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Central Texas

Canon 20D images of the Texas Hill Country,
Highland Lakes of the Colorado River
and Austin and surrounding countryside --
where I cut my teeth on digital photography.

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Mist at dusk, Mason County
Mist at dusk, Mason County
Fireplace remnant, Leander
Fireplace remnant, Leander
Plank fence, Leander
Plank fence, Leander
November trees in a very dry year, Austin
November trees in a very dry year, Austin
October trees, Austin
October trees, Austin
Empty cotton wagon, Eden
Empty cotton wagon, Eden
Wind Turbines, Horse Hollow, TX
Wind Turbines, Horse Hollow, TX
Morning light, San Gabriel River, Leander
Morning light, San Gabriel River, Leander
High ground, Georgetown
High ground, Georgetown
High ground revisited, Georgetown
High ground revisited, Georgetown
Valley hill, Pontotoc
Valley hill, Pontotoc
Valley hill revisited, Pontotoc
Valley hill revisited, Pontotoc
Pasture hill, Georgetown
Pasture hill, Georgetown
Summer pasture, San Saba County
Summer pasture, San Saba County
Wildflowers in the rain, San Saba County
Wildflowers in the rain, San Saba County
May pasture, Llano County
May pasture, Llano County
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