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Camera's made in Dresden | Instamatic and Rapid/SL camera's | All other camera's | :: Lenses :: | :: Lightmeters :: | Photography pins | Sample Pictures | Old photographs | Miscellaneous | Photographic glass plates

All other camera's

:: * Adox ::
:: * Adox ::
:: * Agfa ::
:: * Agfa ::
Anny 44 (1959)
Anny 44 (1959)
* Ansco Panda (1946)
* Ansco Panda (1946)
* Balda Baldixette (1956)
* Balda Baldixette (1956)
:: * Bilora ::
:: * Bilora ::
:: * Braun ::
:: * Braun ::
:: * Canon ::
:: * Canon ::
:: Carl Zeiss Jena ::
:: Carl Zeiss Jena ::
:: Chinon ::
:: Chinon ::
Coronet D-20 (1950)
Coronet D-20 (1950)
* Cosina Hi-Lite (1968)
* Cosina Hi-Lite (1968)
* Dacora Digna (1954)
* Dacora Digna (1954)
* Dufa/Druopta Pionýr (1940)
* Dufa/Druopta Pionýr (1940)
* Ferrania Eura (1958)
* Ferrania Eura (1958)
Fodor C-35 (1963 ?)
Fodor C-35 (1963 ?)
:: * Fuji ::
:: * Fuji ::
Goldix 4x4 (1958)
Goldix 4x4 (1958)
Hanimex 35maf (1982)
Hanimex 35maf (1982)
* Houghton & Butcher
* Houghton & Butcher
:: * Ilford ::
:: * Ilford ::
Imperial Herco (1955)
Imperial Herco (1955)
:: * Kiev ::
:: * Kiev ::
King Regula Picca-CLK (1972)
King Regula Picca-CLK (1972)
:: * Kodak ::
:: * Kodak ::
:: * Konica ::
:: * Konica ::
:: Lomo / Smena ::
:: Lomo / Smena ::
:: Mamiya ::
:: Mamiya ::
:: * Minolta ::
:: * Minolta ::
:: * Minox ::
:: * Minox ::
* Nikon F60 (1998)
* Nikon F60 (1998)
:: Non-Dresden Praktica's ::
:: Non-Dresden Praktica's ::
:: * Olympus ::
:: * Olympus ::
* Panasonic DMC-LC33 (2003)
* Panasonic DMC-LC33 (2003)
:: Pentax ::
:: Pentax ::
:: Petri ::
:: Petri ::
:: Polaroid ::
:: Polaroid ::
* Prinz Saturn 35 Auto (1975?)
* Prinz Saturn 35 Auto (1975?)
:: * Revue ::
:: * Revue ::
:: * Ricoh ::
:: * Ricoh ::
:: * Rollei ::
:: * Rollei ::
:: * Sony ::
:: * Sony ::
Start (1960)
Start (1960)
Tahbes Synchro (1948)
Tahbes Synchro (1948)
:: Trashcams ::
:: Trashcams ::
Vivitar Z360ix date (1998)
Vivitar Z360ix date (1998)
:: * Voigtländer ::
:: * Voigtländer ::
* Vredeborch Junior Super (1955)
* Vredeborch Junior Super (1955)
:: Yashica ::
:: Yashica ::
:: Zenit ::
:: Zenit ::
:: Zeiss Ikon ::
:: Zeiss Ikon ::