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How do I link subgalleries to each other?
In order to link subgalleries, go to the Advanced Settings page in the gallery which you want to link from.

Select the check box to use Linked Subgalleries

Click Update

For example:

Say you have an Italy gallery. Within the Italy gallery, you have subgalleries for various Italian cities. It would be nice if people could jump directly from the Venice subgallery to the Bologna subgallery without having to go back through the main Italy gallery to get there.

The solution is to use linked subgalleries. To do this, you would edit the Italy gallery, go to the advanced settings page, select the checkbox to use linked subgalleries, and update.

Now, each of the Italy subgalleries will display a list of links to all of the other subgalleries.
All subgallery links are automatically updated whenever subgalleries are added or removed.

You can see how this was used for the sample stylesheets on PBase:

The parent gallery is This is the gallery that has the Linked Subgalleries option selected.

All subgalleries, such as , display links to the other subgalleries at the top of the page.

Overview FAQ
Any logged-in PBase users can vote.
You can enable and disable voting to control whether or not people can vote on your gallery.

You can enable or disable voting on your galleries.
To do so, edit the galler.
Click the "advanced" link near the top of the page to edit the advanced gallery settings.
The first setting is "enable voting".
Check the box to have voting enabled. Uncheck to box to have voting disabled.
Click the "Update Advanced Settings" button.

When viewing a gallery, you have the option to "vote for this gallery". When a gallery receives at least one vote, it will appear in the Popular Galleries. Voting for an image, however, will not put the gallery in the Popular Galleries. When viewing a particular image, you have the option to "vote for this image". When an image receives a vote, just that image will appear in the Popular Photos section, rather than that entire gallery appearing in the popular galleries.

PBase members can vote for different images and galleries as many times as they'd like.
However, you can only vote for a specific gallery or image one time.

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