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Mark B Bartosik | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> posts tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

From the field - current news photoblog | PUBLICATIONS LIST | Bio and Credits | Covers, Awarded & Special Images | Whooping Crane Photography Tours: Winter 2011-12 Workshops | CAMERA EQUIPMENT I USE AND/OR RECOMMEND | Life on the Osprey time | Bird Behavior - VIDEOS | Birds: Australia, Northern Territory, Top End 2010 | Animated Images | Avian Fights | WHO EATS WHO? Predators & Preys | Special Project: Least Bittern | Special Project: Least Grebe | Special Project: Pied-billed Grebe | Special Project: Least Tern | Frigatebirds life on the wing | Special Project: Common Nighthawk | On the Wing | Other Favorite Birds | Bird Portraits | Avian images in taxonomic order; portraits, in flight, behavior and biology | Special Project: Pseudomyrmex gracilis - Mexican twig ant | Tendrils | Lightbox | BIRD CALENDARS | Documentary data | Info exchange members | Documentary data #2 | Green Heron using tools and bait. | osprey_data | madu_live_oak_county_2007 | lf | bat | 031910 | wpo | Field private lesson - low light - handholding, exposure, low shutter speed | Osprey - pigment anomaly | magpie-lark_grallina_cyanoleuca_nt | Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula - NT | Eastern Koel - Eudynamys orientalis - NT | VIDEOS | 021111g | wc2010_11 | posts | Integumentary Morphology of Birds


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