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Grady Mankin | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Burr under the Blanket tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Burr under the Blanket

Adding to the observation that photographers have a bit of the poet in them, every now and then
an image stays in the mind like a burr under the blanket. We learn how to do things better,
in both making the original exposure and post processing it. Like a poet editing an old poem
that didn't beat quite right, once in a while we just have to open
an old raw file and rework it. This gallery will display images
along the way of pulling those burrs from the blanket.
BW Conversion burr
BW Conversion burr
Sky lights burr
Sky lights burr
Mallard Lake burr
Mallard Lake burr
Wildflowers in the rain burr
Wildflowers in the rain burr