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Walter Otto Koenig | profile | all galleries >> Cats >> Hansi tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Hansi, a striped Tabby with white, was born about March 20, 2021. He was found by the side of Old Highway 80 near El Cajon, California in a cardboard box and rescued.
We adopted him on December 15, 2021, from San Diego East County Animal Rescue.

He is named after a cat my grandfather had from ca. 1958-81. The name Hansi means Johnny in German.
Cooling Off
Cooling Off
5:33 AM, I'm ready to go walking...
5:33 AM, I'm ready to go walking...
Early in the morning and ready to go
Early in the morning and ready to go
Maneki Neki impression
Maneki Neki impression
Portrait of Hansi
Portrait of Hansi
Interaction with my model
Interaction with my model
Playful Hansi
Playful Hansi
In deep thought...
In deep thought...
The Paw
The Paw
Afternoon Nap
Afternoon Nap
Tunnel Time
Tunnel Time
Big Eyes
Big Eyes
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