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A Cry for Help | The Payatas Dump Site | Medical Rescue Program | Hepatitis-B Vaccination Program | Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses | Malnourished children feeding program | Vincentian Missionaries

A Cry for Help

In the Philippines, 200,000 Filipinos live around the fringes of the Payatas garbage dump. As scavengers, they work and live in the most un-sanitary conditions imaginable.

But the real victims here are their children. Thru this joint album of photographs, we hope to bring you their story.

They live without running water, where each communal toilet is shared by four families, where human waste laid wherever we walked, and where the steady stench of fresh garbage is always in the air.

To remain silent is to betray the children. Thanks for viewing. Manny, Melai, & Bobby.

The Vincentian Missionaries are working to help the children.
Click here to learn more about their projects.

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Manny Librodo
Manny Librodo
Melai Lopez
Melai Lopez
Bobby Wong Jr.
Bobby Wong Jr.
A Mountain of Garbage
A Mountain of Garbage