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Vickie Tseng | profile | all galleries >> Dogs and ... >> Golden and Labrador Retriever & ... tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Golden and Labrador Retriever & ...

Golden and Labrador Retriever
A-King and Moca are very good friends
You may see how close we are !
Golden A-King and Labrador Retriever Moca
Golden A-King and Labrador Retriever Moca
Labrador Retriever Moca and adopted stray Cat
Labrador Retriever Moca and adopted stray Cat
Golden Retriever Puppy Momo
Golden Retriever Puppy Momo
Golden Retriever Puppy Momo
Golden Retriever Puppy Momo
Being Speechless
Being Speechless
Such a Brave Dog
Such a Brave Dog
Help missing dog Xiong Xiong
Help missing dog Xiong Xiong
Moca and  Mimi
Moca and Mimi
A Little Lion
A Little Lion
Miu Miu
Miu Miu
Miu Miu
Miu Miu
A Specialty Clerk
A Specialty Clerk
Gives the Raspberry!
Gives the Raspberry!
Golden Retriever Ruby
Golden Retriever Ruby
The German  Dog  MORITZ
The German Dog MORITZ
MAX in Holland
MAX in Holland
The happiest dog Shirby in Toronto
The happiest dog Shirby in Toronto
Dove and Fish
Dove and Fish
Street Player with His Guide Dog
Street Player with His Guide Dog