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Vickie Tseng | all galleries >> Dogs and ... >> Golden and Labrador Retriever & ... > Such a Brave Dog
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04-NOV-2011 Vickie TSENG

Such a Brave Dog

I heard the sobs welled up in a dog's throat when I waited for the traffic lights,
I had never seen such a good dog without the leash, his reluctance to follow his owner's steps towards the door of an animal hospital,
I have no idea what happened to him, but I could see his crying face and most of his fur had been cut ... just knew he is a patient
and suppoing his health is on the mend, I saw the owner squatted down and coaxed him ... and then
he was into the hospital by himself, even I could not hear they debated it in whispers,
he is such a nice dog! The point is he has a great owner!
It reminds me of my Brown struggled with me when I took him to this animal hospital.

Apple iPhone 3GS
1/142s f/2.8 at 3.8mm iso70 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Raymond22-Mar-2013 23:34
I stuill think this image is very special ... trusting friends.
Kevin Warren04-Mar-2013 13:15
An incredibly touching image, Vickie, well shown and related.
Linda & Pär Johansson22-Jan-2012 19:15
It is heartbreaking when the animals are sick! Big love! V
Mary Beamond22-Jan-2012 12:47
How very beautiful - so poignant.
What a great moment to capture.
Moved me very much.
Lieve Snellings01-Dec-2011 11:28
great tender image ! hope the dog gets well soon... V
Ann Pettigrew30-Nov-2011 22:53
This is such a sweet and touching scene, Vickie, and you did a beautiful job of capturing it.
norbi25-Nov-2011 23:20
We love our dogs, You show it here. v. norbi
Buz Kiefer25-Nov-2011 19:27
Wonderful candid and a touching story as well.
Steven 13-Nov-2011 16:21
A touching story through your eyes! Excellent work Vickie
Sam Rua11-Nov-2011 03:24
Nicr touching story, Vickie. It really puts this image into context.
Mairéad07-Nov-2011 23:53
Such a touching moment!
Jim Coffman06-Nov-2011 14:42
Sooooo sweet!!
January Grey06-Nov-2011 00:50
Awww...such a sweet capture! I can feel the love! V~
Nestor Derkach05-Nov-2011 13:11
This image is a very heart warming image, your thought were well delivered .
Outstanding capture and a nice photograph.
Sam_C05-Nov-2011 09:38
Sad story, but a beautiful, tender moment you captured. You are such a kind hearted
soul Vickie! V++
Helen Betts05-Nov-2011 09:33
A very moving photograph and story. V.
Guest 05-Nov-2011 09:32
such a lovely, touching image Vickie
Michal Leszczynski05-Nov-2011 09:10
Beautiful and very emotive. V.
larose forest photos05-Nov-2011 03:22
Ohhh, this is so very lovely. A good dog and a good owner too. V
janescottcumming05-Nov-2011 01:41
So many animals are afraid to come into the animal hospital. You did a wonderful of capturing the tenderness between this owner and her wonderful dog.
fotabug05-Nov-2011 00:50
Well done. The narrative was moving
Guest 04-Nov-2011 22:44
Very emotional image, Vickie. Wonderful work. BV
woody3404-Nov-2011 21:13
A lovely story and a touchingly poignant shot.
Ken Chambers ARPS04-Nov-2011 20:48
A story told through the eyes of a animal lover
PauloCGama04-Nov-2011 19:19
Precious!! Emotive! I'm so touched.
Raymond04-Nov-2011 17:56
This is probably one of your most precious image Vickie.
Most photographer will tell you that the best photo is one that speaks to the viewer, that tells a story to the viewer ... otherwise, it simply becomes a snapshot, a sunset behind a tree, cars on a highway ... snap snap snap ... PBase is so full of snappers. But to compose or take an image that tells a story, that reaches for the viewer's emotions ... THAT is a winning shot.
This image speaks loud and clear, we see the love between the dog and the owner, the trust and care between them ... Bravo Vickie ... that is one image you can certainly be very proud of. Very well done.
joseantonio04-Nov-2011 17:11
Beautiful feelings well showed
teachpeace04-Nov-2011 17:08
You've captured much emotion in both your words and image.