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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Cats >> Hansi >
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After a busy morning of playing, chasing, exploring and looking out the window, it's now time for a nap.
Hansi is growing quickly and learning a lot. He is very affectionate and intelligent. It's fun watching him grow.

Nikon D850 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/160s f/5.6 at 200.0mm iso2000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Anna & Christian RECK22-Aug-2022 15:19
Hansi is lucky to be part of your family in which he will be very happy, I'm sure!!! BV. Anna
Tom LeRoy25-Apr-2022 07:27
So fun to watch a young cat do his thing, you have a really beautiful cat here, Walter. V
Kevin D Warren09-Feb-2022 21:31
He looks very content here and well settled in his newfound life.
Kat09-Feb-2022 20:36
Hansi has lovely eyes. I love the fact that his right ear is different to his left ear. Daisy has two different size ears.
Graeme09-Feb-2022 13:36
A wonderful capture of him, Walter.V
pkocinski09-Feb-2022 12:43
Raymond09-Feb-2022 12:30
He's so beautiful, superb shot
Nirvan Hope09-Feb-2022 04:38
Such a photogenic little fella, even when it's time for a nap.
Julie Oldfield09-Feb-2022 01:35
A well deserved rest! I love how he is looking at you. V
LynnH09-Feb-2022 00:39
Ahhhh... living the life! What a lucky cat. V
janescottcumming08-Feb-2022 22:42
Time for a little rest but just one more nice pose for the camera. V
Mairéad08-Feb-2022 21:48
He's got a very pretty face.
Marcia Rules08-Feb-2022 20:25
Aren't all cats tired?! A wonderful story & image ~VV~
Don Mottershead08-Feb-2022 18:23
Very handsome fellow.
François Fauchard08-Feb-2022 18:02
Hansi is tired after this hard day. However, he remains suspicious, like all cats. Beautiful attitude.
Jean Chiasson08-Feb-2022 17:40
Beautiful image Walter V
Neil Marcus08-Feb-2022 17:15
You have caught an endearing pose...and you generally do. "V"
joseantonio08-Feb-2022 16:49
love the eye contact.V
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