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Buildings are something I turn my camera to now and then, sometimes old sometimes new.
To see more of my photography on my personal website please click:: HERE::
Clocktower Gallery Outside Archway Come In St Fagans
Brighton Bandstand Nelsons Stair 2 Entrance Looking up Curves
Fathepur Sikri LLoyds Russian Orthodox Church Shadows of the Past Times Bottoms Up!
On the Pier City Reflected Where is the Ghost? Michelham Priory Where is the Ghost?
IR-075persp_filtered.jpg La Mairie Looking Up Nelson Stair Millenium Bridge
Looking Down Wales Millenium Centre, Cardiff Painted with Light Touched by the Sun Colourful
London Reflections Staircase Apsley House Ochre.jpg Detail
Verona Staircase Piano Nobile All Saints Church, Carshalton All Saints Church, Carshalton Organic Shapes
Taj Mahal Shell-like Rudolf Steiner House Wakehurst Place Wakehurst Place
Rudolf Steiner House Staircase Country Inn Sharp Docklands Colours Brighton Pavillion
bw_0696.jpg Lavenham Lavenham Little Hall, Lavenham Photographer
Lookout Early Light Rooflights Victoria and Albert Museum Shadows and Light
On the Pier Brighton Pier Early Evening Glow Natural History Museum Porch Shadows
There'll be a welcome.... Local History Mosaic Feeling Blue Timeworn Dragon's Breath
St Michael's Church, Mickleham Ufton Manor, Berkshire Ufton Manor, Berkshire Ufton Manor, Berkshire Ufton Manor, Berkshire
Wales Millenium Centre 08378 web.jpg 08376web.jpg Trinity College, Oxford All Souls College, Oxford
All Souls College, Oxford Merton College, Oxford Oxford in Bloom Seen in Oxford Wales Millenium Centre
Tulip Stair Victorian Splendour Fire Escape Dazzled in Seattle #3 Dazzled in Seattle #2