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Bart Aldrich | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> B&W's Inspired by Ansel Adams tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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B&W's Inspired by Ansel Adams

I met the master of black and white landscapes in the early 1970's after
a lecture/slide presentation he gave at Fullerton College near where I lived in California.
At the time I was taking my first photography courses and wasn't even into B&W's. After seeing his work I was completely sold and in awe of his classic works.
Through the decades since, I found myself attempting to inject some of his 'look' into my own B&Ws.

Another North Window View
Another North Window View
Eastern Sierra
Eastern Sierra
Down and Out in Bodie
Down and Out in Bodie
Mt Whitney
Mt Whitney
Eastern Sierra
Eastern Sierra
North Window View
North Window View
Clouds Gathering
Clouds Gathering
Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
Walking to Water
Walking to Water
Historic Kelso Depot
Historic Kelso Depot
Out of the Past
Out of the Past
Joshua Tree Landscape
Joshua Tree Landscape
Cholla Garden
Cholla Garden
Old Church
Old Church
Totem Pole
Totem Pole
Joshua Tree
Joshua Tree
Bristlecone Pine
Bristlecone Pine
Out on Route 66
Out on Route 66
Aztec Motel
Aztec Motel
Ancient Bristlcone Pines
Ancient Bristlcone Pines
Route 66 Relic
Route 66 Relic
Light & Shadow Play over Zion
Light & Shadow Play over Zion
Vintage Barn
Vintage Barn
Wind Farm
Wind Farm
The Salton Sea
The Salton Sea
End of the Road
End of the Road
Zion NP
Zion NP
Mesquite Dunes, Death Valley CA
Mesquite Dunes, Death Valley CA
Bandon Beach, OR
Bandon Beach, OR
Monument Valley
Monument Valley
Zion NP
Zion NP
Grand Canyon AZ
Grand Canyon AZ
Mono Lake
Mono Lake
Mono Lake Morning
Mono Lake Morning
Monument Valley, Navajo Nation Lands
Monument Valley, Navajo Nation Lands
Saharan Sunset
Saharan Sunset
Ear of the Wind
"Ear of the Wind"
Tucson AZ
Tucson AZ
Bodie Ghost Town
Bodie Ghost Town
Country School near Moab Utah
Country School near Moab Utah
Clouds over Zion
Clouds over Zion
Death Valley CA
Death Valley CA
Grand Canyon AZ
Grand Canyon AZ
San Geronimo Chapel
San Geronimo Chapel
Dramatic Butte
Dramatic Butte
Eastern Sierra CA
Eastern Sierra CA
Taos Pueblo
Taos Pueblo
San Xavier del Bac Mission
San Xavier del Bac Mission
Monument Valley, Navajo Nation Lands
Monument Valley, Navajo Nation Lands
Bandon Beach, OR
Bandon Beach, OR
Bandon OR
Bandon OR
Mesquite Dunes, Death Valley CA
Mesquite Dunes, Death Valley CA
Bridge in the Woods
Bridge in the Woods
Cholla Cactus, Joshua Tree Park CA
Cholla Cactus, Joshua Tree Park CA
Tufas at Mono Lake
Tufas at Mono Lake
California Ghost Town
California Ghost Town
Catholic Cathedral of St John the Baptist
Catholic Cathedral of St John the Baptist
Cloud Break over Mt Whitney
Cloud Break over Mt Whitney
Monument Valley
Monument Valley
Ancient Bristlecone Pine
Ancient Bristlecone Pine
Old School House
Old School House
The Three Mittens
The Three Mittens
Half Dome
Half Dome
Reflections in the Eastern Sierra
Reflections in the Eastern Sierra
Desert Moon
Desert Moon
Ancient Bristlecone Pine Remains
Ancient Bristlecone Pine Remains
Bodie Ghost Town Church
Bodie Ghost Town Church
Zion National Park
Zion National Park
Death Valley Dunes
Death Valley Dunes
'37 Chevy Resting Point
'37 Chevy Resting Point
Desert Dune Detail
Desert Dune Detail
Tufas at Mono Lake
Tufas at Mono Lake