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Nina Ludwig | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mushrooms tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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I am very fond of fungi and I think they make great subjects for photography. If I can identify them and they end up on my plate so much the better.
To see more of my mushroom collection on my personal website please click:: HERE::
Birthday Card Fungi Giant Bracket Fungus Bracket Fungus w_3538.jpg
Shaggy Parasol Magpie Inkcap Season of Mellow Fruitfulness Golden Shield Lichen Little Beauty
Fly Agaric Group Mushroom-21.gif Fungi w1000688.jpg Fungi
Bracket Fungus Yellow Fly Agaric Unidentified Fairy Caps Oyster Mushroom ?
Fungi on Mossy Stump Delicate w-00063 copy.jpg Fungi Parasol Mushroom ( Macrolepiota procera)
w_6594.jpg Bracket Fungi on Beech Fairy Caps King of mushrooms Armillaria Honey Fungus
In the Spotlight Delicate Fairy Caps Shaggy Inkcaps Boletus Luridus Boletus Luridus.jpg
Fungi Fairy Bonnets Yellow fungi Horse Mushroom Shaggy Ink Cap
Phallus Impudicus Fungus Fungi Fly Agaric Fairy Caps
Bracket Fungi The Season of Mellow Fruitfulness Incredible Colour Fly agaric Birch Bolete
ms022l.jpg ms021l.jpg ms014l.jpg ms007l.jpg ms006l.jpg
ms002l.jpg ms001l.jpg Mushroom Shaggy Parasol