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Timewarp to American Samoa

This diminutive U.S. territory, little more than a single, rugged island, boasts dramatic tropical landscapes and a sleepy ambience.

Samoa Airways ground staff at Apia's Fagali'i Airport tally your body weight - and check your US$40 entry permit 'waiver' - before you squeeze into the 12-seater DHC Twin Otter. Brief though it is, the flight east to Pago Pago ('Pango Pango') on American Samoa is a 'Groundhog Day' experience ; as you cross the International Dateline you go back in time 24 hours.

Samoan Airways DHC Twin Otter aircraft
Samoan Airways DHC Twin Otter aircraft
Rainmaker Mountain towers over Pago Pago
Rainmaker Mountain towers over Pago Pago
Pago Pago from Afono Pass on Tutuila Island
Pago Pago from Afono Pass on Tutuila Island
City limits...
City limits...
East coast of Tutuila
East coast of Tutuila
Two Dollar Beach on the east coast of Tutuila
Two Dollar Beach on the east coast of Tutuila
Tisa's Barefoot Bar & Eco Lodge at Alega, east of Pago Pago
Tisa's Barefoot Bar & Eco Lodge at Alega, east of Pago Pago
Sunrise at Tisa's Barefoot Bar, Tutuila
Sunrise at Tisa's Barefoot Bar, Tutuila
Tisa's Barefoot Bar, Alega
Tisa's Barefoot Bar, Alega
Tisa's eponymous proprietor, Tutuila
Tisa's eponymous proprietor, Tutuila
Wartime pillbox on the east coast of Tutuila
Wartime pillbox on the east coast of Tutuila
Sunrise at Tisa's Barefoot Bar, Tutuila
Sunrise at Tisa's Barefoot Bar, Tutuila
Cheerful dock workers taking a break at Pago Pago Harbor
Cheerful dock workers taking a break at Pago Pago Harbor
Coastal scenery, Tutuila
Coastal scenery, Tutuila
Afono Bay on the north coast of Tutuila
Afono Bay on the north coast of Tutuila
Afono village on north coast of Tutuila
Afono village on north coast of Tutuila
Afono village on north coast of Tutuila
Afono village on north coast of Tutuila
Vatia Bay on north coast of Tutuila
Vatia Bay on north coast of Tutuila
Vatia Bay on north coast of Tutuila
Vatia Bay on north coast of Tutuila
Waves breaking on cliffs of Vatia Bay on north coast of Tutuila
Waves breaking on cliffs of Vatia Bay on north coast of Tutuila
Coastal scenery, Tutuila
Coastal scenery, Tutuila
Church in the Fagatogo district of Pago Pago
Church in the Fagatogo district of Pago Pago
Village church, with territorial election ephemera, American Samoa
Village church, with territorial election ephemera, American Samoa
Pago Pago Harbor, American Samoa
Pago Pago Harbor, American Samoa
Department of Public Safety, Pago Pago
Department of Public Safety, Pago Pago
Heritage buildings in the Fagatogo district of Pago Pago, American Samoa
Heritage buildings in the Fagatogo district of Pago Pago, American Samoa
Village church, American Samoa
Village church, American Samoa
Pago Airport Inn, Pago Pago
Pago Airport Inn, Pago Pago
Swimming pool at the Pago Airport Inn, Pago Pago, American Samoa
Swimming pool at the Pago Airport Inn, Pago Pago, American Samoa
Ubiquitous political billboards around American Samoa
Ubiquitous political billboards around American Samoa
Travelling by local public bus, Pago Pago
Travelling by local public bus, Pago Pago
Oka, fish marinated in coconut cream, American Samoa
Oka, fish marinated in coconut cream, American Samoa
Now departing Pago Pago...
Now departing Pago Pago...