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Yvonne | all galleries >> R O S E S >> Late Winter and Spring in my Garden 2016 > Tall Bearded Iris 3
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07-NOV-2016 Yvonne

Tall Bearded Iris 3

At home in the rose garden.

This is quite similar to the first TBI I posted a few days ago, but the colour
is lighter and I believe the name is "Needlepoint"

Canon EOS 40D ,Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8
1/500s f/5.6 at 90.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Pierre12-Nov-2016 22:04
Une photo formidable de cette magnifique fleur d'iris! V
Bill Miller09-Nov-2016 04:31
This is such a beautiful flower, well done.
Gill Kopy09-Nov-2016 02:07
Wow Yvonne, this is gorgeous BV
Carl Carbone08-Nov-2016 22:12
Big and beautiful. Nice processing.
Walter Otto Koenig08-Nov-2016 16:19
Beautiful work. Very effective processing work. "V"
Martin Lamoon08-Nov-2016 14:37
I would love one of these in our garden. A fine photograph.
borisalex08-Nov-2016 11:07
What a color, great shot! V.
Ika Zinka Eferl08-Nov-2016 10:19
Oh my !A feast for the eyes!V
barbarajoy08-Nov-2016 10:04
Another glorious iris, beautifully photographed Yvonne. V
laine08-Nov-2016 07:29
Wow, Von...stunning. V
Ken Chambers ARPS08-Nov-2016 05:04
Superb photography, Von
joseantonio08-Nov-2016 04:57
always a pleasure to look at these beauties.V
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