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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Cats >> Hansi > Big Eyes
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Big Eyes

Nikon D700 ,Tamron SP AF DI 90mm f/2.8 Macro
1/125s f/8.0 at 90.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield04-Feb-2023 02:19
That face is adorable. V
victorswan02-Feb-2023 22:43
fantastic pose and a beautifully sharp image BV
François Fauchard02-Feb-2023 16:42
Very Nice. I love cats. V
joseantonio02-Feb-2023 15:54
nice closeup capture.V.
Raymond02-Feb-2023 15:54
So pretty
John Reynolds LRPS02-Feb-2023 15:51
Great pose!
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