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Moths (Lepidoptera) (24 Galleries)

I would like to thank Diane Lepage for helping with identification of many of these moth species. A superb website is Tom Murray's moth gallery:

The numbers refer to the Classification system developed by Hodges in his Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico (1983). There are some major changes going on, and the numbering system is not considered to be useful by everyone, but I'll use it here for now until something better replaces it.

Any unidentified moths are at the end of the gallery. If anyone can help with ID it would be greatly appreciated.

National Moth Week 2022
National Moth Week 2022
Pre-tortricid Moths:  0011-2650
:: Pre-tortricid Moths: 0011-2650 ::
Leafroller moths (Family: Tortricidae) 2738 to 3848
:: Leafroller moths (Family: Tortricidae) 2738 to 3848 ::
Flannel, Slug Caterpillar, Leaf Skeletonizer Moths and kin:  4624 - 4697
:: Flannel, Slug Caterpillar, Leaf Skeletonizer Moths and kin: 4624 - 4697 ::
Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moths (Superfamily:  Pyraloidea):  4716 - 6019
:: Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moths (Superfamily: Pyraloidea): 4716 - 6019 ::
Window-winged moths (Family: Thyrididae) 6076
:: Window-winged moths (Family: Thyrididae) 6076 ::
Plume Moths (Family: Pterophoridae) 6091 to 6234
:: Plume Moths (Family: Pterophoridae) 6091 to 6234 ::
Habrosynes, Thyatirids, and Hooktips (Family: Depranidae) 6235 to 6251
:: Habrosynes, Thyatirids, and Hooktips (Family: Depranidae) 6235 to 6251 ::
Geometer (or Inchworm)  moths (Geometridae) 6256 to 7648
:: Geometer (or Inchworm) moths (Geometridae) 6256 to 7648 ::
Scoopwings (Family: Uranidae) 7653
:: Scoopwings (Family: Uranidae) 7653 ::
Tent Caterpillar and Lappet Moths (Family: Lasiocampidae) 7673 to 7701
:: Tent Caterpillar and Lappet Moths (Family: Lasiocampidae) 7673 to 7701 ::
Giant Silkworm Moths:  (Family: Saturniidae) 7715 to 7758
:: Giant Silkworm Moths: (Family: Saturniidae) 7715 to 7758 ::
Sphinx Moths  (Sphingidae) 7784 to 7886
:: Sphinx Moths (Sphingidae) 7784 to 7886 ::
Prominents (Family: Notodontidae) 7895 to 8017
:: Prominents (Family: Notodontidae) 7895 to 8017 ::
Tiger Moths and Lichen Moths (Family: Erebidae, Subfamily: Arctiinae) 8045.1 to 8267
:: Tiger Moths and Lichen Moths (Family: Erebidae, Subfamily: Arctiinae) 8045.1 to 8267 ::
Tussock Moths (Family: Erebidae, Subfamily: Lymantriinae) 8294 to 8319
:: Tussock Moths (Family: Erebidae, Subfamily: Lymantriinae) 8294 to 8319 ::
Litter Moths (Family Erebidae: various subfamilies) 8322 to 8491
:: Litter Moths (Family Erebidae: various subfamilies) 8322 to 8491 ::
Underwings, Zales and Related Owlets (Family: Erebidae) 8490 to 8872
:: Underwings, Zales and Related Owlets (Family: Erebidae) 8490 to 8872 ::
Owlet Moths (Family: Noctuidae)  8536 - 11043
:: Owlet Moths (Family: Noctuidae) 8536 - 11043 ::
Flower Moths: Noctuidae (Heliothinae)  11164
:: Flower Moths: Noctuidae (Heliothinae) 11164 ::
Masham Moths
:: Masham Moths ::
Backyard Mothing (0415.1 - 11003.1
:: Backyard Mothing (0415.1 - 11003.1 ::
Busy time at the moth lights!
Busy time at the moth lights!
Moth (Eribidae??)
Moth (Eribidae??)
Moth laying eggs
Moth laying eggs
Pupal cases of moths
Pupal cases of moths