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Thierry Lucas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Your favorite pictures > Le Louvres museum pyramid
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Le Louvres museum pyramid

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Guest 25-May-2010 19:23
une de mes préférées dans cette gallérie ! V !
Guest 21-Dec-2008 07:16
Superbe ! vVv
Aud Elise Sjøsæther11-Dec-2008 20:41
Fantastic picture! Wonderful light. BV
Mindy McNaugher17-Feb-2008 04:55
Stunning night shot! Perfect exposure! Vote!
Jim Coffman30-Sep-2007 20:11
I love the lighting and composition. V
Brett Hochkins02-Sep-2007 08:08
Wow. Where have all the people gone? Love the reflection in the wet pavement. Vote
Guest 22-Jun-2007 18:51
Awesome. Well done. v
Manny14-Mar-2007 22:33
Superb & Voted.
bm20-Jan-2007 01:31
nice composition and exposure.
too bad the lamps are blown quite so much.
Guest 30-Nov-2006 03:10
Magnifique, celle-ci! Vote.
Marcia Colelli22-Nov-2006 17:10
wonderful night photography V
Guest 22-Nov-2006 11:58
excellent symmetry
Marco Valk22-Nov-2006 06:25
very beautiful image
Ian York22-Nov-2006 01:28
Elegant structure, simple composition and well executed
Eric Carrère21-Nov-2006 16:14
La pluie magnifie cette photo remarquablement cadrée, superbe ! V.
Guest 21-Nov-2006 09:57
Superb! V
Guest 21-Nov-2006 09:10
Quelle perfection aussi bien geometrique qu'au niveau de l'exposition. Bravo. Vote.
akleja21-Nov-2006 06:33
Great shot! Well composed!
NealyBob21-Nov-2006 03:27
The light is so beautiful in this~! V
Dave Wixx21-Nov-2006 03:08
Cool shot.
Guest 21-Nov-2006 02:49
Joanne Kamo21-Nov-2006 01:13
Outstanding shot! This really makes the pyramid stand out. V
Katie Chew21-Nov-2006 00:25
Excellent composition!
Marc Martineau21-Nov-2006 00:06
Superbe photo Thierry ! Bien rendu et beau contraste !
Guest 21-Nov-2006 00:05
Great shot and light
Pat Hemlepp20-Nov-2006 23:48
Excellent composition and tones.
Guest 20-Nov-2006 23:47
Beautiful compo and great lighting,well done