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larose forest photos | profile | all galleries >> INSECTS (INSECTA) (28 Galleries) >> Moths (Lepidoptera) (24 Galleries) >> Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moths (Superfamily: Pyraloidea): 4716 - 6019 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moths (Superfamily: Pyraloidea): 4716 - 6019

Double-striped scoparia  (Scoparia biplagialis), #4716
Double-striped scoparia (Scoparia biplagialis), #4716
Double-striped scoparia moth (Scoparia biplagialis), #4716
Double-striped scoparia moth (Scoparia biplagialis), #4716
Striped eudonia moth (Eudonia strigalis), #4738
Striped eudonia moth (Eudonia strigalis), #4738
Crambid moth (Elophila ekthlipsis), #4747
Crambid moth (Elophila ekthlipsis), #4747
Pondside crambid (Elophila icciusalis), #4748
Pondside crambid (Elophila icciusalis), #4748
Crambid moth (Elophila faulalis), #4749
Crambid moth (Elophila faulalis), #4749
Waterlily borer moth (Elophila gyralis),  #4751
Waterlily borer moth (Elophila gyralis), #4751
Waterlily borer  moth (Elophila gyralis), #4751
Waterlily borer moth (Elophila gyralis), #4751
Waterlily borer moth  (Elophila gyralis), #4751
Waterlily borer moth (Elophila gyralis), #4751
Waterlily leafcutter moth ( Elophila obliteralis), #4755
Waterlily leafcutter moth ( Elophila obliteralis), #4755
Waterlily leafcutter (Elophila obliteralis), #4755
Waterlily leafcutter (Elophila obliteralis), #4755
Polymorphic pondweed moth (Parapoynx maculalis), #4759
Polymorphic pondweed moth (Parapoynx maculalis), #4759
Polymorphic pondweed moth (Parapoynx maculalis), #4759
Polymorphic pondweed moth (Parapoynx maculalis), #4759
Polymorphic pondweed moth (Parapoynx maculalis), #4759
Polymorphic pondweed moth (Parapoynx maculalis), #4759
Polymorphic pondweed moth (Parapoynx maculalis), #4759
Polymorphic pondweed moth (Parapoynx maculalis), #4759
Obscure pondweed moth  (Parapoynx obscuralis), #4760
Obscure pondweed moth (Parapoynx obscuralis), #4760
Chestnut-marked pondweed moth  (Parapoynx badiusalis), #4761
Chestnut-marked pondweed moth (Parapoynx badiusalis), #4761
Watermilfoil leafcutter moth (Parapoynx allionealis), #4764
Watermilfoil leafcutter moth (Parapoynx allionealis), #4764
Watermilfoil Leafcutter moth  (Parapoynx allionealis), #4764
Watermilfoil Leafcutter moth (Parapoynx allionealis), #4764
Watermilfoil Leafcutter moth  (Parapoynx allionealis), #4764
Watermilfoil Leafcutter moth (Parapoynx allionealis), #4764
Watermilfoil Leafcutter  (Parapoynx allionealis), #4764
Watermilfoil Leafcutter (Parapoynx allionealis), #4764
Water milfoil leafcutter moth (Parapoynx allionealis), #4764
Water milfoil leafcutter moth (Parapoynx allionealis), #4764
Two-banded petrophila (Petrophila bifascialis), #4774
Two-banded petrophila (Petrophila bifascialis), #4774
Two-banded petrophila (Petrophila bifascialis)
Two-banded petrophila (Petrophila bifascialis)
Two-banded petrophila moth (Petrophila bifascialis), #4774
Two-banded petrophila moth (Petrophila bifascialis), #4774
Two-banded petrophila (Petrophila bifascialis), #4774
Two-banded petrophila (Petrophila bifascialis), #4774
Two-banded petrophila (Petrophila bifascialis), #4774
Two-banded petrophila (Petrophila bifascialis), #4774
Two-banded petrophila (Petrophila bifascialis)
Two-banded petrophila (Petrophila bifascialis)
White-roped glaphyria moth (Glaphyria sesquistrialis),  #4870
White-roped glaphyria moth (Glaphyria sesquistrialis), #4870
Julia's dicymolomia moth (Dicymolomia julianalis), #4889
Julia's dicymolomia moth (Dicymolomia julianalis), #4889
Julia's dicymolomia moth (Dicymolomia julianalis), #4889
Julia's dicymolomia moth (Dicymolomia julianalis), #4889
Julia's dicymolomia moth (Dicymolomia julianalis), #4889
Julia's dicymolomia moth (Dicymolomia julianalis), #4889
Sooty-winged chalcoela moth (Chalcoela iphitalis), #4895
Sooty-winged chalcoela moth (Chalcoela iphitalis), #4895
Sooty-winged chalcoela moth  (Chalcoela iphitalis), #4895
Sooty-winged chalcoela moth (Chalcoela iphitalis), #4895
Sooty-winged chalcoela moth  (Chalcoela iphitalis), #4895
Sooty-winged chalcoela moth (Chalcoela iphitalis), #4895
Purple-backed cabbageworm (Evergestis pallidata), #4897
Purple-backed cabbageworm (Evergestis pallidata), #4897
Purple-backed cabbageworm  moth (Evergestis pallidata), #4897
Purple-backed cabbageworm moth (Evergestis pallidata), #4897
Dogbane saucrobotys moth (Saucrobotys futilalis), #4936
Dogbane saucrobotys moth (Saucrobotys futilalis), #4936
Streaked orange moth (Nascia acutella), #4937
Streaked orange moth (Nascia acutella), #4937
Streaked orange moth  (Nascia acutellus), #4937
Streaked orange moth (Nascia acutellus), #4937
Sawtoothed crocidophora  moth (Crocidophora serratissimalis), #4944
Sawtoothed crocidophora moth (Crocidophora serratissimalis), #4944
European corn borer moth  (Ostrinia nubilalis), #4949
European corn borer moth (Ostrinia nubilalis), #4949
European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis), #4949
European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis), #4949
Mint root borer moth  (Fumibotys fumalis), #4950
Mint root borer moth (Fumibotys fumalis), #4950
Mint root borer moth  (Fumibotys fumalis), #4950
Mint root borer moth (Fumibotys fumalis), #4950
Mint root borer moth  (Fumibotys fumalis), #4950
Mint root borer moth (Fumibotys fumalis), #4950
Mint root borer moth  (Fumibotys fumalis), #4950
Mint root borer moth (Fumibotys fumalis), #4950
Titian peale's crambid moth (Perispasta caeculalis), #4951
Titian peale's crambid moth (Perispasta caeculalis), #4951
Titian peale's pyralid moth  (Perispasta caeculalis), #4951
Titian peale's pyralid moth (Perispasta caeculalis), #4951
Titian peale's crambid  moth (Perispasta caeculalis), #4951
Titian peale's crambid moth (Perispasta caeculalis), #4951
Small magpie moth  (Anania hortulata),  #4952
Small magpie moth (Anania hortulata), #4952
Small magpie moth  (Anania hortulata), #4952
Small magpie moth (Anania hortulata), #4952
Small magpie moth   (Anania hortulata), #4952
Small magpie moth (Anania hortulata), #4952
Guenée's Pearl moth (Anania tertialis), #4953
Guenée's Pearl moth (Anania tertialis), #4953
Crambid moth (Anania extricalis), #4956
Crambid moth (Anania extricalis), #4956
White-spotted Sable moth (Anania funebris)  #4958a
White-spotted Sable moth (Anania funebris) #4958a
White-spotted Sable moth (Anania funebris)  #4958a
White-spotted Sable moth (Anania funebris) #4958a
Crambid snout moth (Hahncappsia)
Crambid snout moth (Hahncappsia)
Carrot seed moth  (Sitochroa palealis), #4986.1
Carrot seed moth (Sitochroa palealis), #4986.1
Carrot-seed Moth (Sitochroa palealis), #4986.1
Carrot-seed Moth (Sitochroa palealis), #4986.1
Carrot seed moth (Sitochroa palealis), #4986.1
Carrot seed moth (Sitochroa palealis), #4986.1
Dimorphic sitochroa moth  (Sitochroa chortalis), #4987
Dimorphic sitochroa moth (Sitochroa chortalis), #4987
Dimorphic sitochroa moth  (Sitochroa chortalis), #4987
Dimorphic sitochroa moth (Sitochroa chortalis), #4987
Beet webworm moth (Loxostege munroealis), #5004
Beet webworm moth (Loxostege munroealis), #5004
Alfalfa webworm moth  (Loxostege cereralis), #5017
Alfalfa webworm moth (Loxostege cereralis), #5017
Raspberry pyrausta moth  (Pyrausta signatalis), #5034
Raspberry pyrausta moth (Pyrausta signatalis), #5034
Bicolored pyrausta moth (Pyrausta bicoloralis), #5040
Bicolored pyrausta moth (Pyrausta bicoloralis), #5040
Bicolored pyrausta moth  (Pyrausta bicoloralis),   #5040
Bicolored pyrausta moth (Pyrausta bicoloralis), #5040
Bicolored pyrausta moth (Pyrausta bicoloralis), #5040
Bicolored pyrausta moth (Pyrausta bicoloralis), #5040
orange spotted pyrausta (Pyrausta orphisalis), #5058
orange spotted pyrausta (Pyrausta orphisalis), #5058
Orange-spotted pyrausta (Pyrausta orphisalis), #5058
Orange-spotted pyrausta (Pyrausta orphisalis), #5058
Orange-spotted pyrausta (Pyrausta orphisalis), #5058
Orange-spotted pyrausta (Pyrausta orphisalis), #5058
Orange-spotted pyrausta (Pyrausta orphisalis), #5058
Orange-spotted pyrausta (Pyrausta orphisalis), #5058
Mint-loving pyrausta moth (Pyrausta acrionalis), #5071
Mint-loving pyrausta moth (Pyrausta acrionalis), #5071
Mint-loving pyrausta moth   (Pyrausta acrionalis), #5071
Mint-loving pyrausta moth (Pyrausta acrionalis), #5071
Mint-loving pyrausta moth  (Pyrausta acrionalis), #5071
Mint-loving pyrausta moth (Pyrausta acrionalis), #5071
Merrick's pyralid moth (Loxostegopsis merrickalis)< #5117
Merrick's pyralid moth (Loxostegopsis merrickalis)< #5117
Darker diacme moth (Diacme adipaloides), #5143
Darker diacme moth (Diacme adipaloides), #5143
Darker diacme moth (Diacme adipaloides), #5143
Darker diacme moth (Diacme adipaloides), #5143
Darker diacme moth (Diacme adipaloides), #5143
Darker diacme moth (Diacme adipaloides), #5143
Darker diacme moth (Diacme adipaloides), #5143
Darker diacme moth (Diacme adipaloides), #5143
Grape leaffolder moth (Desmia funeralis or maculalis)
Grape leaffolder moth (Desmia funeralis or maculalis)
Grape leaf-folder moth (Desmia)
Grape leaf-folder moth (Desmia)
Grape leaffolder/leafroller moth (Desmia funeralis/maculalis) group
Grape leaffolder/leafroller moth (Desmia funeralis/maculalis) group
Grape leaffolder/leafroller moth (Desmia funeralis/maculalis) group
Grape leaffolder/leafroller moth (Desmia funeralis/maculalis) group
Grape leaffolder/leafroller moth (Desmia funeralis/maculalis) group
Grape leaffolder/leafroller moth (Desmia funeralis/maculalis) group
Lucerne moth (Nomophila nearctica), #5156
Lucerne moth (Nomophila nearctica), #5156
Crambid snout moth (Diathrausta sp.)
Crambid snout moth (Diathrausta sp.)
Yellow-spotted webworm  (Anageshna primordialis). #5176
Yellow-spotted webworm (Anageshna primordialis). #5176
Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth  (Anageshna primordialis), #5176
Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth (Anageshna primordialis), #5176
Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth  (Anageshna primordialis), #5176
Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth (Anageshna primordialis), #5176
Yellow-spotted webworm moth (Anageshna primordialis), #5176
Yellow-spotted webworm moth (Anageshna primordialis), #5176
Checkered apogeshna moth (Apogeshna stenialis), #5177
Checkered apogeshna moth (Apogeshna stenialis), #5177
Hollow-spotted blepharomastix moth  (Blepharomastix ranalis), #5182 #
Hollow-spotted blepharomastix moth (Blepharomastix ranalis), #5182 #
Hollow-spotted Blepharomastix moth  (Blepharomastix ranalis), #5182
Hollow-spotted Blepharomastix moth (Blepharomastix ranalis), #5182
Hollow-spotted blepharomastix  (Blepharomastix ranalis), #5182
Hollow-spotted blepharomastix (Blepharomastix ranalis), #5182
Box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis), #5199.4
Box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis), #5199.4
Splendid palpita moth (Palpita magniferalis, #5226
Splendid palpita moth (Palpita magniferalis, #5226
Splendid palpita moth (Palpita magniferalis), #5226
Splendid palpita moth (Palpita magniferalis), #5226
Splendid palpita moth (Palpita magniferalis), #5226
Splendid palpita moth (Palpita magniferalis), #5226
Basswood leafroller moth  (Pantographa limata), #5241
Basswood leafroller moth (Pantographa limata), #5241
Basswood leaf roller(Pantographa limata)  #5241
Basswood leaf roller(Pantographa limata) #5241
Bog lygropia moth  (Lygropia rivulalis), #5250
Bog lygropia moth (Lygropia rivulalis), #5250
Bog lygropia moth  (Lygropia rivulalis), #5250
Bog lygropia moth (Lygropia rivulalis), #5250
Bog lygropia moth (Lygropia rivulalis), #5250
Bog lygropia moth (Lygropia rivulalis), #5250
Bog lygropia (Lygropia rivulalis), #5250
Bog lygropia (Lygropia rivulalis), #5250
Bog lygropia moth  (Lygropia rivulalis),   #5250
Bog lygropia moth (Lygropia rivulalis), #5250
White-spotted brown moth (Diastictis ventralis), #5255
White-spotted brown moth (Diastictis ventralis), #5255
White-spotted brown moth  (Diastictis ventralis), #5255
White-spotted brown moth (Diastictis ventralis), #5255
Crambid moth (Framinghamia helvalis), #5262
Crambid moth (Framinghamia helvalis), #5262
Bold-feathered grass moth (Herpetogramma pertextalis), #5275
Bold-feathered grass moth (Herpetogramma pertextalis), #5275
Zigzag herpetogramma moth  (Herpetogramma thestealis), #5277
Zigzag herpetogramma moth (Herpetogramma thestealis), #5277
Zigzag herpetogramma moth  (Herpetogramma thestealis), #5277
Zigzag herpetogramma moth (Herpetogramma thestealis), #5277
Zigzag herpetogramma moth  (Herpetogramma thestealis) ,#5277
Zigzag herpetogramma moth (Herpetogramma thestealis) ,#5277
(Herpetogramma aquilonalis), #5277.1
(Herpetogramma aquilonalis), #5277.1
Crambid snout moth (Herpetogramma theseusalis), #5279
Crambid snout moth (Herpetogramma theseusalis), #5279
Crambid snout moth (Herpetogramma sphingealis), #5279.1
Crambid snout moth (Herpetogramma sphingealis), #5279.1
Serpentine webworm moth (Herpetogramma aeglealis), #5280
Serpentine webworm moth (Herpetogramma aeglealis), #5280
Herpetogramma moth (Herpetogramma)
Herpetogramma moth (Herpetogramma)
Water veneer moth (Acentria ephemerella), #5299
Water veneer moth (Acentria ephemerella), #5299
Water veneer moth (Acentria ephemerella), #5299
Water veneer moth (Acentria ephemerella), #5299
Common grass veneer  (Crambus praefectellus), #5355?
Common grass veneer (Crambus praefectellus), #5355?
Common grass veneer  (Crambus praefectellus), #5355
Common grass veneer (Crambus praefectellus), #5355
Common grass veneer  (Crambus praefectellus), #5355
Common grass veneer (Crambus praefectellus), #5355
Common grass veneer  (Crambus praefectellus), #5355
Common grass veneer (Crambus praefectellus), #5355
Gold-stripe grass veneer moth (Microcrambus biguttellus), #5419
Gold-stripe grass veneer moth (Microcrambus biguttellus), #5419
Small white-grass-veneer moth  (Crambus albellus), #5361
Small white-grass-veneer moth (Crambus albellus), #5361
Small white grass veneer (Crambus albellus), #5361
Small white grass veneer (Crambus albellus), #5361
Small white grass veneer moth (Crambus albellus), #5361
Small white grass veneer moth (Crambus albellus), #5361
Double-banded grass veneer moth  (Crambus agitatellus),  #5362
Double-banded grass veneer moth (Crambus agitatellus), #5362
Double-banded grass-veneer  (Crambus agitatellus), #5362
Double-banded grass-veneer (Crambus agitatellus), #5362
Double-banded grass veneer moth (Crambus agitatellus), #5362
Double-banded grass veneer moth (Crambus agitatellus), #5362
Double-banded grass veneer moth (Crambus agitatellus), #5362
Double-banded grass veneer moth (Crambus agitatellus), #5362
Double-banded grass veneer (Crambus agitatellus), #5362
Double-banded grass veneer (Crambus agitatellus), #5362
Pasture grass veneer moth (Crambus saltuellus), #5363
Pasture grass veneer moth (Crambus saltuellus), #5363
Pasture grass veneer  (Crambus saltuellus), #5363
Pasture grass veneer (Crambus saltuellus), #5363
Pasture grass veneer  (Crambus saltuellus), #5363
Pasture grass veneer (Crambus saltuellus), #5363
Girard's grass-veneer moth  (Crambus girardellus),  #5365
Girard's grass-veneer moth (Crambus girardellus), #5365
Girard's grass veneer moth  (Crambus girardellus), #5365
Girard's grass veneer moth (Crambus girardellus), #5365
Girard's grass veneer moth (Crambus girardellus), #5365
Girard's grass veneer moth (Crambus girardellus), #5365
Girard's grass veneer moth (Crambus girardellus), #5365
Girard's grass veneer moth (Crambus girardellus), #5365
Girard's grass veneer moth (Crambus girardellus), #5365
Girard's grass veneer moth (Crambus girardellus), #5365
Eastern grass veneer (Crambus laqueatellus), #5378
Eastern grass veneer (Crambus laqueatellus), #5378
Eastern grass veneer moth (Crambus laqueatellus), #5378
Eastern grass veneer moth (Crambus laqueatellus), #5378
Eastern grass veneer moth (Crambus laqueatellus), #5378
Eastern grass veneer moth (Crambus laqueatellus), #5378
Eastern grass veneer (Crambus laqueatellus), #5378
Eastern grass veneer (Crambus laqueatellus), #5378
Mottled grass-veneer moth (Neodactria luteolellus), #5379
Mottled grass-veneer moth (Neodactria luteolellus), #5379
Mottled grass veneer  (Neodactria luteolellus), #5379?
Mottled grass veneer (Neodactria luteolellus), #5379?
Neodactria zeellus moth (Neodactria zeellus). #5380
Neodactria zeellus moth (Neodactria zeellus). #5380
Neodactria zeellus moth (Neodactria zeellus). #5380
Neodactria zeellus moth (Neodactria zeellus). #5380
Crambid moth (subfamily Crambinae)
Crambid moth (subfamily Crambinae)
Lesser vagabond sod webworm  (Agriphila ruricolellus), #5399
Lesser vagabond sod webworm (Agriphila ruricolellus), #5399
Possibly, Lesser vagabond sod webworm moth  (Agriphila ruricolellus), #5399
Possibly, Lesser vagabond sod webworm moth (Agriphila ruricolellus), #5399
Vagabond crambus  (Agriphila vulgivagellus), #5403
Vagabond crambus (Agriphila vulgivagellus), #5403
Vagabond crambus moth (Agriphila vulgivagellus), #5403
Vagabond crambus moth (Agriphila vulgivagellus), #5403
Vagabond crambus  (Agriphila vulgivagella), #5403
Vagabond crambus (Agriphila vulgivagella), #5403
Sod webworm moth  (Pediasia trisecta), #5413
Sod webworm moth (Pediasia trisecta), #5413
Sod webworm moth  (Pediasia trisecta), #5413
Sod webworm moth (Pediasia trisecta), #5413
Sod webworm (Pediasia trisecta), #5413 ?
Sod webworm (Pediasia trisecta), #5413 ?
Sod webworm (Pediasia trisecta), #5413 ?
Sod webworm (Pediasia trisecta), #5413 ?
Delightful donacaula moth (Donacaula melinellus ), #5316
Delightful donacaula moth (Donacaula melinellus ), #5316
Delightful donacaula moth (Donacaula melinellus ), #5316
Delightful donacaula moth (Donacaula melinellus ), #5316
Crambid snout moth (Donacaula)
Crambid snout moth (Donacaula)
Straight-lined vaxi moth  (Vaxi critica), #5466
Straight-lined vaxi moth (Vaxi critica), #5466
Straight-lined vaxi moth (Vaxi critica), #5466
Straight-lined vaxi moth (Vaxi critica), #5466
Curve-lined vaxi moth (Vaxi auratella), #5465
Curve-lined vaxi moth (Vaxi auratella), #5465
Curve-lined vaxi moth  (Vaxi auratella), #5465
Curve-lined vaxi moth (Vaxi auratella), #5465
Curve-lined vaxi (Vaxi auratella) #5465
Curve-lined vaxi (Vaxi auratella) #5465
Snowy urola moth (Urola nivalis), #5464
Snowy urola moth (Urola nivalis), #5464
Snowy urola moth  (Urola nivalis), #5464
Snowy urola moth (Urola nivalis), #5464
Snowy urola moth  (Urola nivalis), #5464
Snowy urola moth (Urola nivalis), #5464
Snowy urola moth (Urola nivalis), #5464
Snowy urola moth (Urola nivalis), #5464
Snowy urola (Urola nivalis), #5464
Snowy urola (Urola nivalis), #5464
Elegant grass veneer moth  (Microcrambus elegans), #5420
Elegant grass veneer moth (Microcrambus elegans), #5420
Elegant grass veneer moth (Microcrambus elegans), #5420
Elegant grass veneer moth (Microcrambus elegans), #5420
Elegant grass veneer (Microcrambus elegans), #5420
Elegant grass veneer (Microcrambus elegans), #5420
Elegant grass veneer (Microcrambus elegans), #5420
Elegant grass veneer (Microcrambus elegans), #5420
Elegant grass veneer (Microcrambus elegans), #5420
Elegant grass veneer (Microcrambus elegans), #5420
Topiary grass veneer  (Chrysoteuchia topiaria), #5391
Topiary grass veneer (Chrysoteuchia topiaria), #5391
Topiary grass veneer  (Chrysoteuchia topiaria), #5391
Topiary grass veneer (Chrysoteuchia topiaria), #5391
Cranberry girdler (Chrysoteuchia topiaria), #5391
Cranberry girdler (Chrysoteuchia topiaria), #5391
Pyralid moth (Aglossa costiferalis), #5511
Pyralid moth (Aglossa costiferalis), #5511
Pink-masked pyralid moth (Aglossa disciferalis), #5512
Pink-masked pyralid moth (Aglossa disciferalis), #5512
Large tabby moth (Aglossa pinguinalis), #5516
Large tabby moth (Aglossa pinguinalis), #5516
Large tabby moth (Aglossa pinguinalis), #5516
Large tabby moth (Aglossa pinguinalis), #5516
Grease moth  (Aglossa cuprina), #5518
Grease moth (Aglossa cuprina), #5518
Grease moth (Aglossa cuprina), #5518
Grease moth (Aglossa cuprina), #5518
clover hayworm mo th (Hypsopygia costalis),   #5524
clover hayworm mo th (Hypsopygia costalis), #5524
Clover hayworm moth (Hypsopygia costalis),   #5524
Clover hayworm moth (Hypsopygia costalis), #5524
Clover hayworm moth  (Hypsopygia costalis), #5524
Clover hayworm moth (Hypsopygia costalis), #5524
Red-shawled moth (Hypsopygia intermedialis)  #5526
Red-shawled moth (Hypsopygia intermedialis) #5526
Spruce needleworm moth  (Hypsopygia thymetusalis),  #5529
Spruce needleworm moth (Hypsopygia thymetusalis), #5529
Yellow-fringed Dolichomia  (Hypsopygia olinalis), #5533
Yellow-fringed Dolichomia (Hypsopygia olinalis), #5533
Boxwood leaftier moth  (Galasa nigrinodis), #5552
Boxwood leaftier moth (Galasa nigrinodis), #5552
Boxwood leaftier moth  (Galasa nigrinodis), #5552
Boxwood leaftier moth (Galasa nigrinodis), #5552
Dimorphic tosale moth  (Tosale oviplagalis), #5556
Dimorphic tosale moth (Tosale oviplagalis), #5556
Dimorphic tosale moth  (Tosale oviplagalis), #5556
Dimorphic tosale moth (Tosale oviplagalis), #5556
Dimorphic tosale moth  (Tosale oviplagalis), #5556
Dimorphic tosale moth (Tosale oviplagalis), #5556
Drab condylolomia moth (Condylolomia participalis), #5571
Drab condylolomia moth (Condylolomia participalis), #5571
Drab condylolomia moth (Condylolomia participalis), #5571
Drab condylolomia moth (Condylolomia participalis), #5571
Drab Condylolomia moth (Condylolomia participalis), #5571
Drab Condylolomia moth (Condylolomia participalis), #5571
Drab Condylolomia moth (Condylolomia participalis), #5571
Drab Condylolomia moth (Condylolomia participalis), #5571
Zeller's macalla moth  (Macalla zelleri),  #5579
Zeller's macalla moth (Macalla zelleri), #5579
Maple webworm moth (Pococera asperatella),  #5606
Maple webworm moth (Pococera asperatella), #5606
Pyralid moth (Pococera)
Pyralid moth (Pococera)
Pyralid moth (Pococera)
Pyralid moth (Pococera)
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella</em), #5629
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Bee moth, female (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Bee moth, female (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Bee moth (Aphomia sociella), #5629
Pyralid moth (Acrobasis sp.)
Pyralid moth (Acrobasis sp.)
Leaf-crumper moth (Acrobasis indigenella), #5651
Leaf-crumper moth (Acrobasis indigenella), #5651
Pyralid moth (Acrobasis caryalbella), #5660
Pyralid moth (Acrobasis caryalbella), #5660
HIckory leafstem borer moth (Acrobasis angusella), #5673
HIckory leafstem borer moth (Acrobasis angusella), #5673
Hickory leafstem borer (Acrobasis angusella), #5673
Hickory leafstem borer (Acrobasis angusella), #5673
Hickory leafstem borer (Acrobasis angusella), #5673
Hickory leafstem borer (Acrobasis angusella), #5673
Hickory leafstem borer (Acrobasis angusella), #5673
Hickory leafstem borer (Acrobasis angusella), #5673
Walnut shoot moth  (Acrobasis demotella), #5674
Walnut shoot moth (Acrobasis demotella), #5674
Viburnum Glyptocera Moth (Glyptocera consobrinella), #5745
Viburnum Glyptocera Moth (Glyptocera consobrinella), #5745
Lesser aspen webworm moth (Meroptera pravella), #5787
Lesser aspen webworm moth (Meroptera pravella), #5787
Black-spotted leafroller moth  (Sciota virgatella), #5797
Black-spotted leafroller moth (Sciota virgatella), #5797
Black-spotted leafroller moth (Sciota virgatella), #5797
Black-spotted leafroller moth (Sciota virgatella), #5797
Black-spotted leafroller moth (Sciota virgatella), #5797
Black-spotted leafroller moth (Sciota virgatella), #5797
Spruce coneworm moth  (Dioryctria reniculelloides), #5843
Spruce coneworm moth (Dioryctria reniculelloides), #5843
Webbing coneworm moth (Dioryctria disclusa), #5847
Webbing coneworm moth (Dioryctria disclusa), #5847
Zimmerman's pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani), #5852
Zimmerman's pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani), #5852
Zimmerman pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani), #5852
Zimmerman pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani), #5852
Zimmerman pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani), #5852
Zimmerman pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani), #5852
Zimmerman pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani), #5852
Zimmerman pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani), #5852
Zimmerman pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani), #5852
Zimmerman pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani), #5852
Pyralid moth (Sarata caudellella), #5870
Pyralid moth (Sarata caudellella), #5870
Broad-banded eulogia moth  (Eulogia ochrifrontella), #5999
Broad-banded eulogia moth (Eulogia ochrifrontella), #5999
Broad-banded eulogia moth  (Eulogia ochrifrontella), #5999
Broad-banded eulogia moth (Eulogia ochrifrontella), #5999
Broad-banded eulogia moth  (Eulogia ochrifrontella), #5999
Broad-banded eulogia moth (Eulogia ochrifrontella), #5999
Broad-banded eulogia moth  (Eulogia ochrifrontella), #5999
Broad-banded eulogia moth (Eulogia ochrifrontella), #5999
Broad-banded eulogia moth  (Eulogia ochrifrontella), #5999
Broad-banded eulogia moth (Eulogia ochrifrontella), #5999
Darker moodna moth (Moodna ostrinella), #6005
Darker moodna moth (Moodna ostrinella), #6005
Indian Meal Moth  (Plodia interpunctella) #6019
Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella) #6019
Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella), #6019
Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella), #6019
Carmine snout moth   (Peoria approximella), #6053
Carmine snout moth (Peoria approximella), #6053
Pyralid moth (Phycitini)
Pyralid moth (Phycitini)
Pyralid moth (Tribe phycitini)
Pyralid moth (Tribe phycitini)
Pyraloidea moth
Pyraloidea moth