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upgrading the intank pump...240 turbos

Several years ago I heard about an upgrade to the 240 Turbo fuel system that entailed replacing the stock intank pump with the intank pump used in the 740 Turbos.

The 740T intank pump is a taller pump; and it can supply a larger volume of fuel to the main chassis pump.

I have found this to be true:
...the 740T intank pump IS a larger...taller...pump can deliver a larger volume of fuel to the chassis pump

AND, there is another benefit to doing the upgrade:
...supplying a larger volume to the chassis pump helps the chassis pump to run quieter. Because the chassis pump is not starving for fuel, it does not cavitate; and it just hums along nice and quiet.

This gallery will show how I perform the modifications needed to the 240 sending unit so as to install the 740T intank pump.

Some part numbers for those interested:

740T intank pump: 3517845

the 'sock' filter: 1274818

the older style sending unit
the older style sending unit
older style electrical connectors at the cover
older style electrical connectors at the cover
older style pump holder and 'sock' filter
older style pump holder and 'sock' filter
the later/replacement version sending unit
the later/replacement version sending unit
later version electrical connection
later version electrical connection
the later style pump holder
the later style pump holder
test fit:  to see how much to cut
test fit: to see how much to cut
the cut is made; along with a gentle bend
the cut is made; along with a gentle bend
why the bend...
why the bend...
ready to RUMBLE!
ready to RUMBLE!