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A small gallery of my monochrome and almost monochrome images. :)
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Life art on live canvas Li River Cruise God save us from more shopping Lijiang Ancient Chestnut
Umbrellas Heavy Burden Incognito in Lijiang w_151003.jpg Alfresco Diner.jpg
Alfresco3.jpg Why are we waiting Goliath Brompton Cemetery Laid Back
Misty Mesa Verde Brown Bear Juniper Wave Action
In Memoriam Hastings Beach Quarell Not With a Mighty Man Old and New RIP
Arcade Goliath RIP Resting Inspired
A Big Toy Aftermath 100 % Recyclable Brompton Cemetery Meteora
Little Beauty Forest Magic bw2-1020881.jpg A Light Corner Dartmoor Ponies
Installation Trakoscan Lake Why Are We Waiting? Toplit Queue Chequered
Lana bw_4705.jpg Nightmare Mushroom The Chase
Statue of Liberty? Shadows of Provence Why the Long Face? Michelham Priory Jewel in the Lake.jpg
I Blame Him! Victorian Heights On Big Moose Lake First  Light Dawn on Big Moose Lake
Elegance of a Bygone Era IR-075persp_filtered.jpg Rooflight Handrail Looking Up
Elegance Past Times Zagreb Elegant Inside The Monument
Mysterious Arriving in London Reclining Fog