucknall allotment Notts 2015-10-10.jpg |
 Gymnosporangium sabinae 002 Pear Rust lower leaf surface Hucknall allotment Notts 2015-10-10.jpg |
 Gymnosporangium sabinae 003 pear leaf lower surface x20 2015-10-10.jpg |
 Gyromitra esculenta False Morel Sherwood Pines Apr-15 JWB.jpg |
 Gyromitra esculenta False Morel SherwoodPines Mar-14 JB .jpg |
 Gyroporus cyanescens Bluing Bolete SherwoodForest 09-05 AW |
 Handkea utriformis Mosaic Puffball WalkeringhamNR 09-05 HW |
 Hapalopilus nidulans showing KOH reaction DrinkingPitLane HW |
 Hapalopilus rutilans Cinnamon Bracket Beech DrinkingPitLane Sep-09 RR |
 Hebeloma aestivale cystidia and spores with br-leaf trees Duke's Wood NR Notts 2017-11-21.jpg |
 Hebeloma crustuliniforme Poisonpie Birch AttenboroughNR 15-10-07 RR |
 Hebeloma hetieri 001 grassy sand with alders Daneshill Lakes LNR Notts 2017-10-21.JPG |
 Hebeloma hetieri 002 dry cap with fine appressed fibrous scales Daneshill Lakes LNR Notts 2017-10-21.JPG |
 Hebeloma hetieri 005 narrowly clavate & swollen-headed cheilocystidia 2017-10-21.JPG |
 Hebeloma leucosarx in soil with br-leaf trees Vicar Water CP Notts 2018-9-30.JPG |
 Hebeloma mesophaeum Veiled Poisonpie AttenboroughNR Oct-07 RR. |
 Hebeloma mesophaeum Veiled Poisonpie University Oct-81HF |
 Hebeloma populinum.jpg |
 Hebeloma populinum with birch & br-leaf trees Thoresby Estate Notts 2019-11-9.png |
 Hebeloma pusillum Poisonpie University 30-9-84 HF |
 Helminthosporium velutinum on dead Spiraea japonica stem C-in-L garden Mar-15 HW s.jpg |
 Helvella acetabulum Peafield Lane Wood May-10 Howard Williams |
 Helvella acetabulum Vinegar Cup DaneshillLakes Apr-14 JB.jpg |
 Helvella corium Lound Mar-11 John Brown |
 Helvella corium Saddle BestwoodCP 2005 AW |
 Helvella crispa Daneshill Lakes Notts 2015-10-20 HW.jpg |
 Helvella crispa White Saddle 1 University 30-8-84 HF |
 Helvella crispa White Saddle Wollaton Hall Sep-09 RR |
 Helvella dissingii ThievesWood Nov-2013 HW m.jpg |
 Helvella elastica Elastic Saddle SherwoodForest Oct-08 RR |
 Helvella ephippium Broadleaf DrinkingPitLane 14-9-07 RR |
 Helvella lacunosa IdleValleyNR Jul-12 HW |
 Helvella leucomelaena by path edge SherwoodPines Apr-11 John Leach |
 Helvella leucomelaena path edge SherwoodPines Apr-11 John Leach |
 Helvella leucomelaena Sooty Cup Sherwood Pines Apr-15 JL.jpg |
 Helvella leucomelaena Sooty Cup Sherwood Pines Apr-15 JL.jpg |
 Helvellla sulcata (lacunosa) Elfin Saddle BestwoodCP 10-05 |
 Hemimycena cucullata RansomWood Nov-2013 HW.jpg |
 Hemimycena lactea Carlton in Lindrick churchyard Nov-10 Howard Williams |
 Hemimycena lactea Milky Bonnet SherwoodPines 15-12-07 RR |
 Hemimycena tortuosa Dewdrop bonnet and Chaetosphaerella phaeostroma Dukes Wood Nov-17 RR.jpg |
 Hemimycena tortuosa Dewdrop Bonnet LangoldCP 01-08 HW |
 Hericium cirrhatum on poplar trunk felled Toton Fields LNR Nottingham 2019-11-10 MB.jpg |
 Heterobasidion annosum on pine log BarrowHills Howard Williams |
 Heterobasidion annosum Root Rot BestwoodCP Nov-13 CL.jpg |
 Heterobasidion annosum Root Rot Conifer SherwoodPines Dec-07 RR |
 Heterobasidion annosum Root Rot DrinkingPitLane Dep-09 RR.jpg |
 Hohenbuehelia atrocaerulea Bunny Wood Richard Rogers |
 Humaria hemispherica Cup SherwoodForest 2007 AW |
 Humaria hemispherica SherwoodForest 22-7-07 RR |
 Hydropisphaeria arenula on dead nettle stem CarltonWood Apr-14 HW m.jpg |
 Hygrocybe chlorophana Golden Waxcap University 10-11-84 HF |
 Hygrocybe coccinea Scarlet Waxcap ClumberPark Oct-08 RR |
 Hygrocybe conica Blackening Waxcap AttenboroughNR 13-10-07 RR |
 Hygrocybe gliophora (irrigata) Rufford CP Notts HW 2015-9-30.jpg |
 Hygrocybe glutinipes MansfieldCemetery Howard Williams |
 Hygrocybe insipida in mossy soil with sycamore Carlton Wood Nov-2013 HW m.jpg |
 Hygrocybe insipida Spangle Waxcap University 14-10-84 HF |
 Hygrocybe miniata Vermilion Waxcap Budby Sep-10 Marion Bryce |
 Hygrocybe miniata Vermilion Waxcap CarltonWood 11-06 HW |
 Hygrocybe nigrescens Waxcap University 9-9-82 HF |
 Hygrocybe nivea Waxcap University 28-10-84 HF |
 Hygrocybe pratensis CarltonWood Howard Williams.jpg |
 Hygrocybe pratensis Meadow Waxcap Sherwood Heath Oct 08 RR |
 Hygrocybe pratensis Meadow Waxcap University 28-10-84 HF |
 Hygrocybe psittacina Parrot Waxcap University 11-10-87 HF |
 Hygrocybe quietus Oily Waxcap University 14-10-84 HF |
 Hygrocybe spadicea SherwoodForest Howard Williams |
 Hygrocybe strangulata Wxcap University 18-9-82 HF |
 Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca 100 Acre Wood Sep-11 HW |
 Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca False Chanterelle Budby John Brown |
 Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca False Chanterelle HaywoodOaks 12-03 AW |
 Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca var.pallida False Chanterelle Papplewick AW Oct-04 |
 Hygrophoropsis fuscosquamula from pine stump Spalford Warren Oct-10 HW |
 Hygrophoropsis pallida Walesby Scout Camp Oct-11 HW |
 Hygrophorus hypothejus Herald of Winter BudbyHeath 12-07 HW |
 Hygrophorus russula Pinkmottle Woodwax Beech University 20-9-84 HF |
 Hymenochaete rubiginosa on Sw Chestnut log Cuckney Hay Wood Notts 2016-9-28.JPG |
 Hymenochaete tabacina on Cherry Laurel CarltonWood Jan-14 HW m.jpg |
 Hymenoscyphus fructigenus on acorn husk PloughmansWood Dec-07 RR |
 Hymenoscyphus immutabilis on beech leaf BoughtonBrake Nov-14 HW s.jpg |
 Hymenoscyphus phyllophilus 001 on fallen branch Manton Pit Wood Worksop Notts 2021-1-2 AK .png |
 Hymenoscyphus scutula 001 on old herbaceous stem Worksop garden 2015-11-3.jpg |
 Hymenoscyphus scutula 002 spores 2015-11-3.JPG |
 Hymenoscyphus vitellinus Idle Valley NR HW |
 Hyphodontia breviseta on fallen beech branch CrossleyHillWood Mar-13.jpg |
 Hyphodontia crustosa on dead wood CarltonWood Jan-14 HW m.jpg |
 Hypholoma fasciculare Sulphur Tuft Alder AttenboroughNR 22-11-06 RR |
 Hypholoma fasciculare Sulphur Tuft University 16-9-82 HF |
 Hypholoma marginatum Snakeskin Brownie 1 SherwoodPines Sep-08 RR |
 Hypholoma marginatum Snakeskin Brownie 2 SherwoodPines Sep-08 RR |
 Hyphomycete Periconia hispidula on Glyceria maxima Idle Valley NR HW |
 Hypochnicium erikssonii on underside of br-leaf log CarltonWood Dec-12 HW |
 Hypochnicium sphaerosporum (Holn. & Litsch.)Erikss. cream crust, underside br-leaf log Carlton Wood NNotts 2020-4-11 |
 Hypocrea aureoviridis on lime Bestwood CP Nov-13.jpg |
 Hypocrea citrina Bestwood CP rotten decid trunk Oct-11 |
 Hypocrea gelatinosa EatonWood Feb-13 by John Leach.jpg |
 Hypoderma hederae on dead ivy leaf and petiole CarltonWood Apr-13 HW.jpg |
 Hypoderma hederae on dead ivy leaf Carlton Wood Mar-15 HW s.jpg |
 Hypoderma rubi on Rubus Colwick Park Apr-14 PT.jpg |
 Hypomyces aurantius on decaying polypore AttenboroughNR 17-11-07 RR |
 Hypomyces chrysospermum attacking Boletus chrysenteron University 15-9-82 HF |
 Hypomyces chrysospermus Bolete Mould SherwoodForest 26-8-07 RR |
 Hypomyces rosellus on white crust fungus on pine bark Manton Pit Wood Worksop Notts 2022-9-19.jpg |
 Hypomyces tulasneanus mould on Russula BestwoodCP 09-05 AW |
 Hypomyces tulasneanus mould on Russula or Lactarius BestwoodCP Oct-07 RR |
 Hypoxylon cohaerens on fallen beech branch 100AcreWood May-13 HW.jpg |
 Hypoxylon fragiforme Beech Woodwart HannahParkWood 13-9-07 RR |
 Hypoxylon fragiforme on fallen beech branch 100AcreWood May-13 HW.jpg |
 Hypoxylon fuscum on hazel Hodsock Mar-14 HW m.jpg |
 Hypoxylon howeanum and Geniculosporium stage willow Idle Valley NR HW |
 Hypoxylon howeanum on hawthorn ClarboroughNR Sep-14 HW m.jpg |
 Hypoxylon howeianum on oak with Nectria episphaeria CuckneyHayWood Apr-10 RR.jpg |
 Hypoxylon multiforme Birch Woodwart AttenboroughNR RR |
 Hypoxylon multiforme on birch LangoldLake Howard Williams |
 Hypoxylon petriniae Ash CuckneyHayWood 02-08 RR |
 Hypoxylon petriniae Rusty Woodwart on ash BarrowHills 06-06 HW |
 Hypoxylon petriniae showing ostioles with pale circles around CarltonWood HW |
 Hypoxylon rubiginosum Ash CuckneyHayWood 02-08 RR |
 Hypoxylon rubiginosum Rusty Woodwart on ash BarrowHills 06-06 HW |
 Hysterium angustatum on dead bramble stem Hodsock Mar-14 HW m.jpg |
 Illosporiopsis christiansenii plus conidiospores with Xanthoria parietina RR ANR Mar-15 s.jpg |
 Inocybe calospora basidium and spores in sandy soil Ransom Wood Notts 2017-11-29.jpg |
 Inocybe curvipes Fibrecap Lound Sep-06 HW |
 Inocybe dulcamara in sand with willows IdleValleyNR Jul-12 HW |
 Inocybe flocculosa Fleecy Fibrecap Oak SherwoodForest Jul-07RR |
 Inocybe flocculosa JubileePondsBleasby Oct-12 HW |
 Inocybe geophylla var lilacea CuckneyHayWood Sep-09 Howard Williams |
 Inocybe geophyllia var licacina Lilac Fibrecap Willow AttenboroughNR Oct-07 RR |
 Inocybe geophyllia White Fibrecap Willow AttenboroughNR Oct-07 RR |
 Inocybe griseolilacina Lilac Leg Fibrecap SherwoodForest |
 Inocybe hystrix Scaly Fibrecap John Brown |
 Inocybe inodora 001 in sandy grassy soil with Oak, Sherwood Forest NNR Notts 2016-10-8 .JPG |
 Inocybe inodora 002 short cystidia,spores, Sherwood Forest NNR Notts 2016-10-8.JPG |
 Inocybe jurana Fibrecap University 18-9-82 HF |
 Inocybe kuthanii 001.JPG |
 Inocybe kuthanii 002.JPG |
 Inocybe kuthanii 003 chelocystidia.JPG |
 Inocybe kuthanii 004 spores.JPG |
 Inocybe mixtilis JubileePondsBleasby Oct-12 HW |
 Inocybe napipes 001 Thoresby Estate Notts with pines 2015-9-20 HW.jpg |
 Inocybe napipes 002 Thoresby Estate Notts cheilocystidia & spores HW.JPG |
 Inocybe oblectabilis CarltonWood Howard Williams |
 Inocybe obscurobadia with beech HannahParkWood Oct-13 HW.jpg |
 Inocybe obsoleta 001 in grassy soil with br-leaf trees Eaton Wood NR Notts 2020-9-26.png |
 Inocybe obsoleta Sherwood Forest (Forestry Commission) 2016-7-28.jpg |
 Inocybe ochroalba with beech BoughtonBrake Oct-14 HW s.jpg |
 Inocybe ovatocystis WelbeckEstate Oct-12 HW |
 Inocybe posterula Fibrecap ScoftonPinesWindbreak Nov-06 HW |
 Inocybe praetervisa CuckneyHayWood Sep-09 Howard Williams |
 Inocybe pusio in lawn C-in-L Notts 2017-10-3.jpg |
 Inocybe rimosa Carlton-in-LindrickChurchyard Jul-12 HW |
 Inocybe rimosa CuckneyHayWood Sep-09 Howard Williams |
 Inocybe salicis soil with br-leaf trees Sherwood Forest NNR Notts 2018-10-7.JPG |
 Inocybe sambucina Gamston Wood NR Notts 2015-10-12.jpg |
 Inocybe sindonia SherwoodForest Oct-10 Howard Williams |
 Inocybe squamata 001 in sand with willows Idle Valley NR Notts 2015-8-30.jpg |
 Inocybe squamata 002 cheilocystidia 2015-8-30.JPG |
 Inocybe tarda 001 soil with oaks Sherwood Forest NNR Notts 2015-9-12 HW.jpg |
 Inocybe tarda 001 with willow & birch Daneshill Lakes Notts 20-10-25.jpg |
 Inocybe tarda 002 cheilocystidia shorter than in I. nitidiuscula 2015-10-25.jpg |
 Inocybe tarda 002 spores & cystidia 2015-9-12.JPG |
 Inocybe tarda 003 pleurocystidium shorter than in I. nitidiuscula 2015-10-25.jpg |
 Inocybe umbrina Oak SherwoodForest Aug-07 RR |
 Inonotus dryadeus Oak Bracke 1 Mansfield Sep-10 RR |
 Inonotus dryadeus Oak Bracke 2 Mansfield Sep-10 RR |
 Inonotus dryadeus Oak Bracket 3 Mansfield Sep-10 RR |
 Inonotus dryadeus on oak CarltonWood Jul-13 HW.jpg |
 Inonotus hispidus ash ANR Sep-08 RR |
 Inonotus hispidus ash shaggy top surface ANR Sep-08 RR |
 Inonotus obliquus Birch SherwoodForest Apr-09 RR |
 Ischnoderma benzoinum on pine Spalford Warren NR Notts 2015-11-15 MB.jpg |
 Ischnoderma benzoinum on pine stump WalesbyScoutCamp Oct-11 HW |
 Ischnoderma benzoinum SherwoodPines Sep-08 RR. |
 Ischnoderma resinosum 001 on old felled beech trunk Hannah Pk Wood Worksop Notts 2015-9-3 HW.JPG |
 Ischnoderma resinosum 002 on beech hymenium Hannah Pk Wood Worksop Notts 2015-9-3 HW.JPG |
 Ischnoderma resinosum 003 whitish context in cross section 2015-9-3 HW.JPG |
 Kuehneromyces leucolepidotus 001 on fal trunk Carlton Wood NNotts 2015-8-9.jpg |
 Kuehneromyces leucolepidotus 002 dense veil remnants on caps Carlton Wood NNotts 2015-8-9.jpg |
 Kuehneromyces leucolepidotus 003 lageniform cheilocystidia with blunt necks 17-25 x 6.5-8 microns 2015-8-11.jpg |
 Kuehneromyces mutabilis Sheathed Woodtuft CarltonWood Sep-01 HW |
 Kuehneromyces mutabilis Velvet Toughshank Willow AttenboroughNR Jan-07 RR |
 Kuehneromyces mutabilis willow LangoldCP Howard Williams |
 Laccaria amethystea Amethyst Deceiver Beech Annesley Dec-06 RR |
 Laccaria amethystina Amethyst Deceiver ClumberPark Oct-07 Peter Smith |
 Laccaria amethystina BudbyHeath Nov-06 Howard Williams |
 Laccaria bicolor Bicoloured Deceiver University Oct-83 HF |
 Laccaria laccata Deceiver University Sep-82 HF |
 Laccaria laccata The Deceiver Oak SherwoodForest 22-7-07 RR |
 Laccaria proxima BudbyHeath 11-06 Howard Williams |
 Laccaria proxima Scurfy Deceiver Broadleaf SherwoodForest 26-8-07 RR |
 Laccaria proxima Scurfy Deceiver HaywoodOaks 2002 AW |
 Laccaria tortilis Lound Sep-06 Howard Williams |
 Lachnella alboviolascens CarltonWood Feb-14.HW m.jpg |
 Lachnellula occidentalis Larch disco Asco SherwoodPines 15-12-07 RR |
 Lachnellula occidentalis x60 on larch twig CarltonWood Apr-13 HW.jpg |
 Lachnellula subtilissima Conifer Disco CuckneyHayWood 02-08 RR |
 Lachnellula subtilissima on pine CuckneyHayWood Howard Williams |
 Lachnum brevipilosum Broadleaf BestwoodCP 17-10-07 HW |
 Lachnum impudicum on willow AttenboroughNR by TS and RR Dec-15.jpg |
 Lachnum niveum on oak x20 CarltonWood Oct-14 HW m.jpg |
 Lachnum virgineum Snowy Disco May-13 JB.jpg |
 Lachnum virgineum Snowy Disco ThorebyEstate 05-06 HW |
 Lacrymaria lacrymabunda Weeping Widow AttenboroughNR 14-10-07 RR |
 Lacrymaria lacrymabunda Weeping Widow Hucknall 2006 AW |
 Lactarius acerrimus University Sep-82 HF |
 Lactarius blennius Beech Milkcap DrinkingPitLane 13-9-07 RR |
 Lactarius britannicus Milkcap University 22-9-84 HF |
 Lactarius circellatus Milkcap University 9.9.82 HF |
 Lactarius controversus with birch Oct-10 Gamston Wood NR HW |
 Lactarius controversus with willow Gamston Wood Nottts 2015-10-14.JPG |
 Lactarius deliciosus Saffron Milkcap ScoftonPinesWindbreak 11-06 HW |
 Lactarius deterrimus False Saffron Milkcap University 11-10-87 HF |
 Lactarius fulvissimus AttenboroughNR Nov-09 RR |
 Lactarius glyciosmus Coconut Milkcap Broadleaf BestwoodCP Oct-07 RR |
 Lactarius lacunarium BestwoodCP Dec-11 |
 Lactarius pubescens Bearded Milkcap Birch AttenboroughNR Sep-07 RR |
 Lactarius pubescens Bearded Milkcap Birch University 29-9-84 HF |
 Lactarius pubescens Bearded Milkcap Lound Aug-11 John Brown |
 Lactarius quietus Oak Milkcap SherwoodForest 26-8-07 RR |
 Lactarius rufus Rufous Milkcap AttenboroughNR 14-10-07 RR |
 Lactarius tabidus Birch Milkcap SherwoodForest 22-7-07 RR |
 Lactarius torminosus Woolly Milkcap BestwoodCP 10-05 AW |
 Lactarius torminosus Woolly Milkcap University 15-9-82 HF |
 Lactarius turpis Ugly Milkcap Birch SherwoodForest 26-8-07 RR |
 Lactarius turpis Ugly Milkcap Birch University 4-10-84 HF |
 Lactarius vellereus CentreParcs 10-05 AW |
 Laetiporus sulphureus Chicken of the Woods AttenboroughNR Oct-07 RR |
 Laetiporus sulphureus on oak SherwoodForest Aug-06 Howard Williams |
 Lamprospora crouanii on moss BestwoodCP Nov-12-HW |
 Langermannia gigantea Giant Puffball University 19-8-84 HF |
 Lasiosphaeria canescens Dyscarr Wood Mar-11 Howard Williams |
 Lasiosphaeria ovina Clumber Park Aug-11 John Brown |
 Lasiosphaeria spermoides IdleValley Sep-11 HW |
 Lasiosphaeria strigosa EatonWood Dec-12 John Leach |
 Laxitextum bicolor on beech log Eaton Wood NR Notts 2016-11-5 MB.JPG |
 Lecanidion atratum IdleValley June-14 HW m.jpg |
 Leccinum scabrum Brown Birch Bolete AttenboroughNR 12-10-07 RR |
 Leccinum scabrum Brown Birch Bolete Wollaton Park 19-9-82 HF |
 Leccinum scabrum with birch Daneshill Lakes Notts 2015-10-25.jpg |
 Leccinum versipelle 005 Rainworth Heath NR Notts in grass with birch 2015-9-18.JPG |
 Leccinum versipelle BestwoodCP 17-10-07 RR |
 Leccinum versipelle Orange Birch Bolete BestwoodCP Summer 02 |
 Leccinum versipelle Rainworth Heath NR Notts 2017-9-29.JPG |
 Lentinellus ursinus 1 on rotten log Rufford CP Notts 2015-9-30 HW.jpg |
 Lentinellus ursinus 2 saw-edged gills Rufford CP Notts 2015-9-30 HW.jpg |
 Lenzites betulinus BestwoodCP Nov-09 Howard Williams |
 Lenzites betulinus BestwoodCP Nov-09 Richard Rogers |
 Leocarpus fragilis Baked bean fungus Pine University 6-11-87 HF |
 Leocarpus fragilis with spores BestwoodCP Dec-11 |
 Lepiota aspera Brinsley Headstocks 5th November 2017 DM |
 Lepiota aspera Brinsley Headstocks 5th November 2017 DM |
 Lepiota brunneoincarnata under Cedrus sp Rolleston churchyard Notts 2015-11-15 CL.jpg |
 Lepiota brunneoincernata Deadly Dapperling University 26-8-84 HF |
 Lepiota cortinarius MillLakesBestwood in soil & litter Oct-12 HW |
 Lepiota cristata Stinking Parasol TrentHouseGarden 05 AW. |
 Lepiota echinacea BestwoodCP Nov-13 CL.jpg |
 Lepiota echinella in sandy soil 100 Acre Wood nr Worksop Notts 2018-10-21.JPG |
 Lepiota excoriata Dapperling University 23-9-84 HF |
 Lepiota friesii Dapperling University 26-8-84 HF |
 Lepiota fuscovinacea BestwoodMillLakes Oct-12 |
 Lepiota grangei Green Dapperling ClumberPark 2005 AW |
 Lepiota leucothites Dapperling University Autumn77 HF |
 Lepiota lilacea Dapperling Carlton-in-Lindrick 07-07 HW |
 Lepiota lilacea with rhizomes CarltonWorksop May-06 Howard Williams |
 Lepiota magnispora White Domecap Dapperling 100AcreWood 10-06 HW |
 Lepiota magnispora Worksop Sep-10 RR |
 Lepiota pseudoasperula a SherwoodForest Oct-08 RR |
 Lepiota pseudoasperula b SherwoodForest Oct-08 RR |
 Lepiota rhacodes University 19-8-84 HF |
 Lepiota tomentella bullet-shaped spores 2019-10-12.JPG |
 Lepiota tomentella with br-leaf trees .jpg |
 Lepista flaccida Tawny Funnel Connifer SherwoodPines 15-12-07 RR |
 Lepista irina C-in-L churchyard Notts 2015-12-7.jpg |
 Lepista nuda piggy backed Nov-11 RR |
 Lepista nuda Wood Blewitt Birch SellersWood 30-12-06 RR |
 Lepista nudaWood Blewitt University 12-11-83 HF |
 Lepista panaeolus BarrowHills in sandy grass Oct-12 HW |
 Lepista saeva ClarboroughNR Feb-14 HW m.jpg |
 Leptoglossum retirugum TrentHouseGardens 02-06 AW |
 Leptonia lazulina University 30-9-84 HF |
 Leptosphaeria acuta dead nettle stem CarltonWood Howard Williams |
 Leptosphaeria acuta Lound Mar-11 John Brown |
 Leptosphaeria doliolum Colwick Park Apr-14 PT.jpg |
 Leptosphaeria ogilviensis 2015-5-16 001 on dead ragwort stem Ransom Wood Notts.jpg |
 Leptosphaeria ogilviensis 2015-5-16 002 on ragwort stem x20 Ransom Wood Notts.JPG |
 Leptosphaeria ogilviensis 2015-5-16 003 5-septate ascospores.JPG |
 Leratiomyces ceres at Ransom Wood Oct-13 by John Brown.jpg |
 Leucoagaricus badhamii in soil with br-leaf trees,bruising orange,Eaton Wood NR Notts 2016-11-5.JPG |
 Leucoagaricus badhamii Papplewick Notts LS.JPG |
 Leucoagaricus leucothites NUJC 09-08 JRC 1 |
 Leucoagaricus leucothites NUJC 09-08-JRC 2. |
 Leucoagaricus leucothites Smooth Dapperling University Sep-10 RR |
 Leucoagaricus sublittoralis HundredAcreWood Oct-13 HW montage.jpg |
 Lewia infectoria 2015-4-25 001 on dead grass stems Portland Park Notts .JPG |
 Lewia infectoria 2015-4-25 002 x20 Portland Park Notts.JPG |
 Lewia infectoria 2015-4-25 003 asci & spores .JPG |
 Libertella faginea HannahParkWood 13-9-07 RR |
 Lophiostoma origani var rubidum on dead Spiraea japonica stem C-in-L garden Mar-15 HW s.jpg |
 Lophodermium pinastri on needle litter HaywoodOaks Mar-10 HW |
 Lophodermium pinastri on Scots Pine needle 100 Acre Wood JB Feb-15.jpg |
 Lycogala epidendrum Willow AttenboroughNR RR |
 Lycoperdon excipuliformis IdleValleyNR Oct-14 HW s.jpg |
 Lycoperdon lividum ScoftonPinesWindbreak 11-06 Howard Williams |
 Lycoperdon nigrescens Budby Nov-06 Howard Williams |
 Lycoperdon nigrescens Dusky Puffball Birch SherwoodForest 26-8-07 RR |
 Lycoperdon perlatum Common Puffball AttenboroughNR 22-7-07 RR |
 Lycoperdon perlatum PeafieldLaneWood Sep-09 Howard Williams |
 Lycoperdon pyriforme on beech stump 10cms high x 5cms broad 100 Acre Wood Dec-14 HW.jpg |
 Lycoperdon pyriforme on stump CarltonWood Dec-12 HW |
 Lycoperdon pyriforme Stump Puffball University Nov-83 HF |
 Lycoperdon pyriforme Stump Puffball Willow AttenboroughNR Dec-07 RR |
 Lyophyllum connatum ScoftonPineWindbreak 10-07 HW |
 Lyophyllum connatum White Domecap note violet staining with iron CenterParcs Sep-12 |
 Lyophyllum connatum with gill reaction with iron SherwoodForest Oct-08 HW |
 Lyophyllum decastes Clustered Domecap LangoldCP 11-06 HW |
 Lyophyllum decastes Clustered Domecap University 3-11-84 HF |
 Lyophyllum gangrenosum Hodsock Estate Sep-11 HW |
 Macrocystidia cucumis Cucumber Cap Carlton-in-Lindrick 10-06 HW |
 Macrolepiota excoriata Parasol MansfieldCemetery Autumn 06 AW |
 Macrolepiota procera MansfieldCemetery Howard Williams |
 Macrolepiota procera Parasol MansfieldCemetery Autumn 05 AW |
 Macrolepiota procera Scofton Howard Williams |
 Macrolepiota rhacodes Shaggy Parasol AttenboroughNR 14-10-07 |
 Macrolepiota rhacodes Shaggy Parasol CarltonWood 09-05 HW |
 Macrotyphula fistulosa Pipe Club BestwoodCP Nov-09 RR |
 Macrotyphula fistulosa Pipe Club SherwoodForest Oct-08 RR |
 Macrotyphula fistulosa var. contorta Pipe Club Lound Nov-14 JWB.jpg |
 Marasmius curreyi (graminum) TrentHouseGarden 08-06 AW |
 Marasmius epiphyllus Leaf Parachute Birch SellersWood 1-1-07 RR |
 Marasmius oreades Fairy Ring Champignon University 13-9-84 HF |
 Marasmius oreades Hodsock Pastures Notts 2015-8-27.JPG |
 Marasmius rotala Collared Parachute University Sep-83 HF |
 Marasmius rotula Collared Parachute AttenboroughNR 7-7-07 RR |
 Marasmius wynnei BestwoodCP Nov-13 RR.jpg |
 Megacollybia platyphylla Rufford CP Notts 2015-9-30 HW.jpg |
 Megacollybia platyphylla White-laced Shank SherwoodForest 23-6-07 RR |
 Melampsora hypericorum on Hypericum androsaemum ANR Jul-07 RR |
 Melampsora laricis-populina on aspen leaf Worksop Nov-14 HW m.jpg |
 Melampsora populnea on White Poplar Carlton-in-Lindrick Jun-14 HW m.jpg |
 Melampsoridium betulinum on birch leaf LangoldCP Oct-14 HW m.jpg |
 Melanoleuca arcuata Cavalier University 2-10-84 HF |
 Melanoleuca melaleuca Cavalier Carlton-in-Lindrick 10-05 HW |
 Melanoleuca meloleuca 003 in grass Rainworth Heath NR Notts 2015-9-18.JPG |
 Melanoleuca polioleuca Common Cavalier Scofton 10-07 HW |
 Melanoleuca stridula 1 BarrowHills Howard Williams |
 Melanoleuca stridula 2 BarrowHills Howard Williams |
 Melanomma pulvis-pyrius on broadleaf wood BestwoodCP 09-07 HW |
 Melanophyllum haematospermum Redspored Dapperling Arboretum Sep-10 RR |
 Melanophyllum haematospermum with beech BoughtonBrake Oct-14 HW m.jpg |
 Melanophylum echinatum Dapperling University 12-11-83 HF |
 Melanotus horizontalis 001 Budby Meadowbank Notts 2015-11-4.jpg |
 Melanotus horizontalis 002 Budby Meadowbank Notts 2015-11-4.jpg |
 Melanotus horizontalis Hardwood SherwoodHeath 30-9-07 RR |
 Melastiza chateri Orange Cup MissonCarrNR 11-06 HW |
 Melastiza cornubiensis Clumber Park Oct-11 John Leach |
 Melastiza cornubiensis WellowPark Sep-14 HW m.jpg |
 Meottomyces dissimulans ClarboroughNR Feb-14 HW.jpg |
 Meottomyces dissimulans (was Phaeogalera dissimulans) AttenboroughNR Jan-07 RR .jpg |
 Meripilus giganteus Giant Polypore HannahParkWood 13-9-07 RR |
 Meripilus giganteus RetfordCemetery Howard Williams |
 Micropodia pteridina on dead bracken base 100AcreWood May-13 HW.jpg |
 Micropodia pteridina on dead bracken stem base x60 HodsockEstate Mar-13 HW m.jpg |
 Microspaera Alphitoides Oak Mildew SherwoodForest 26-8-07 RR |
 Mitrophora semilibera Semifree morel GamstonWood Apr-14 JB.jpg |
 Mollisia cinerea Common Grey Disco SherwoodHeath 30-9-07 RR |
 Mollisia cinerea Haywood Oaks Mar-10 Howard Wiliams |
 Mollisia cinerea HaywoodOaks Mar-10 Richard Rogers |
 Mollisia cinerea SherwoodForest May-13 HW.jpg |
 Mollisia cinerella on rotten wood 100AcreWood Jun-14 HW m.jpg |
 Mollisia ligni on willow log Hodsock-Blyth footpath Apr-15 HW s.jpg |
 Mollisia lignis on rotten wood CarltonWood Jan-14 HW m.jpg |
 Monilinia fructigenus on old damson ClarboroughNR Sep-14 HW m.jpg |
 Monilinia johnsonii Haw Goblet DaneshillLakes Apr-14 JB.jpg |
 Monilinia johsonii Haw Cup Sherwood Pines Apr-15 JWB.jpg |
 Morchella elata Black Morel NottinghamUniversity May-12 Marion Bryce |
 Morchella esculenta var umbrina Hucknall Apr-12 AW |
 Morchella vulgaris Carlton-in-Lindrick Howard Williams |
 Morchella vulgaris Morel Worksop 04-06 HW |
 Mucilago crustacea Annesley 9-12-06 RR |
 Mutinus caninus Dog Stinkhorn NewsteadAbbey 10-05 AW |
 Mutinus caninus Dog Stinkhorn NewsteadAbbey 10-05 HW |
 Mutinus caninus Gamston Wood NR Notts 2015-10-14.jpg |
 Mycena acicula 001 Idle Valley NR Notts 2017-4-23.JPG |
 Mycena acicula Orange Bonnet Oak SherwoodForest Jun-07 RR |
 Mycena acicula Orange Bonnet University Sep-83 HF |
 Mycena adonis var coccinea ClumberPark Sept-12 John Leach |
 Mycena adscendens AttenboroughNR 30-11-06 RR |
 Mycena adscendens Frosty Bonnet ClumberPark Aug-11 John Brown |
 Mycena adscendens Frosty Bonnet with cystidia by John Brown (2011) and Howard Williams (2015) s.jpg |
 Mycena aetites Bonnet University 29-9-84 HF |
 Mycena aetites Carburton Sep-10 Howard Williams |
 Mycena aetites SherwoodHeath 30-9-07 RR |
 Mycena amicta 001 Haywood Oaks Notts 2015-11-13.jpg |
 Mycena amicta 002 Haywood Oaks Notts 2015-11-13.jpg |
 Mycena amicta Coldfoot Bonnet SherwoodPines Mar-14 JB.jpg |
 Mycena arcangeliana Angel's Bonnet MissonCarr 29-10-06 HW |
 Mycena arcangeliana Angel's Bonnet Willow AttenboroughNR Oct-07 RR |
 Mycena galericulata CarltonWood Howard Williams |
 Mycena galericulata Common Bonnet Willow AttenboroughNR Jan-07 RR |
 Mycena galericulata EatonWoodNR Nov-11 |
 Mycena galericulata (immature) CarltonWood Howard Williams |
 Mycena galopus var nigra Black Milking Bonnet BestwoodCP Oct-07 RR |
 Mycena galopus var nigra Black Milking Bonnet HaywoodOaks HW |
 Mycena hiemalis Willow AttenboroughNR 18-10-07 RR |
 Mycena inclinata CarltonWood Dec-12 HW |
 Mycena inclinata HundredAcreWood Oct-13 HW.jpg |
 Mycena maculata on woodchips & soil EatonWoodNR Nov-11 |
 Mycena pearsoniana Conifer 24-7-07 RR |
 Mycena polyadelpha Bonnet Oak Ploughmans Wood Dec-07 RR |
 Mycena pura Lilac Bonnet BestwoodCP 17-10-07 RR |
 Mycena pura var alba SherwoodForestNNR in oak litter Sep-14 HW m.jpg |
 Mycena pura var rosea PeafieldLaneWood Howard Williams |
 Mycena purpureofusca 1 ClumberPark Feb-12 John Brown |
 Mycena purpureofusca 2 ClumberPark Feb-12 John Brown |
 Mycena purpureofusca Rotten Pine NorthNotts 01-08 HW |
 Mycena rosella 001 on old pine needles Haywood Oaks Notts 2015-11-13.jpg |
 Mycena rosella 002 pink-edged gills Haywood Oaks Notts 2015-11-13.JPG |
 Mycena sanguinolenta Bleeding Bonnet Farndon Willow Holt Nov-14 MB s.jpg |
 Mycena stylobates Bonnet Willow AttenboroughNR 3-12-06 RR |
 Mycena viscosa Bonnet University17-8-84 HF |
 Mycena vulgaris 001 on buried cone Hodsock Horse Pasture Wood Notts 2015-8-27.JPG |
 Mycena vulgaris 002 on buried pine cone Hodsock Horse Pasture Wood Notts 2015-8-27.JPG |
 Mycoacia uda on oak x20 SherwoodForest Oct-14 HW m.jpg |
 Mycosphaerella superflua on dead nettle stem CarltonWood Apr-14 HW m.jpg |
 Myriosclerotinia curreyana on submerged Juncus IdleValley Apr-11 HW |
 Pholiota alnicola with rotting log .jpg |