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This picture is part of my "Flowers" gallery :

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J. Scott Coile07-May-2007 21:16
anuschka07-May-2007 20:54
A delight! V.
Jean Chiasson05-May-2007 18:05
Remarkably macro belle couleurs bravo Thierry big vote
Richard Calmes05-May-2007 00:30
Beautiful image! WOW! V
Mindy McNaugher04-May-2007 03:44
Stunning macro!! Vote!
Guest 03-May-2007 21:50
Brilliant macro works, top notch composition.
Greg Harp03-May-2007 05:51
Wow! Spectacular shot.
Naomi 02-May-2007 20:25
A superb macro, one of the best flower shots I've seen lately. V
Rich Westfall01-May-2007 17:24
Beautiful Macro, Thierry. Wonderful color and lighting.
carabias01-May-2007 16:04
Creativa composición y muy bella. Gran Voto
Bryan Murahashi01-May-2007 15:50
Beautiful colors and detail in this excellent macro. V
Katie Chew01-May-2007 14:11
Beautiful macro! V
Ulla Kruys01-May-2007 12:02
Excellent macro shot!
akleja01-May-2007 11:15
Perfect detail! Love the colours! Vote!
Buz Kiefer01-May-2007 11:14
Beautiful macro, razor sharp and beautiful color. V
Guest 01-May-2007 08:58
very sharp and gorgeous.
QUERIDO01-May-2007 05:49
Beautiful shot,vote
Paco López01-May-2007 04:35
Great closeup!!!! ¡My vote!
Linda Willets01-May-2007 03:39
Maryvonne Q.01-May-2007 03:38
Very nice. v
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik01-May-2007 03:29
Lovely macro! Exceptional color. S&L
NealyBob01-May-2007 02:51
Very beautiful macro~! V
Dan Ng01-May-2007 02:38
Stunning color and detail! V.
Guest 01-May-2007 01:13
Another great one! V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)30-Apr-2007 22:55
Beautiful colours and detail, wonderful macro.......Jess
Guest 30-Apr-2007 22:15
Wonderful macro shot,Thierry, love the colour.V
Petros Labrakos30-Apr-2007 21:37
amazing flora!
Robbie D7030-Apr-2007 21:28
Stunning shot a superb clasic wish it was mine.GMV
Robert Charity30-Apr-2007 21:20
wow - magnificent, great color and detail, V
Eric Carrčre30-Apr-2007 21:15
Superbe macro Thierry, un grand bravo...V.
Jean-Paul PLUME30-Apr-2007 20:50
Une profondeur de champ bien étudiée.