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Arizona and New Mexico

Canon Rebel XS 35mm images from negatives
scanned to CD as 16-base tifs.

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Agua Calienta entrance, Tucson, AZ
Agua Calienta entrance, Tucson, AZ
Thunderstorm at sunset, White Sands, NM
Thunderstorm at sunset, White Sands, NM
July yucca, White Sands, NM
July yucca, White Sands, NM
Stone in late light, White Sands, NM
Stone in late light, White Sands, NM
High country driveway, Tres Ritos, NM
High country driveway, Tres Ritos, NM
Pasture hills, Mescalero Apache Reservation, NM
Pasture hills, Mescalero Apache Reservation, NM
October aspens, Flagstaff, AZ
October aspens, Flagstaff, AZ
Shop entrance, Santa Fe, NM
Shop entrance, Santa Fe, NM
Canyon Road sculpture, Santa Fe, NM
Canyon Road sculpture, Santa Fe, NM
45, Santa Fe, NM
45, Santa Fe, NM
Shuttered window, Santa Fe, NM
Shuttered window, Santa Fe, NM
Rainbow, Rowe Mesa, NM
Rainbow, Rowe Mesa, NM
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