:: Summer Semipalmated Plover ASY vs SY vs plumage dilution ::
:: Piping vs Snowy Plover - Hypomelanism - dilution ::
:: Bill chromatic aberrations (color mutations) in birds ::
:: Samples of abnormal melanin distribution in bill and legs (soft parts) in aberrant Laughing Gulls ::
:: Aberrant Black Skimmers; Hypomelanism - presumably “brown” mutation ::
:: When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth - Introducing Tyrannosaurus melodus ::
:: Texas City Fork-tailed Flycatcher ::
:: Ardeidae - hybrids ::
:: Glaucous Gull UTC April 21, 2018 ::
:: Great Black-backed Gull UTC April 21, 2018 ::
:: Great Black-backed Gull UTC March 17, 2018 ::
:: Red Knot alphanumeric flags becoming unreadible ::
:: Red Knot with attached geolocator ::
:: Black-bellied Plovers with alphanumeric flags - Texas ::
:: Elegant Tern - UTC December 3, 1017 ::
:: Iceland Gull (Thayer’s) - UTC December 2, 1017 ::
:: Tamaulipas Crow (Corvus imparatus) - South Padre Island - November 24, 2017 ::
:: Sanderlings (2) paralyzed by BoNt neurotoxin – Avian Botulism ::
:: White-tailed Eagle ::
:: Mute Swan ::
:: Grey Seal ::
:: Semipalmated vs Common Ringed Plover WEBS BETWEEN DIGITS ::
:: Common Ringed Plover - banded - summer 2017 ::
:: Dunlin - banded - summer 2017 ::
:: Great Cormorant July 15, 2017 ::
:: Surf Scoter - May 27, 2017 Bolivar Peninsula including close ups of bill, tongue and lobed hallux ::
:: Parasitic Jaeger - March 26, 2017 Bolivar Peninsula, Texas ::
:: Peregrine Falcon with bi-color black over blue band - Texas ::
:: Seagulls ::
:: Great Black-backed Gull - Bolivar Peninsula Texas October 15, 2016 ::
:: Great Black-backed Gull HY and Franklin’s Gull HY - Bolivar Peninsula Texas October 8, 2016 ::
:: Royal Tern with mysterious “conjoined” head on its body flank ::
:: ‘Flying’ spider makes stop on Least Tern incubating eggs ::
:: Sanderlings - VHF radio tagged with green alphanumeric flags ::
:: Quiz - remarkable seagull ::
:: Royal Tern - band 1054-28583 or 1094-28583 - Texas ::
:: American Herring Gull - October 16, 2015 - UTC ::
:: Cayenne-type Tern with predominantly orange bill in basic plumage - Texas ::
:: Red Knot - banded - flag TU3 ::
:: Least Tern - 12 years old (13 cy) ::
:: Piping Plover tangled in fishing line - need for regulations and laws ::
:: Common Tern - examples of wavy edges of primary feathers ::
:: Common Tern with many longipennis characteristics - Texas ::
:: Cayenne-type Terns April 2015 - Upper Texas Coast ::
:: Pomarine Jaeger - Quintana Island - Texas - June 8, 2015 ::
:: Pomarine Jaeger (2) - Bolivar Peninsula - Texas - May 2015 ::
:: Laughing Gull with stolen embryo ::
:: Surf Scoter - May 23, 2014 - Bolivar Peninsula, Texas ::
:: 20 thousands Common Tern migrating flock – Texas ::
:: Cabot’s and Royal Tern - pink flush - spring 2015 ::
:: Cayenne Terns (2) – April 9, 2015 – Texas Upper Coast ::
:: American Herring Gull with odd leg color - Galveston Ferry Landing - April 2015 ::
:: Wilson’s and Snowy Plover - bands ::
:: Piping Plover - bands - wintering grounds in Texas ::
:: Least Tern - bands 2009 - present ::
:: Ring-billed Gull March 14, 2015 ::
:: Black Tern - Upper Texas Coast - March 14, 2015 - my earliest spring record ::
:: Sabine’s Gull SY - Upper Texas Coast ::
:: Black Tern - underwing color and winter head patterns ::
:: Birds feeding on catfish and crayfish February 2, 2015 UTC ::
:: Double-crested Cormorant killing large catfish ::
:: Duck ID - Upper Texas Coast 2015 ::
:: American Herring Gull - green alphanumeric band # 69C ::
:: Black Tern HY with tail and uppertail covert subterminal bands ::
:: Black Tern - pink flush ::
:: Black Tern with brown belly ::
:: Semipalmated Plover with orange bill - December 20, 2014 ::
:: Merlin with prey ::
:: Mountain Plover - Upper Texas Coast - Bolivar Peninsula - December 20, 2014 ::
:: Mountain Plover - Upper Texas Coast - Bolivar Peninsula - December 14, 2014 ::
:: Black-legged Kittiwake - Upper Texas Coast - Texas City Dike - December 14, 2014 ::
:: Elegant Tern - November 1, 2014 - Upper Texas Coast - new state record ::
:: Elegant Tern - Bolivar Peninsula - Upper Texas Coast - September 14, 2013 ::
:: Iceland Gull - UTC - July-September 2014 ::
:: Presumed Grant’s Storm-Petrel (Band-rumped Storm-Petrel complex) onshore June 28, 2014 UTC ::
:: Common Tern with extremely long steamers ::
:: Banded birds: Least Tern, Piping and Snowy Plover, Red Knot ::
:: Sandwich Tern stubbing and biting Royal’s butt during copulation ::
:: Glaucous Gull - UTC April 13, 2014 ::
:: American White Pelican - birds oiled during Galveston Bay oil spill ::
:: Least Tern - birds oiled during Galveston Bay oil spill ::
:: Terns courting - Bolivar Peninsula - March 22 2014. During the day of oil spill in the Galveston Bay near Texas City Dike ::
:: Turkey Vulture feeding on Caspian Tern and American Herring Gull carcasses ::
:: Fun with Texas Terns during winter - how many species can you see? (quiz) ::
:: Great-tailed Grackle - technique of cracking open bivalve mollusc shells ::
:: Least, Forster’s, Gull-billed, Caspian, Royal and Black Tern, Black Skimmer, Osprey and other birds flying upside-down ::
:: Grackles - Trio traveling and foraging together ::
:: Osprey harassed by American White Pelican who unsuccessfully tried to steal fish in mid-air ::
:: American White and Brown Pelican robbing Osprey - successful attempts to steal fish ::
:: 3cy Thayer's Gull? ::
:: HY Caspian Terns - in juvenile peach color plumage with light crown - UTC summer 2013 ::
:: Ruff Gull ::
:: Red-headed Woodpecker - Quintana - UTC -October 20, 2013 ::
:: Laughing Gull with fishing line - UTC - October 5, 2013 ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull - flock of 27 birds - UTC - October 5, 2013 ::
:: Playing with the wind; incredible aerial acrobats: terns and skimmers ::
:: Brown Pelicans attacking Laughing Gull ::
:: Forster’s Tern with gray body feathers ::
:: Terns UTC - September 2, 2013 ::
:: Common Tern HY - UTC - September 2, 2013 ::
:: Royal Tern - swallowing large fish ::
:: Caspian Tern with “Colombian necktie” ::
:: Ring-billed and American Herring Gull - summer arrivals - UTC - 2013 ::
:: Black Tern - juvenile Chlidonias n. surinamensis with niger hood pattern and other plumage variations ::
:: Royal Tern manipulating and swallowing tetraodontiform ::
:: Least Tern chasing Willet ::
:: Common Nighthawk attacked by Least Tern ::
:: Least Tern chasing Laughing Gull ::
:: Least Tern - growth and plumages during first year of life ::
:: Summering Lesser Black-backed Gulls: UTC - June-July 2013 - examples ::
:: Least Tern - aerial dispute ::
:: Royal Tern catching and transporting tetraodontiform ::
:: Terns - foraging - surface dipping ::
:: Least Tern SY - Banded - found spring 2013 ::
:: Least Tern - feeding young in shallow water - UTC - Spring 2013 ::
:: Least Tern - feeding young - UTC - Spring 2013 ::
:: Least Tern - Fledglings - UTC - Spring 2013 ::
:: Alien Birds ::
:: Royal Tern plunge-dive into school of fish - double catch ::
:: Royal Tern - low angle plunge-dive into school of fish ::
:: Royal Tern - medium angle plunge-dive into school of fish ::
:: European (Numenius p. phaeopus) and Hudsonian (Numenius hudsonicus) Whimbrel wing underparts ::
:: Least Tern - breeding - disturbance factors - loose dogs ::
:: Eurasian Whimbrel - Bolivar Peninsula - Texas ::
:: Golden-winged Warbler - searching, finding and catching prey at Russ Pitman Park ::
:: Great White Heron and Great Blue Heron breeding pair - Texas - April 2013 ::
:: Reddish Egret - Breeding plumage - portraits - April 2013 ::
:: Great Blue Heron - Lower foreneck plumes - April 2013 ::
:: American Avocet Copulatory Posture and Postcopulatory Ceremony - UTC April 16 ::
:: Common Tern 2nd calendar year April - UTC ::
:: Least Tern - ground attack and air strike - physical fights ::
:: Black Skimmer with white tipped outer primary ::
:: Willet - fight - UTC ::
:: Two Least Terns collide and flight upside down during flock maneuver ::
:: Reddish Egret foraging in side and back winds - UTC 2013 ::
:: Reddish Egret displaying - white morphs - UTC 2013 ::
:: Least Tern - Migration March 2013 Texas ::
:: Leucistic American Coot - - UTC - March 2013 ::
:: "Mystery" bird - seen on March 27 ::
:: Quiz - 5 seabirds in one photo - can you find and name them? ::
:: Terns and Gulls - pink plumage flush - UTC - March 2013 ::
:: American Oystercatchers foraging at night ::
:: Can you find and identify 2 bird species in this photo? ::
:: Terns and Skimmer – UTC - March 15, 2013 ::
:: Common Tern - head molt - UTC March 15, 2013 ::
:: Bird without face - ID Quiz ::
:: Osprey dragging feet in water after aborting strike ::
:: Great Egret displaying - Stretch Display - UTC March 12, 2012 ::
:: Roseate Spoonbill - UTC March 12, 2012 ::
:: Brown Pelican - breeding plumages in Texas; Pacific - Atlantic type examples ::
:: Brown Pelican with yellow/orange gular pouch - Texas ::
:: Brown Pelican stretching its pouch - close up ::
:: Black-legged Kittiwake - Port Aransas, Texas 2013 ::
:: Quiz - Texas shore - June ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - foraging ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - prebasic molt ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - on the wing ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - body shake on the wing ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - landing on the water ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - bathing ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - preening on the ground ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - preening on the wing ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - trying to scratch ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - landing on the ground ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - roosting ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - defending posture ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - close-ups ::
:: Black Skimmer with distal limb necrosis (dry gangrene) - defecating ::
:: Forster’s Terns (2) attacking school of fish - plunge-dive paths ::
:: Ospreys (2) bitten by needlefish ::
:: Boat-tailed vs. Great-tailed Grackle from Quintana, Texas ::
:: Forster's Tern - HEAD TURNING AND FLICKING ::
:: Rough Green Snake with visitor ::
:: Forster’s Tern - quiz ::
:: National Wildlife Federation Photo Contest 2012 ::
:: American White Pelican with cattle ear tag ::
:: Forster’s Tern - juvenile ::
:: Black Skimmer catching very large fishes ::
:: Black Skimmer 2-1 catch ::
:: Glaucous Gulls - Upper Texas Coast - February 2013 - Individual differences ::
:: Glaucous Gull - Upper Texas Coast - February 5, 2013 ::
:: Seagull - Upper Texas Coast - February 2, 2013 ::
:: Glaucous Gull - Upper Texas Coast - February 2, 2013 ::
:: Forster’s Tern with dark carpal bar ::
:: Bonaparte’s Gull flock feeding in breakers - UTC January ::
:: Forster’s Tern and Black Skimmer flock ::
:: Forster’s Tern with misleading impression of having a dark carpal bar ::
:: American White Pelican stealing fish from Double-crested Cormorant ::
:: Caspian Tern with band -January 18, 2013 ::
:: Forster’s Tern - Head patterns - Mid-January - UTC ::
:: Common Loon showing extensive white on flanks - January 12, 2013 UTC ::
:: Bonaparte’s Gull - Eared Grebe raft - feeding - January 12, 2012 ::
:: "Mystery" birds - test posted on 010812 ::
:: Brown Pelican preening on the wing ::
:: Forster’s Tern - Both wings stretch and takeoff ::
:: Two Great Black-backed Gulls at Quintana - Dec 24 2012 ::
:: Terns with swallowed fisherman’s hooks - Texas Upper Coast - December 2012 ::
:: Great Black-backed Gulls - UTC 2012 - plumage differences ::
:: Great Black-backed Gull - Texas City Dike - December 18, 2012 ::
:: “Mystery” bird - UTC May 2012 ::
:: Great Black-backed Gull 1cy - Follet’s Island, UTC - December 13, 2012 ::
:: Osprey - funny postures ::
:: Osprey - Banking Turn ::
:: El Rio November 2005 ::
:: Great Black-backed Gull 1cy - Follet’s Island, UTC - December 3, 2012 ::
:: Common vs. Forster’s Tern - diagnostic traits during November in Texas ::
:: Calliope Hummingbird November 26-28, 2012 ::
:: Broad-billed Hummingbird November 26-28, 2012 ::
:: Calliope Hummingbird primary molt November 28, 2012 ::
:: Calliope and Broad-billed Hummingbirds in Russ Pitman Park, Bellaire, Texas November 26-28, 2012 ::
:: Cooper’s Hawk takes White-winged Dove at Russ Pitman Park Nov 26, 2012 ::
:: Royal Tern in breeding plumage during fall months ::
:: Laughing Gull in breeding plumage during fall- October 25 2011 ::
:: Seagull UTC December 18 2012 ::
:: Portuguese man o’ war washed ashore and dying - Quintana November 18, 2012 ::
:: Sanderling - territorial fight UTC November 2012 ::
:: Jets and Full Moon ::
:: Seagull - Bryan - UTC - November 9, 2012 ::
:: Avian species plunging into water - examples - quiz ::
:: Forster’s Tern - Roughly estimated dive speed ::
:: Black Simmer - skimming related actions in close-up photos ::
:: Franklin’s Gull - Quintana October 20, 2012 ::
:: Least Tern - hunting - aerial shake ::
:: Least Tern - hunting - plunge into the water ::
:: Least Tern hunting - leaving the water after strike ::
:: Least Tern hunting - search and dive - wing and tail maneuvers ::
:: Black Skimmer - molt discussion ::
:: Caspian Tern - very light juvenile UTC 2012 ::
:: Boat-tailed Grackle with very dark iris - Quintana - September 15, 2012 ::
:: Laughing Gull feeding on sargassum fish ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull - Quintana - September 2012 ::
:: Royal Tern feeding on sargassum fish ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull - FOS adult - Quintana September 1, 2012 ::
:: Marbled Godwit - fight #1 ::
:: Marbled Godwit - fight #2 ::
:: Marbled Godwit upper mandible movements during fight ::
:: Black Tern juvenile - UTC - September 3, 2012 ::
:: Least Tern - feeding juvenile offshore in water ::
:: 3cy (TY) Lesser Black-backed Gulls - comparison of eye and leg color ::
:: Great Egret in stained plumage ::
:: Laughing Gull preying on Black Skimmer chicks - Texas 2012 ::
:: Laughing Gull preying on Black Skimmer eggs - Texas 2012 ::
:: Laughing Gull challenging Black Skimmer in midair - Texas 2012 ::
:: Black Skimmer defecating on Laughing Gull inside skimmer nesting colony - Texas 2012 ::
:: Laughing Gull stealing fish from Black Skimmer in flight - Texas 2012 ::
:: Laughing Gull stealing fish from Black Skimmer on ground - Texas 2012 ::
:: Black Skimmer decoys ::
:: Black Simmer – gravid female on wing - Texas 2012 ::
:: Laughing Gull territorial fights inside Black Skimmer nesting colony - Texas 2012 ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull 2cy molt progress July 2012 UTC ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull - asynchronous secondary molt UTC July 22, 2012 ::
:: American Herring Gull - Need for molt – UTC – July 2012 ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull - quiz ::
:: Possible Kelp Gull – Quintana UTC July 22, 2012 ::
:: First record of ‘pikei’ Least Tern incubating eggs - UTC - June 21, 2012 ::
:: First record of ‘pikei’ female Least Tern copulating - UTC - June 13, 2009 ::
:: Black Skimmer – female pushing away male from the nest ::
:: Black Skimmer pair – behavior – quiz ::
:: Black Skimmer - aftermath of coastal flooding - Laughing Gulls killing weak/dying skimmer chicks and trying to eat dead ones ::
:: Black Skimmer - Laughing Gulls trying to tear apart skimmer chick carcass - Florida - tropical storm Debby June 2012 ::
:: Black Skimmer - aftermath of coastal flooding - Laughing Gull gorging on skimmer eggs - Florida - tropical storm Debby June 2012 ::
:: Black Skimmer - aftermath of coastal flooding Fish Crow trying to tear off chick’s head ::
:: Black Skimmer - aftermath of coastal flooding - Fish Crow caching skimmer eggs - Florida - tropical storm Debby June 2012 ::
:: Franklin’s Gull - molt - June 9, 2012 Aransas Co ::
:: Laughing Gull - molt - May 05, 2012 Brazoria Co ::
:: Black-throated Blue Warbler UTC May 5, 2012 ::
:: Caspian Tern with Elvis Presley Syndrome – UTC - May 19, 2012 ::
:: Cape May Warbler UTC May 5, 2012 ::
:: Yellow Warbler UTC May 5, 2012 ::
:: Quintana May 13, 2012 ::
:: Osprey - Mid-air maneuvers: using tail ::
:: Osprey – Comfort Movements – Dragging Talons and Feet in water ::
:: Osprey – Comfort Movements – Dragging Feet in water ::
:: Osprey – Intraspecific Interactions: defensive mid-air maneuvers ::
:: Florida Scrub Jay – Portraits ::
:: Florida Scrub Jay – Food: Beetles ::
:: Florida Scrub Jay – Food: Beetle larvae (grubs) (Strategus aloeus?) ::
:: Florida Scrub Jay – Food: caterpillars ::
:: Florida Scrub Jay – Foraging: probing dead leaves ::
:: Florida Scrub Jay – Food: unidentified remains ::
:: Florida Scrub Jay – Food: “roasted” acorns ::
:: Florida Scrub Jay –Sentinel Duty ::
:: Florida Scrub Jay – home habitat – burned scrub ::
:: Florida Scrub Jay – Florida April 2012 ::
:: Osprey: Comfort movements - adult - full body stretch ::
:: Least Tern - "The Brute and Female Ecstasy" ::
:: Osprey – Intraspecific Interactions: Locking Talons and falling into Death Spiral #1 ::
:: Osprey – Intraspecific Interactions: Locking Talons and falling into Death Spiral #2 ::
:: Osprey - copulation (cloacal kiss) - on perch ::
:: Osprey – Intraspecific Interactions: defensive mid-air flick with outstretched talons ::
:: White-throated (leucistic) Indigo Bunting - UTC - April 18, 2012 ::
:: Molt - Terns - Spring 2012 ::
:: Winter Asymmetrical Multi Loci Secondary Molt - 3cy (second winter) Lesser Black-backed Gull ::
:: Laughing Gull pecks his mate’s eyelid before copulation; There is no pleasure without pain ::
:: Forster’s Tern - courtship feeding - March 28, 2012 ::
:: Boat-tailed Grackle - ear ::
:: Seagull - hybrid from Quintana - February 5, 2012 ::
:: Sanderling stung by Portuguese man o' war (Physalia physalis) ::
:: Portuguese man o' war (Physalia physalis) - Quintana (Freeport, Texas) February 2012 ::
:: Laughing Gull - Adult pirating food from juvenile ::
:: 2012 Books with my photographs - The Illustrated Birds of Texas ::
:: 2012 Books with my photographs - The Illustrated Birds of North Carolina ::
:: Laughing Gull - jump-plunge & surface-plunge ::
:: Laughing Gull on wing trying to swallow mullet ::
:: Portuguese Man o' War ::
:: Cattle Egret - Breeding plumage - Cobalt blue skin of head and neck ::
:: Cattle Egret - stalking and trying to catch dragonfly ::
:: Osprey - Nests with 3 Fledglings ::
:: Great-tailed Grackle - drinking Bud Light on beach ::
:: Do not leave your trash behind ::
:: Wilson’s Snipe - Cocked Tail Display ::
:: Wilson’s Snipe - Intraspecific Aggression - Physical Fights - striking with legs ::
:: Wilson’s Snipe - Intraspecific Aggression - Cocked Tail and Sparring Display ::
:: Wilson’s Snipe - Alert Posture ::
:: Wilson’s Snipe - Flutter Leap ::
:: Horned Grebe feeding on shrimps - Texas City Dike - December 23, 2011 ::
:: El Franco Lee Park Peregrine - November 22, 2011 ::
:: Ruddy Turnstone flipping over stuff ::
:: Anatomical Directions & Flight Dynamics Parameters ::
:: Common Tern - leg pathology - displaced fracture ::
:: Who am I and what happened to me? ::
:: Rusty Blackbird pair - El Franco Lee Park - November 25, 2011 ::
:: Ruff - El Franco Lee Park - Houston, Texas, November 22, 2011 ::
:: Ruff (juvenile male) - size comparison to other birds ::
:: American Oystercatcher - bathing - diving into a wave ::
:: Great Blue Heron catching mullets - surf zone - Quintana November 19, 2011 ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull - adult head and neck feathers ::
:: American Herring Gull - juvenile head and neck feathers ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull molt - PMS data 2011-12 ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull juveniles - Upper Texas Coast - November 2011 ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull flocks - Upper Texas Coast - November 2011 ::
:: Harlan’s Hawk - Quintana - November 13, 2011 ::
:: American Oystercatcher joining flies to dine on dead fish ::
:: American Oystercatcher - agitated pair - Cocked-tail Display ::
:: Osprey Takeoff: Downstroke & Upstroke ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull - shaking bag to get food out ::
:: Ruby-throated Hummingbird stretching tongue and bill ::
:: Ruby-throated Hummingbird scratching ::
:: Hermit Thrush Quintana October 29, 2011 ::
:: Bottlenose Dolphin jumping ::
:: Banded birds UTC October 2011 ::
:: Loggerhead Shrike dining table - Quintana October 29, 2011 ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull - examples of wing molt and feather patterns - October 2011 - Texas Upper Coast ::
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull wing and head molt progress in 21 days on wintering ground in Texas ::
:: Franklin’s Gull early arrival - UTC September 24, 2011 ::
:: Forster’s Tern eating beans ::
:: Coot with pink bill - Quintana, October 22, 2011 ::
:: Little Blue Heron hybrid Upper Texas Coast - October 2010 ::
:: Laughing Gull pirating food from Black Skimmer - Rockport Beach Park ::
:: Sooty Tern - Rockport, Texas, July 2, 2011 ::
:: "Specialists" Laughing Gulls fighting over stolen Black Skimmer chick ::
:: Black Skimmer - double catch - catching two fishes in one skim 071611 ::
:: Sora - July 16, 2007 Brazoria NWR ::
:: Tricolored Heron - fledgling 071611 ::
:: Long-billed Curlew 071611 ::
:: Osprey - Adult: defecation over the edge of the nest ::
:: Black Skimmer - unique feature - vertical slit (cat-like) shaped pupils ::
:: Osprey - smallest fishes caught and transported ::
:: Snail Kite Food: Apple Snail ::
:: Snail Kite Portraits ::
:: Snail Kite on wing ::
:: Snail Kite in their habitat ::
:: Snail Kite defecating ::
:: Whooping Crane Photography Tours: Winter 2011-12 Workshops ::
:: Osprey - female manipulating offspring carcass ::
:: Osprey - female moving offspring carcass around the nest ::
:: Osprey - juvenile manipulating sibling carcass ::
:: Osprey - juvenile moving sibling carcass around the nest ::
:: Osprey - Cannibalism ::
:: Osprey - Sibling Rivalry - Cainism (Siblicide) ::
:: Leucistic Black-necked Stilt female - Brazoria NWR - Spring 2011 ::
:: Whooping Crane - family foraging on clams ::
:: Whooping Crane - Animal food items - Bivalvia (bivalves) - Jackknife Clam (?) ::
:: Whooping Crane – Animal food items – Fish – flounder ::
:: Whooping Crane – Animal food items – Fish – minnows ::
:: Whooping Crane - subadult and juvenile secondary and primary wing coverts - feathers comparison ::
:: Whooping Crane female - Black secondary feathers - Wood Buffalo/Aransas flock - winter 2010-11 ::
:: Whooping Crane male - Supernumerary primary feather - Wood Buffalo/Aransas flock - winter 2010-11 ::
:: Whooping Crane - second winter subadult plumage ::
:: Whooping Crane - taking off – run over water ::
:: Whooping Crane - Plant Food - Carolina Wolfberry (Lycium carolinianum) fruits ::
:: Painted Bunting foraging - Quintana, April 16, 2011 ::
:: Golden-winged Warbler - LaFitte's Cove - April 16, 2011 ::
:: Herons and Egrets in breeding plumage March-April 2011 ::
:: Great-tailed Grackle - Great Fight - lasted at least 3 minutes ::
:: Whooping Crane - Animal food items - Bivalvia (bivalves) ::
:: American Oystercatcher - Nest - March 13, 2011 ::
:: Whooping Crane - Scarbaby defecating ::
:: Whooping Crane - taking fiddler crabs ::
:: Whooping Crane - taking eels ::
:: Whooping Crane - Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: Interspecific Interactions - defending feeder territory ::
:: Whooping Crane dance elements: bow, wing spread, leap, attack posture and object-toss ::
:: Black Skimmer – mid-air physical confrontation during aerial chase ::
:: Osprey – fast vertical dive – rarest and most impressive dive ::
:: Whooping Crane flying with legs folded ::
:: Whooping Crane hunting striped mullet ::
:: Whooping Crane - swimming and wading in deep water ::
:: Double-crested Cormorant taking eel - March 2011 ::
:: Osprey - slow dive speed - medium dive and plunge angles ::
:: Great Egret – Fight #1 - March 20, 2011 ::
:: Great Egret – Fight #2 - March 20, 2011 ::
:: Great Egret – Breeding Plumage – March 20, 2011 ::
:: Little Gull (2) - Port Aransas, March 12, 2011 ::
:: Bonaparte’s Gull - Port Aransas, March 12, 2011 ::
:: Least Tern - Port Aransas, March 12, 2011 ::
:: Whooping Crane - Scarbaby taking snake in light rain - Aransas NWR winter 2010-11 ::
:: Whooping Crane - Feeding at dusk on dead fish remains ::
:: Whooping Crane - photos of Wood Buffalo-Aransas radioed Whoopers (with GPS transmitters) ::
:: Osprey - flapping flight speed with fish (still air) - 39.6 km/h (measured) ::
:: Whooping Crane - Scarbaby and his mate - Aransas NWR winter 2010-11 ::
:: Yellow-faced Grassquit – Goose Island, Texas February 2011 ::
:: Aplomado Falcon – February 2011 ::
:: Osprey dives - estimated average speed ::
:: Osprey - Hunting in the rain ::
:: Crested Caracara harassing Osprey with fish - chase#4 ::
:: Crested Caracara harassing Osprey with fish - chase#3 ::
:: Osprey - medium-angle plunge ::
:: Tree Swallow foraging - Brazoria NWR January 15, 2011 ::
:: Osprey - “Fish Worst Nightmare” ::
:: Osprey trying to build a nest - Upper Texas Coast ::
:: Osprey with 44cm Spotted Seatrout ::
:: Brown and American White Pelican fighting over fish ::
:: Bufflehead Texas Winter 2010-2011 ::
:: Common Goldeneye Texas Winter 2010-2011 ::
:: Hooded Merganser Texas Winter 2010-2011 ::
:: Greater Scaup Texas Winter 2010-2011 ::
:: Lesser Scaup Texas Winter 2010-2011 ::
:: Red-breasted Merganser Texas Winter 2010-2011 ::
:: Long-tailed Duck Texas January 2011 ::
:: White-winged Scoter Texas December 2010 ::
:: Osprey strikes large blue crab - crab fights back and gets free ::
:: How fast Snowy Egret can swallow a shrimp when harassed by gulls? ::
:: Great-blue Heron aerial foraging - striking striped mullet from flight - UTC November 2010 ::
:: First record of Osprey taking blue crab ::
:: Osprey catching two fish in one dive — one in each talon ::
:: Dunlin 102310 ::
:: Cattle Egret plumes – nomenclature ::
:: Neotropic Cormorant - growth of white filoplumes on head and neck ::
:: Neotropic & Double-crested Cormorant September-October 2010 ::
:: Roseate Spoonbill parent punishing fledgling for excessive begging - UTC - Summer 2010 ::
:: Cattle Egret - mantle plumes extending beyond end of tail ::
:: Cattle Egret - living among alligators - adult drinking ::
:: Cattle Egret - living among alligators - juvenile drinking & hunting ::
:: Cattle Egret - living among alligators - collecting nesting material in water ::
:: 2 little quizzes - Cattle Egret behavior & plumage ::
:: Strength of Green Heron’s legs ::
:: Snowy Egret - extended fight ::
:: Cattle Egret - fights - summer 2010 ::
:: Cattle Egret - breeding plumage - peak - summer 2010 ::
:: Cattle Egret - breeding plumage - summer 2010 ::
:: Cattle Egret - nest building material - summer 2010 ::
:: Cattle Egret - on wing - summer 2010 ::
:: Cattle Egret - after sundown - summer 2010 ::
:: Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk - Katy - Texas - fall 2010 ::
:: Leucistic Red-tailed Hawks - Katy - Texas -2009 and 2010 ::
:: Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk - Katy - Texas - January 2010 ::
:: Yellow Oriole - melanistic - Top End, Northern Territory, Australia ::
:: Black Skimmer aerial chases - UTC summer 2010 ::
:: Birds: Australia, Northern Territory, Top End 2010 ::
:: Wallaby - before dawn - Top End, Northern Territory, Australia ::
:: Saltwater (Estuarine, 'Salty') Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) - Top End, Northern Territory, Australia ::
:: Upland Sandpiper UTC 2010 ::
:: Little Blue Heron - juvenile and one year old - field marks ::
:: Snowy Egrets with discolored plumes ::
:: Black Skimmer - dealing with heat during Texas summer ::
:: Cattle Egrets – unwanted sexual encounters ::
:: Swallow-tailed Kite - Aerial Shake 080710 ::
:: Swallow-tailed Kite eating on wing 080710 ::
:: Swallow-tailed Kite feeding juveniles 080710 ::
:: Swallow-tailed Kite juveniles begging for food 080710 ::
:: Swallow-tailed Kite 080710 ::
:: Black Skimmer - 3 aberrant females (“Brown” color mutation): history of this find, important close-up and comparison photos. ::
:: Black Skimmer - 'brown' Female#1 - Fulton-Rockport 080110 ::
:: Black Skimmer - 'brown' Female#2 - Fulton-Rockport 080110 ::
:: Black Skimmer - 'brown' Female#3 - Fulton-Rockport 073110 ::
:: Tricolored Heron - juvenile hunting dragonflies ::
:: Bald Eagles fledgling 2010 - keeping balance on “three legs” ::
:: Bald Eagles fledgling 2010 on perch ::
:: Bald Eagles fledgling 2010 - play behavior - breaking off and tossing leaves ::
:: Bald Eagles fledgling 2010 on wing ::
:: Snowy Egret Foraging Technique: Bill-vibrating - A prey atracting behavior ::
:: Comparing close-up photos of "white-headed" Ardeidae found in Northern Territory, Australia ::
:: Osprey - feeding chicks (2.5 weeks old) ::
:: Osprey fledgling - first night after fledging ::
:: Osprey - fledging day - Flight #11 of 11 ::
:: Osprey - fledging day - Flight #2 of 11 ::
:: Osprey - fledging day - 1st flight: landing - Flight #1 of 11 ::
:: Osprey - fledging day - 1st flight: flying - Flight #1 of 11 ::
:: Osprey - fledging day - 1st flight: take off - Flight #1 of 11 ::
:: Osprey - fledging day - 1st flight: last moment before taking off - Flight #1 of 11 ::
:: Osprey juvenile one day before fledging - hovering above nest ::
:: Osprey juvenile one day before fledging - wing flapping ::
:: Osprey juvenile one day before fledging - jumping ::
:: Osprey - juveniles on nest in rain ::
:: Australian Freshwater Crocodile - Crocodylus johnstoni - Top End, Northern Territory, Australia ::
:: Saltwater (Estuarine, 'Salty') Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) jumping - Top End, Northern Territory, Australia ::
:: Partial lunar eclipse - Houston, Texas June 26, 2010 ::
:: Red-bellied Woodpecker - Cypresswood June 26, 2010 ::
:: Red-headed Woodpecker - Cypresswood June 26, 2010 ::
:: Osprey juvenile - casting pellet ::
:: Osprey - in special light ::
:: Neotropic - Double-crested Cormorant - Interspecific Interactions: kleptoparasitism ::
:: Lesser Scaup feeding on mussels plus male and female portraits ::
:: Great Egret - Aerial Feeding - Winter 2009-10 ::
:: Quintana - April 24-25, 2010 ::
:: Yellow-headed Blackbird - Quintana April 24, 2010 ::
:: Black-and-white Warbler movements 042510 - Quintana April 25, 2010 ::
:: Laughing Gull courtship feeding – April 25, 2010 ::
:: Northern Cardinal courtship feeding – April 25, 2010 ::
:: Leucistic Neotropic Cormorant – UTC 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagles - Baytown Nest April 21, 2010 ::
:: Baytown Bald Eagles - Eaglets - Play - April 14, 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagles - Baytown Nest April 14, 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagles - Baytown - Pair Bathing, April 13, 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagles - Baytown Nest April 12, 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagles - Baytown Nest April 9, 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagles - Baytown Nest April 8, 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagles - Baytown Nest April 7, 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagles -Baytown Nest April 5, 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagles -Baytown Nest April 3, 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – Landing on perch – Baytown March 2010 ::
:: Baytown Bald Eagles in the rain - April 2, 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – Taking off from perch – Baytown March 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – Pair calling on perch - March 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – Head-Throwback Display when calling with raised wings– on nest - March 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – Head-Throwback Display when calling on perch - March 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – Cleaning bill - March 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – Preening - March 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – Defecating on perch - March 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – Full body shake- March 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – Feeding young - March 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – On the wing - March 2010 ::
:: Bald Eagle – Portraits - March 2010 ::
:: Great Egret High Island March 28, 2010 ::
:: Roseate Spoonbill - High Island March 28, 2010 ::
:: Neotropic Cormorant - High Island March 28, 2010 ::
:: hawk032110 ::
:: Mottled Duck (Anas fulvigula) – Upper Texas Coast ::
:: Possible American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) – Upper Texas Coast ::
:: Possible Mexican Duck (Anas diazi) – Upper Texas Coast ::
:: Snowy Egret - Art in Aerial Foraging ::
:: Snowy Egret - Aerial Feeding - Winter 2009-10 ::
:: Snowy Egret - Foraging Flights - Winter 2009-10 ::
:: Great Egret - fight#9 ::
:: Great Egret - fight#8 ::
:: Great Egret - fight#7 ::
:: Great Egret - fight#6 ::
:: Great Egret - fight#5 ::
:: Great Egret - fight#4 ::
:: Great Egret - fight#3 ::
:: Great Egret - fight#2 ::
:: Great Egret - fight#1 ::
:: Great Egret - on the wing - aggressive pursuits ::
:: Great Egret - on the wing ::
:: Great Egret grabbed a fish but Snowy stole a fisheye ::
:: Snowy Egret foraging in flocks ::
:: Snowy Egret, Ring-billed Gull & Laughing Gull foraging ::
:: Snowy and Great Egret foraging in the fog ::
:: Snowy Egret & Ring-billed Gull - interspecific kleptoparasitism ::
:: Snowy Egret - fight#4 ::
:: Snowy Egret - fight#3 ::
:: Snowy Egret - fight#2 ::
:: Snowy Egret - fight#1 ::
:: Reddish Egret foraging ::
:: Great Egret striking prey - close ups ::
:: Snowy Egret striking prey - close ups ::
:: Red-tailed Hawk walking on the ground ::
:: Neotropic Cormorant defecating on the wing ::
:: Great Egret defecating on the wing ::
:: Snowy Egret defecating on the wing ::
:: Red-tailed Hawk striking, drowning and eating the Mallard – January 1, 2010 ::
:: Caspian Tern with fish harassed by Laughing Gull - BNWR January 24, 2010 ::
:: Geese - San Bernard NWR - January 24, 2010 ::
:: Rock Wren - January 21, 2010 - Pine Gully Park in Seabrook ::
:: From the Field 2009 ::
:: From the Field 2008 ::
:: From the Field 2007 ::
:: From the Field 2006 ::
:: id ::