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Jaap Schelvis | profile | all galleries >> My CCCP >> Photographic glass plates tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Photographic glass plates

Netherlands 1925 ?
Netherlands 1925 ?
Switzerland winter 1924
Switzerland winter 1924
Switzerland summer 1925
Switzerland summer 1925
Rijnland Pinksteren 1929
Rijnland Pinksteren 1929
Norway summer 1930
Norway summer 1930
Autochromes (NL 1920's ?)
Autochromes (NL 1920's ?)
Belgium 1875 - 1890 ?
Belgium 1875 - 1890 ?
A day at the beach 1925
A day at the beach 1925
Dutch East Indies 1930 ?
Dutch East Indies 1930 ?
Zermatt 1910?
Zermatt 1910?
Miscellaneous glass plates
Miscellaneous glass plates
Glass Plate Packings
Glass Plate Packings