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Jaap Schelvis | profile | all galleries >> My CCCP >> Camera's made in Dresden tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Camera's made in Dresden

The 1934 Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex (aka the coffee can).

Especially welcome to my "Historical portrait gallery" project.

In these galleries I present all camera's (and some other optical instruments) in my collection which were produced in Dresden, once the photography capitol of the world. In some cases there are also camera's with similar names (e.g. Praktica and Tengor) which were not made in Dresden. These you will find in the gallery "All other camera's". As I try to test and use as many of my camera's some galleries do not only show the camera itself but also some pictures taken with that camera. These galleries are marked with an * in their name such as :: * Camera-name ::.

:: Altiflex ::
:: Altiflex ::
:: Altissa ::
:: Altissa ::
:: Altix ::
:: Altix ::
:: Balda box ::
:: Balda box ::
:: Beier Box ::
:: Beier Box ::
:: Beirette ::
:: Beirette ::
:: Belca ::
:: Belca ::
:: Certo ::
:: Certo ::
:: Certo Box ::
:: Certo Box ::
:: Certo SL ::
:: Certo SL ::
:: EHO Box ::
:: EHO Box ::
:: Ernemann Bob ::
:: Ernemann Bob ::
:: Ernemann Film K ::
:: Ernemann Film K ::
:: Ernemann HEAG ::
:: Ernemann HEAG ::
Ernemann magic lantern
Ernemann magic lantern
:: Exa ::
:: Exa ::
:: Exacta ::
:: Exacta ::
:: * Hüttig Ideal ::
:: * Hüttig Ideal ::
:: Ihagee ::
:: Ihagee ::
:: Kamera Werkstätten ::
:: Kamera Werkstätten ::
:: Pentacon Electra ::
:: Pentacon Electra ::
:: Pentacon K16 ::
:: Pentacon K16 ::
:: Pentacon SLR::
:: Pentacon SLR::
:: Penti ::
:: Penti ::
:: Pentina ::
:: Pentina ::
:: Pentona ::
:: Pentona ::
:: Pouva Start (1951) ::
:: Pouva Start (1951) ::
:: Prakti ::
:: Prakti ::
:: Praktica ::
:: Praktica ::
:: Praktiflex ::
:: Praktiflex ::
:: Reflekta II ::
:: Reflekta II ::
:: Vertex ::
:: Vertex ::
:: Welta Perle::
:: Welta Perle::
:: Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex ::
:: Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex ::
:: Zeiss Ikon Taxo::
:: Zeiss Ikon Taxo::
:: Zeiss Ikon Taxona ::
:: Zeiss Ikon Taxona ::
:: Zeiss Ikon Tengor ::
:: Zeiss Ikon Tengor ::