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Tutorials and How To's

These galleries are the work of members of the yahoo group, DIGITAL NUTS. You can join the group here:

If you know how to create a neat effect and want to share it, this is the place. Upload an image of the final result and put your instructions in the captions section of the edit page, or in the comments section.

If the instructions are long, type them up in Word or Notepad and upload the file to the file section of the Yahoo digital nuts group. Be sure to include a link to the file in your instructions. Please also include your name, date, program, plug-ins and filters you used; plus if the tutorial is not original, a link to the orginal tutorial. Remember to keep images to 800px on the largest side and under 200kb.

If your tutorial contains more than one image, please create a gallery within the tutorial gallery to put them all in instead of just uploading all the images to this gallery. The place to "create a new gallery" is under the "upload photos to this gallery" on the edit page. I you are unable to do this contact a moderator for help.

VISTA 64 bit no plugins by default work-around
VISTA 64 bit no plugins by default work-around
Tutorials and How to's
Tutorials and How to's
How to Upload Photos to Pbase for Digitalnuts -- by Anita Stanhope
How to Upload Photos to Pbase for Digitalnuts -- by Anita Stanhope
Create Art from a Newspaper Clipping - Tutorial by Hawk
Create Art from a Newspaper Clipping - Tutorial by Hawk
Summer Day Tutorial by Shoshanna Moser
Summer Day Tutorial by Shoshanna Moser
Creating fabric in PSP by Anita Stanhope
Creating fabric in PSP by Anita Stanhope
Make Your Own Brushes in PSP by Anita Stanhope
Make Your Own Brushes in PSP by Anita Stanhope
Reflections Tutorial by Chef
Reflections Tutorial by Chef
Texturing using lighting effects by Chef
Texturing using lighting effects by Chef
Getting rid of extraneous stuff by Isabel
Getting rid of extraneous "stuff" by Isabel
Sepia/Focal Blade Soft Focus  by Isabel
Sepia/Focal Blade Soft Focus by Isabel
Finally In Motion
Finally In Motion
Iris Painting a la Photobrush
Iris Painting a la Photobrush
Cloned and Bleached image by Zen
Cloned and Bleached image by Zen
Simulated Buzz by Hawk
Simulated Buzz by Hawk
Impressionist Filter by Robert
Impressionist Filter by Robert
Hand-Tinted Look
Hand-Tinted Look
Anita's Gold Layer Tutorial Example
Anita's Gold Layer Tutorial Example
3 way frame-Chef
3 way frame-Chef
Chalk on Black Tutorial
Chalk on Black Tutorial
Create Fabric in PSP with Warpbrush by Anita Stanhope
Create Fabric in PSP with Warpbrush by Anita Stanhope
Painting with palette knife if PSP  by Anita Stanhope
Painting with palette knife if PSP by Anita Stanhope
Fun with Gold Gradients  by Anita Stanhope
Fun with Gold Gradients by Anita Stanhope
Fun With Brushes in PSP
Fun With Brushes in PSP
Tutorial with link to detailed instructions
Tutorial with link to detailed instructions
Resize kbs in PSP.jpg
Resize kbs in PSP.jpg
Resize kbs in Photoshop.jpg
Resize kbs in Photoshop.jpg
Stained Glass Squirrel
Stained Glass Squirrel
Pen and Ink/Watercolor tutorial
Pen and Ink/Watercolor tutorial
Batik Realism - Crack Mask Tut
Batik Realism - Crack Mask Tut
Flower with Trimoon Tutorial
Flower with "Trimoon" Tutorial
Spatter tutorial
Spatter tutorial
Parrot a la Cricket
Parrot a la Cricket
Tutorials by Alice Woodrome
Tutorials by Alice Woodrome
A fake group painting
A fake group painting
thistle framed tutorial
thistle framed tutorial
steam tutorial
steam tutorial
Using a mask with Jim's AAA Blender plugin in Paint Shop Pro
Using a mask with Jim's AAA Blender plugin in Paint Shop Pro
Create a Fancy Frame - tutorial by fmr.
Create a Fancy Frame - tutorial by fmr.
Background Tutorial - link below
Background Tutorial - link below
Smooth Edges
Smooth Edges
Border Mask using Impressionist Plugin
Border Mask using Impressionist Plugin
Border Mask
Border Mask
Set to screen.jpg
Set to screen.jpg
Scallop frame effect
Scallop frame effect