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Tunnel Time

Apple iPhone 13
1/480s f/1.6 at 5.1mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kat13-Feb-2023 20:18
A beautifully relaxed pose by Hansi. Love it V
Julie Oldfield04-Feb-2023 02:18
Love the blue coloring. He is guarding his lair. V
Marcia Rules03-Feb-2023 14:47
My cats have one of these and love it! Great shot :)
Danad03-Feb-2023 14:21
A superb capture !
pkocinski03-Feb-2023 14:08
Exercise tunnel - no it's a sleeping tunnel :-)
François Fauchard03-Feb-2023 14:01
Some see life in pink, Hansi sees life in blue. A funny picture. V
Kevin D Warren03-Feb-2023 13:28
The tiger in his lair. A beautiful image of contentment.
Richard Chu03-Feb-2023 09:05
This is cool! Nice pose. V
Bryan Murahashi03-Feb-2023 04:55
Sweet capture.
Glenn D.03-Feb-2023 02:30
As if to say, "What?" And like Dan said, the blue tint is a nice accent.
victorswan02-Feb-2023 22:42
Wow thats great very cool lovely image BV
joseantonio02-Feb-2023 19:26
such a lovely scene.V.
larose forest photos02-Feb-2023 19:11
Adorable!! Cats love their hiding places, especially if they can look out at what is going on! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos02-Feb-2023 19:07
So cool and lovely portrait. V
globalgadabout02-Feb-2023 18:47
ahhh...the Blue Grotto, although not quite Capri..
Raymond02-Feb-2023 17:46
So beautiful and so precious
Dan Greenberg02-Feb-2023 17:38
That is so cool and shows us how nice cats can look with a blue tint. I bet he or she loves it in there. ~BV~
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