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Yvonne | all galleries >> R O S E S >> Late Winter and Spring in my Garden 2016 > "Mayor of Casterbridge"
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06-NOV-2016 Yvonne

"Mayor of Casterbridge"

At home in the rose garden.

An Austin rose; quite a few of the roses bred in the Austin nursery have names of
literary characters, and this one is a tall (8 feet) upright fragrant shrub bearing small
clusters of these cup shaped blooms in the old-fashioned rose style.

Mine is growing next to a rose of similar colour and sized shrub called "Violina",
they look quite good together.

Canon EOS 40D ,Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8
1/160s f/5.6 at 90.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Gill Kopy08-Nov-2016 02:30
I bet the Mayor and Violina get along famously :) A lovely shot 0f this rose with such dense petals V
Anitta07-Nov-2016 19:23
How very beautiful! V
Martin Lamoon07-Nov-2016 17:31
Superb photograph of this wonderful rose.
joseantonio07-Nov-2016 17:28
looks really lovely.V.
Walter Otto Koenig07-Nov-2016 16:42
Beautiful colors. Very nicely photographed. "V"
victorswan07-Nov-2016 13:12
So a Sweet flower with lovely soft color, great compo en details Yvonne Well done BV
borisalex07-Nov-2016 13:07
I´m sure the look great together, love the light on the petals! V.
duo07-Nov-2016 12:54
I love the bud composition, tell more of the rose story. beautiful. V
Alan K07-Nov-2016 09:42
I'd forgotten about the Hardy book; never have had a chance to read it. For a minute I thought it was a Game Of Thrones character.
It's a rather different arrangement with that bud underneath.
Range View 07-Nov-2016 08:58
A wonderful image of such a beautiful bloom Yvonne.
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