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Simon Tan | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> New tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe - 2017 | Tanzania 2014 | 2011-2012 Winter Backyard Hummingbirds | 2010 Bird Migration | 2009 | 2008 Birds and Others | Emberizine Sparrows and Their Allies | Spring Migration 2007 | In Box | Birding Downunder - Nov. 2006 | Bolivar Flat - 2006.10.21 | Buff-bellied Hummingbird, 2006.10.15 | Outer Banks, NC - 2006.05 | Spring Migration - 2006 | Costa Rica - 2001.06 | New | Birds of Alaska | Roseate Spoonbill - Smith Oak Farm Rookery | Painted Buntings - South Llano River State Park, TX | Bolivar Flat Sunset - 1/11/2004 | Backyard Birds | Least Grebe (Tachybaptus Diminicus) | Bosque del Apache - Nov. 2004 | American Wigeon and Mallard | Warbler Samples


Recent Photos
Royal Tern and Sandwich Tern - 2006.04.08
:: Royal Tern and Sandwich Tern - 2006.04.08 ::
Spring, April 2006
:: Spring, April 2006 ::
Smith Oaks, High Island, TX - 2006.03.25
:: Smith Oaks, High Island, TX - 2006.03.25 ::
Port Bolivar, Bolivar Flat - 2006.02.18
:: Port Bolivar, Bolivar Flat - 2006.02.18 ::
Galveston Bay - 2006.02.11
:: Galveston Bay - 2006.02.11 ::
Charleston, SC, 2006.02.04-05
:: Charleston, SC, 2006.02.04-05 ::
American Kestrel And Others
:: American Kestrel And Others ::
Atlantic Coast, SC - 2006.01.07-08
:: Atlantic Coast, SC - 2006.01.07-08 ::
Bird Bath
:: Bird Bath ::
Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge 2005.12.31
:: Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge 2005.12.31 ::
Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge 2005.12.29
:: Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge 2005.12.29 ::
Brazos Bend State Park 2005.12.27
:: Brazos Bend State Park 2005.12.27 ::
Backyard 2005.12.11
:: Backyard 2005.12.11 ::
Bolivar Flat 2005.12.04
:: Bolivar Flat 2005.12.04 ::
:: Florida1126 ::