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Yvonne | all galleries >> R O S E S >> Late Winter and Spring in my Garden 2016 > "Nora Cunningham"
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07-NOV-2016 Yvonne

"Nora Cunningham"

At home in the rose garden.

A rose bred in Australia by Alister Clark, the breeder of the well-known rose "Lorraine Lee"
and named after a family friend who was a keen tennis player in her day. Although
a small climber, I have been training mine as a shrub and so far it has been working quite well.
Bred to withstand the Australian climate and to flower spring-summer & autumn until frosts might arrive.

Canon EOS 40D ,Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8
1/160s f/5.6 at 90.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
larose forest photos10-Nov-2016 03:26
So velvety I feel I can reach out and touch it. Lovely. V
Gill Kopy10-Nov-2016 02:10
Just lovely V
Walter Otto Koenig09-Nov-2016 23:46
Beautiful colors. I like the way it is placed in the frame. "V"
Allan Jay09-Nov-2016 21:18
Gorgeous roses!
Jeff Real09-Nov-2016 18:15
Seeing this great beauty is such a pleasant experience ~V~
joseantonio09-Nov-2016 17:43
lovely and delicate rose.V
Martin Lamoon09-Nov-2016 17:24
So soft looking.
Anitta09-Nov-2016 16:59
Very pretty, I love the color. V
Ceya09-Nov-2016 15:11
A great addition to your rose gallery! So lovely. V!
marie-jose wolff09-Nov-2016 13:21
a beauty, the color is so vivid! V
Tom LeRoy09-Nov-2016 12:32
An expert and beautiful capture, Yvonne. V
borisalex09-Nov-2016 12:14
Agree with Duo, beautiful name of this survivor! V.
duo09-Nov-2016 09:47
I love how you compose the images of your roses. You convey your love of these beautiful flowers and the buds set of the image.V
Range View 09-Nov-2016 09:30
A striking bloom captured here Yvonne, nice work.
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