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Help Topics
How do I find out how many page views I have?
To keep track of the amount of traffic you are receiving on your pages, we have supplied hit counters. These hit counters are only viewable by you and are not available to other users when viewing your pages.

Gallery Hit Counts

To find out how many page views your gallery has had, select the gallery and scroll to the bottom of the page. On the bottom left, you will see the hit counter which looks like "## pageviews since DD-Month-YY" (The date is the creation date of that particular gallery). A hit counter on a gallery counts page views to the gallery page only and does not include page views of the contents of that gallery.

Image Hit Counts
For images, you also scroll to the bottom and read the hit counter on the bottom left to see page views for a particular image in your gallery.

PBase Statistics
Overview FAQ
To keep track of the amount of traffic you are receiving on your pages, we have supplied hit counters. These hit counters are only viewable by you and are not available to other users when viewing your pages. Gallery Hit Counts To find out how many page views your gallery has had, select the gallery and scroll to the bottom of the page. On the bottom left, you will see the hit counter which looks like "## pageviews since DD-Month-YY" (The date is the creation date of that particular gallery).... (more)

When you reset the trip meter on your car, you get to see the total mileage on your car as well as the miles you have driven since you reset your trip meter. Resetting your hit counter works the same way. You will be able to see your total number of hit counts as well as the number you received since resetting. If you would like to reset the hit counter on a specific gallery, just go to that gallery page and click the "reset hit count" link at the bottom of the page. Clicking this link will reset... (more)

The statistics are updated once a day around 2AM UTC.

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