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Thierry Lucas
Storm at Le Croisic in France Paris by night Arc de Triomphe vu des champs Elysées à Paris Bateaux mouche sur la seine à Paris
Notre-dame of Paris Big wheel  2  (seen since LesTuilleries garden) g6/86/669186/3/60729785.0AHn3wQf.jpg The light of wind
g6/86/669186/3/74713542.OlLLDPaF.jpg The sailors Paradise door Lacewing into a tulip Atmospheres
Tour Eiffel sunset L'arc et la flêche (The bow and the arrow) Caterpillar on a rose Ladybird larva
Small yellow spider (3 mm)  on artichoke  flower g6/86/669186/3/80358235.qf5izSX1.jpg g6/86/669186/3/75366728.I7LGvBgC.jpg Alexandre III bridge and Tour Eiffel sunset
A green ladybird g6/86/669186/3/79977710.GUAKSs4k.jpg Hover flies reproducing on a sheet of ivy g6/86/669186/3/78005975.6mnieMaG.jpg
Le Louvres museum pyramid Tour Eiffel and Passerelle Debilly The force of Innocence g6/86/669186/3/85828857.lUgi10Ok.jpg
g6/86/669186/3/78629885.zOAJERhd.jpg g6/86/669186/3/81610749.hc6M2He2.jpg La vie en rose Tour Eiffel and La Défense
Butterfly  (Papilio machaon) Sunset at Le Croisic (France) Le Grand Palais Port entry of Le Croisic (France)
Big wheel  (Place de la Concorde) Le Louvres: a museum which encourages to reflect  :) Le Louvres Museum g6/86/669186/3/81319439.cFrf9gDb.jpg
Le Grand Palais Snail eye Dragonfly g6/86/669186/3/75842452.BkyuOXws.jpg
Tour Eiffel  -  Touching the clouds Bercy bridge g1/86/669186/3/63680326.zL54bu9s.jpg g6/86/669186/3/76621306.hqIyxiq2.jpg
André Citroen park, Paris Rivoli street at Paris Grasshopper Tour Eiffel close up
g6/86/669186/3/78786381.xre1UkqS.jpg Little Snail on a rose La conciergerie Notre-dame of Paris
Storm at Paris Le Louvres museum Notre-dame de Paris Le Louvres Museum and Pyramid
Cuttlefish Little snail g6/86/669186/3/72301794.9RuVR30X.jpg Dahlia petals
g5/86/669186/3/67961422.D4aUhhi8.jpg g4/86/669186/3/64654269.Wi8zw8s7.jpg g3/86/669186/3/67012644.LFJ9lWY1.jpg A little acrobat snail 1
Ladybird g5/86/669186/3/67897635.KDr5oxmc.jpg In the fields 1 g6/86/669186/3/68679359.TF96BQOi.jpg
I think it's going to rain, I felt a water drop ! The Seine at night, Paris Fontaine place de la concorde à Paris Cat
Floral Park of Vincennes (Paris) g4/86/669186/3/61484453.KyNEpZie.jpg g4/86/669186/3/64553384.VYdHkE8w.jpg Fly
Baboon g4/86/669186/3/63291393.RGWosFvi.jpg g4/86/669186/3/63674361.FirKFV8x.jpg Squirrel
Storm at Paris