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Old photographs

Calling cards, portraits and vintage snapshots from the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.
Purveyor to the court of William III
Purveyor to the court of William III
Aunty Coba
Aunty Coba
Carte de Visite
Carte de Visite
Carte de Visite
Carte de Visite
Uncle Jozef
Uncle Jozef
Mariken und Peter Pollmann
Mariken und Peter Pollmann
Railroad bridge
Railroad bridge
Railroad bridge
Railroad bridge
Well-dressed couple
Well-dressed couple
Well-dressed couple
Well-dressed couple
Ford Model A
Ford Model A
Unknown camera / 1938 Ford Standard Fordor Door Sedan
Unknown camera / 1938 Ford Standard Fordor Door Sedan
Ringler, Hendrik Anthonie Karel, Leeuwarden, 1872-1876
Ringler, Hendrik Anthonie Karel, Leeuwarden, 1872-1876