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23-NOV-2011 Vickie TSENG


I found a stray cat crying in a corner at the back alley of a building in the evening,
I got into conversation with the cat, her mind had strayed back to her childhood!

Apple iPhone
1/10s f/2.8 at 3.8mm iso1016 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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janescottcumming27-Nov-2011 01:56
I'll bet she enjoyed some kind words from you.
January Grey26-Nov-2011 06:57
talking to the animals can be enlightening. A lovely capture, Vickie. V~
woody3425-Nov-2011 20:41
Nice story and image.,.hope she got to somewhere safe..
Colin Storey25-Nov-2011 19:58
Very nice story and such a sweet image. v
John Reynolds LRPS25-Nov-2011 19:40
Hope she got home safely. V.
Stephanie25-Nov-2011 19:07
Awww ~ what a sweet little kitty. Wonderful compo! V
teachpeace25-Nov-2011 18:38
Nicely composed with a cute story to match.
fotabug25-Nov-2011 17:18
Must be hard for cats in the big city. Are there animal shelters there?
Raymond25-Nov-2011 17:11
I honestly cannot resist cats, I love them so much ... I wish I would have been there.
It looks like a little female, maybe she was in heat as we say here, maybe she was just very hungry ... but a gentle pat will always be welcome.