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Thierry Lucas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Your favorite pictures > Tour Eiffel and Passerelle Debilly
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Tour Eiffel and Passerelle Debilly

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Guest 23-Jun-2007 09:36
Gorgeous Image!! ~V~
Yiannis Pavlis23-Jan-2007 02:05
spectacular work .bravo .voted.
Robyco11-Jan-2007 20:25
Very good, you really took the best place. As if it is situated on the bridge.
Bryan Ramsay28-Dec-2006 01:40
A great instructor of mine often said if you can make color the ally of pattern then you've won, he also said a pattern is intersting, and a pattern interrupted is even more interesting, You mastered both techniques with this shot and it clearly shows he was right! WOW! GMV -BJ
Guest 20-Dec-2006 19:25
great work,v.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik14-Dec-2006 05:37
The colors of the sky, and lighting are amazing. Gorgeous work!! Vote Sandy&Lloyd
Guest 06-Dec-2006 00:40
You did a very good job here Thierry! Perfect night-shot. (v)
Joanne Kamo05-Dec-2006 04:14
Magnificent night shot! GMV
Joanne Kamo05-Dec-2006 04:13
Magnificent night capture. The bridge seems to complement the tower. V
Jan Wisniowski04-Dec-2006 21:44
Perfect ' clean' night picture - congratulations ! v
Guest 04-Dec-2006 08:48
Beautiful capture of lights and the evening sky. ~V~
Guest 04-Dec-2006 04:59
Exposition de reve, et composition audacieuse. Tres beau travail, Thierry. Vote.
Pat Hemlepp03-Dec-2006 22:40
Katie Chew03-Dec-2006 21:54
Beautiful night shot! V
akleja03-Dec-2006 20:53
wonderful composition and perfect night-shot! Vote.
Jay Levin03-Dec-2006 19:24
Superb night shot. Vote
Eric Carrčre03-Dec-2006 16:58
Ah...Magique ! V.
Guest 03-Dec-2006 15:59
Beautiful shot!!