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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Cats >> Hansi > Afternoon Nap
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Afternoon Nap

Apple iPhone 13
1/120s f/1.6 at 5.1mm iso80 full exif

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Zoltán Balogh16-Aug-2023 04:39
How sweet! V
victorswan13-Mar-2023 22:40
just Blessed they can enjoy it so much you would lie down with them, beautiful image BV
Doug Cruden13-Mar-2023 17:56
LOL, I thought he was asking for belly-rubs from the thumb!! A relaxed and snoozing Hansi, how lovely :o)
Kevin D Warren05-Mar-2023 13:04
I'm feeling relaxed just looking at this! :-)
Julie Oldfield05-Mar-2023 03:42
I love how cozy he looks. Every curve on him is captured perfectly. V
pkocinski04-Mar-2023 17:43
Not a worry in the world for this guy...
Kat04-Mar-2023 16:52
Sweet Hansi showing his trust by revealing his soft underbelly.
Tom LeRoy04-Mar-2023 12:26
Totally relaxing pose as Hansi dreams all those cat dreams. Love the colorful blanket too. V
Bryan Murahashi04-Mar-2023 05:26
Nice bedding for her deep sleep.
Fong Lam04-Mar-2023 04:01
Wonderful portrait of your cute cat and love the use of the blanket as a backdrop...V
larose forest photos04-Mar-2023 02:09
What an adorable shot. I love the way that cats can so completely relax, as here in this terrific shot. VV
Arnie Peterschmidt04-Mar-2023 00:43
Picture of contentment, not a care in the world.
Richard Chu03-Mar-2023 23:04
Siesta time beautifully captured! V
janescottcumming03-Mar-2023 21:35
A well cared for and happy cat. V
joseantonio03-Mar-2023 19:57
such a sweet scene.V.
Jean Chiasson03-Mar-2023 19:09
Very cute image Walter V
Carl Carbone03-Mar-2023 18:55
Raymond03-Mar-2023 18:44
Priceless, a cat's idea of heaven, not a worry in the world, none, pure love.
carabias03-Mar-2023 18:06
A pleasant and adorable dream! Very pretty image. V
Marcia Rules03-Mar-2023 17:22
Hansi is a great subject whether he's aware or not! VV~
Apostolos Tikopoulos03-Mar-2023 17:06
Nice shot of this lovely and cute cat. V
globalgadabout03-Mar-2023 17:05
Hansi's body language suggests a mix of repose and dynamic action...the blanket setting is fantastic, adding colour and yet more verve to the image..
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