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Philip Game | profile | all galleries >> The Pacific islands of Micronesia and Polynesia >> Savai'i, Samoa's outback tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Savai'i, Samoa's outback

Connected to Upolu by vehicular ferry, Savai'i holds the lion's share of Samoa's natural attractions. These include lava fields which engulfed pioneer settlements a century ago, and spectacular natural blowholes along the southern coast. There are no towns, as such; Salelologo, the ferry terminus and the island's largest settlement, is little more than a sprawling village.

Getting there is half the fun; unless you managed to win an advance booking for the ferry crossing, you may spend some hours waiting on tenterhooks for that last-minute standby opportunity to squeeze your vehicle onboard for the day's last sailing. With barely 2cm - an inch - to spare either side, I was quite happy to let the ferry crew manoeuvre my rental car off the vessel on docking at Salelologo.

These images either were captured with Nikon D300 in RAW format, or with a Samsung Galaxy phone.

Inter-island ferry
Inter-island ferry
Inter-island ferry between Upolu & Savai'i
Inter-island ferry between Upolu & Savai'i
Fellow ferry passengers, an expat Samoan couple...funny and generous to a fault.
Fellow ferry passengers, an expat Samoan couple...funny and generous to a fault.
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Alofaaga Blowholes, Savai'i
Tree growing out of a century-old lava flow, Savai'i
Tree growing out of a century-old lava flow, Savai'i
Church engulfed by 1906 lava flow, Savai'i
Church engulfed by 1906 lava flow, Savai'i
Lava fields, Savai'i
Lava fields, Savai'i
Ruined church on Savai'i, engulfed by a lava flow in 1906
Ruined church on Savai'i, engulfed by a lava flow in 1906
The Maiden's Grave in the Savai'i Lava Fields
The Maiden's Grave in the Savai'i Lava Fields
Manase Beach, Savai'i
Manase Beach, Savai'i
Samoan schoolboys at Manase, Savai'i
Samoan schoolboys at Manase, Savai'i
Manase Beach, Savai'i
Manase Beach, Savai'i
Local transportation on Savai'i
Local transportation on Savai'i
North coast shore, Savai'i
North coast shore, Savai'i
Rural houses beside a waterway on Savai'i
Rural houses beside a waterway on Savai'i
Monument marking the landing of the first Christian missionary to reach Samoa
Monument marking the landing of the first Christian missionary to reach Samoa
Colourful small songbird, Savai'i
Colourful small songbird, Savai'i
Roadside blooms, Savai'i
Roadside blooms, Savai'i
Afu Aau Waterfalls, Savai'i
Afu Aau Waterfalls, Savai'i
Waterfront at the Jet Over Hotel (!), Salelologa, Savai'i
Waterfront at the Jet Over Hotel (!), Salelologa, Savai'i
A solitary hibiscus flower, cast adrift
A solitary hibiscus flower, cast adrift