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C.M. Kwan | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street Stories tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Street Stories

Inspired by many PBasers, I've just started capturing stories found on the streets.

We see so many faces everyday but nobody seems to care about the concerns of others
because we're rushing to and from work.
Through taking street pictures, I've learnt to think about others' concerns.
It makes me talk to people I haven't met before and understand something about their own worlds.

There is one more thing I've learnt:
Treasure every second. Reality slides into the past and
you can never go back to make a lost image.
Small Performer
Small Performer
Care for Animals
Care for Animals
100th International Women's Day
100th International Women's Day
Squatting Down in the Sea of Books
Squatting Down in the Sea of Books
Inside Shenzhen Metro
Inside Shenzhen Metro
10 Years Later...
10 Years Later...
100% Natural
100% Natural
Bookstore - A Relaxing Place
Bookstore - A Relaxing Place
Classic-Look Trio
Classic-Look Trio
Street Food
Street Food
Stinky Tofu
Stinky Tofu
Happy Seller
Happy Seller
Nobody Stopped By
Nobody Stopped By
Balloons for Ballooning
Balloons for Ballooning
Patiently Waiting for Her Customers
Patiently Waiting for Her Customers
Take a Break
Take a Break
Take a Look!  My Flower is the Best!
Take a Look! My Flower is the Best!
Preparing for the Chinese New Year Fair
Preparing for the Chinese New Year Fair
Hong Kong on a Reflection
Hong Kong on a Reflection
Seeing Hong Kong on a Headlamp
Seeing Hong Kong on a Headlamp
He loves his country - China
He loves his country - China
Buy me a cup of ice cream
Buy me a cup of ice cream
A Poor Old Man
A Poor Old Man
An Abandoned Lantern
An Abandoned Lantern
Pray for Good Forture
Pray for Good Forture
Cooling Down
Cooling Down
It's raining, it's pouring
It's raining, it's pouring
Life is Never Easy
Life is Never Easy
Bamboo Bird Cages
Bamboo Bird Cages
Bird Lover
Bird Lover
Taking a Nap
Taking a Nap
A Place for Wishes
A Place for Wishes
Before and After
Before and After
Cheap Fish
Cheap Fish
Looking for the Freshest
Looking for the Freshest
A Studious Lady
A Studious Lady
Give Thanks
Give Thanks
Pray for Good Fortune
Pray for Good Fortune
Predicting Future
Predicting Future
Pray for Good Forture
Pray for Good Forture
Door Gods
Door Gods
Siu Maai at A Food Stall
Siu Maai at A Food Stall
Cantonese Opera
Cantonese Opera
Which one is the best?
Which one is the best?
Hui Chun (Lucky Message) Writing
Hui Chun (Lucky Message) Writing
Squeezing into...
Squeezing into...
Chinese Dried-Food Market
Chinese Dried-Food Market
Welcoming the Year of the Pig (Boar)
Welcoming the Year of the Pig (Boar)
In the Mood of Chinese New Year
In the Mood of Chinese New Year
In the Mood of Valentine's Day
In the Mood of Valentine's Day
In the Sea of Gadgets
In the Sea of Gadgets
Greeting to Hong Kong's Countrymen
Greeting to Hong Kong's Countrymen
Colour Shop
Colour Shop
Dai Pai Dong on Christmas Eve
Dai Pai Dong on Christmas Eve
The Sad Demise of The Star Ferry Clock Tower
The Sad Demise of The Star Ferry Clock Tower
Talking on a Handsfree Phone
Talking on a Handsfree Phone
Officer, you walk so fast!
Officer, you walk so fast!
Caught her Eyes
Caught her Eyes
Everyone Has Their Own World
Everyone Has Their Own World
The Penniless
The Penniless
Too heavy for her
Too heavy for her
Too many to read
Too many to read
Practice Makes Perfect
Practice Makes Perfect
One, two, three, SMILE...
One, two, three, SMILE...
Lose Direction
Lose Direction
Waiting for...
Waiting for...
Patiently Waiting for his Children (Reposted)
Patiently Waiting for his Children (Reposted)
Rushing into Subway (MTR)
Rushing into Subway (MTR)
Yummy Foods Close Wealth Gap
Yummy Foods Close Wealth Gap
Wow! We really want these sexy looks
Wow! We really want these sexy looks
Waiting for a bus is deadly boring
Waiting for a bus is deadly boring
Come on! Look at me carefully
Come on! Look at me carefully
I've a dream that one day...
I've a dream that one day...
Sorry, I'm late
Sorry, I'm late
Getting bad news?
Getting bad news?
Don't worry, I still love you!
Don't worry, I still love you!
Found something new
Found something new
A happy mother?
A happy mother?
Earning a Living
Earning a Living