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Thierry Lucas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery of the week > Caterpillar on a rose
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Caterpillar on a rose

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adesmond14-May-2010 19:49
beautiful shot
Christophe Pampoulie26-Feb-2010 18:36
Fantastic picture, well capture... The colors are sumptuous. V.
Quy Tran10-Mar-2009 14:59
Very lovely shot!
Guest 06-Dec-2008 20:25
Thierry this is outstanding.Huge vote
Fay Stout13-Sep-2008 14:53
I don't think this could be any more perfect! Well done. V.
FrankB25-Dec-2007 13:44
this is a work of art, pure and simple...a macrophotograph is simply its material instrument...V
Milos Markovic26-Oct-2007 16:26
What a vision,
my compliments Maestro!
glimpses by lu07-Jul-2007 16:05
This is absolutely amazing capture~~~ I have never seen a caterpiller that is so cute!! The colors, composition, and details is perfect!! Stunning!! v
Torben Jorgensen29-Jun-2007 13:35
Great light and composition.v
ofer zilberstein15-Jun-2007 03:39
Great details and light.
Bob B.13-Jun-2007 20:12
Great shot! Back lighting is helpful here. This is a sawfly, the larva of a primative wasp. They are plant eaters. v
Dawn Pando12-Jun-2007 01:35
Oh my word!! This little guy is so clear! The coloring is beautiful and the clarity is amazing! It looks like you could reach out and touch him! V
Olivier Sonnet07-Jun-2007 10:36
Magnifique Thierry !
Dougie Young04-Jun-2007 21:29
Incredible detail Thierry..:>ote
Douglas Stucky31-May-2007 10:17
Fantastic shot! vote
Sue Robertson16-May-2007 22:52
Oh yes this is a terrific image. v
Petros Labrakos16-May-2007 22:22
what a form,colours,sharp details
unrivalled macro!
Guest 11-May-2007 20:27
Just fanatstic
pingupingu11-Apr-2007 21:34
Simon Chandler28-Feb-2007 07:24
Oh! What lovely colors and beautiful bokeh. Excellent.
anuschka27-Feb-2007 20:41
Wonderful!!! V.
ofer zilberstein28-Jan-2007 20:02
Very nice capture/
Guest 18-Jan-2007 01:36
Beyond ability, which is obvious, you must have one great macro lens.
Guest 02-Jan-2007 22:32
Beautiful colour, lovely curves of subject and flower. V
Donald Verger25-Dec-2006 17:22
wow! vote! love the simplicity and patternsn made by the legs!
Guest 18-Dec-2006 10:02
love the colour
Jan Wisniowski16-Nov-2006 22:36
Gorgeous. Beautiful work. v
edwina beaumont24-Oct-2006 18:26
I love the colour and composition
chrisse22-Oct-2006 09:55
Wow, what a great image, wonderful colour and composition. Lovely.
Guest 21-Oct-2006 16:09
Very cool!
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik11-Oct-2006 04:23
Gorgeous image! Love the colors and composition. What a great find! GMV
Doug Smith11-Oct-2006 02:20
Nice light
Guest 08-Oct-2006 19:54
Wow - what a wonderful picture! I love the detail on the caterpillar's body and the contrast of the green on pink,
Traveller03-Oct-2006 21:20
Great capture. voted
firstbrook25-Sep-2006 17:17
Nice detail shot........and good colour.....nice shot.........v
An De Wilde18-Sep-2006 22:35
wow beautifullllllllllllllllll
Guest 18-Sep-2006 20:57
Fantastic picture, being very detailed and sharp. I like it! GMV!
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography18-Sep-2006 20:39
Great ,lovelly!vote
Guest 18-Sep-2006 20:00
This one is great. Colors, composition, focus etc.
viljamix18-Sep-2006 19:36
Great capture with gorgeous colours.
Arno Meintjes Wildlife18-Sep-2006 19:11
Fantastic image.