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Vickie Tseng | all galleries >> Dogs and ... >> Golden and Labrador Retriever & ... > Whispers
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04-NOV-2011 Vickie TSENG


I heard the sobs welled up in a dog's throat when I waited for the traffic lights,
I had never seen such a good dog without the leash, his reluctance to follow his owner's steps towards the door of an animal hospital,
I have no idea what happened to him, but I could see his crying face and most of his fur had been cut ... just knew he is a patient
and suppoing his health is on the mend, I saw the owner squatted down and coaxed him ... and then
he was into the hospital by himself, even I could not hear they debated it in whispers,
he is such a brave dog! The point is he has a great owner!
It reminds me of my Brown struggled with me when I took him to this animal hospital.

Apple iPhone 3GS
1/167s f/2.8 at 3.8mm iso70 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Kevin Warren04-Mar-2013 13:16
So touching, I'm glad his owner is there comforting him.
Sam_C05-Nov-2011 09:38
Aww, poor thing, hope he gets better! V++
Bonnie Underwood04-Nov-2011 19:12
Wonderful image. Sure hope
the pup is on the mend.
Mike H.04-Nov-2011 16:40
Aww, my heart goes out to this dog in misfortune!
We hate to observe any animal suffering.
You do a NICE job of image captures with your phone, Vickie! V
Raymond04-Nov-2011 16:40
I hope it all went well for the poor dog, they are creatures, along with cats of course :)) that needs our help in caring for them. I hope your vets are as good as ours are here. The vet who looks after my cats is so affectionate with them and he's so good at caring for them ... It breaks my heart when I see an animal suffer ... This one is scared, I can tell by the way his tail is ... but I also see a caring hand to protect him.