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My daughter Tanya visited the North of India in July 2005.To see her pictures click on the gallery thumbnail below. In 2008 I followed in her footsteps, travelling in Rajasthan,
with a short visit to Kerala. Some of my impressions are posted in this gallery. To see more of my photography on my personal website please click:: HERE::
Tanya's Pictures
:: Tanya's Pictures ::
Jama Masjid Mosque, Delhi w-2825 Jama Masjid Mosque Delhi.jpg Diwali Lights New Delhi
Taj Mahal Trafic Jam Street Scene Liquid Gold Rajput Smile
Barefoot Bikaner Fort Detail Street Market Street Scene Read All About It!
Colourful Visitors.jpg Taj Mahal Red Fort Detail Red Fort Visitors Palace of the Winds
Palace of the Winds Cooking Breakfast Detail Galleries Carving
Welcome Smile Amber Fort Window Jaipur Lake Palace (Jai Mahal) Jaipur Lake Palace (Jai Mahal) Sweeping
Past Times Fathepur Sikri Fathepur Sikri Doorways Resting
Jewel in the Lake.jpg Taj Mahal Mosque Manwar Camp In the Desert