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Nina Ludwig | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Landscapes tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Landscape photography is far from easy and for me it is a challenge I enjoy. This gallery will have subject matter from many
corners of the world as I love to travel. To go back to my personal website please click:: HERE::
If you enjoy this gallery please vote so that more people get to see it.... I very much appreciate your feedback. Thank you for your visit and please come again.

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Blue Lagoon Waves First Light Lake District Derbyshire
Another Indian Ocean Dawn Michelham Priory Morning Mist A Field of Poppies Harvest Time
Carshalton Pond Reflection Hong Kong Sundown A Sea of Blue Reflections in the Mote Michelham Priory
Remarkable Rocks Jumping Off Desert Moon Mist at the Pond At the End of the Day
Frozen Pond Colours of Provence Meteora.jpg Wet Morning Early
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