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Simon Tan | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spring Migration 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe - 2017 | Tanzania 2014 | 2011-2012 Winter Backyard Hummingbirds | 2010 Bird Migration | 2009 | 2008 Birds and Others | Emberizine Sparrows and Their Allies | Spring Migration 2007 | In Box | Birding Downunder - Nov. 2006 | Bolivar Flat - 2006.10.21 | Buff-bellied Hummingbird, 2006.10.15 | Outer Banks, NC - 2006.05 | Spring Migration - 2006 | Costa Rica - 2001.06 | New | Birds of Alaska | Roseate Spoonbill - Smith Oak Farm Rookery | Painted Buntings - South Llano River State Park, TX | Bolivar Flat Sunset - 1/11/2004 | Backyard Birds | Least Grebe (Tachybaptus Diminicus) | Bosque del Apache - Nov. 2004 | American Wigeon and Mallard | Warbler Samples

Spring Migration 2007

Spring Migration 2007 around Upper Texas Coast (Still uploading please check back in a couple of weeks)
1005 - Shorebirds
:: 1005 - Shorebirds ::
1008 - Raptors
:: 1008 - Raptors ::
1010 - Goatsuckers [Caprimulgidae]
:: 1010 - Goatsuckers [Caprimulgidae] ::
1012 - Ruby-throated Hummingbird
:: 1012 - Ruby-throated Hummingbird ::
1117 - Myrtle Warbler
:: 1117 - Myrtle Warbler ::
1118 - Louisiana/Northern Waterthrush
:: 1118 - Louisiana/Northern Waterthrush ::
1119 - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
:: 1119 - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ::
1120 - Northern Parula
:: 1120 - Northern Parula ::
1121 - Black-and-white Warbler
:: 1121 - Black-and-white Warbler ::
1122 - Prothonotary Warbler
:: 1122 - Prothonotary Warbler ::
1123 - Hooded Warbler
:: 1123 - Hooded Warbler ::
1124 - Tennessee Warbler
:: 1124 - Tennessee Warbler ::
1125 - Nashville Warbler
:: 1125 - Nashville Warbler ::
1126 - Yellow-throated Warbler
:: 1126 - Yellow-throated Warbler ::
1127 - Black-throated Green Warbler
:: 1127 - Black-throated Green Warbler ::
1135 - Cape May Warbler
:: 1135 - Cape May Warbler ::
1141 - White-eyed Vireo
:: 1141 - White-eyed Vireo ::
1142 - Red-eyed Vireo
:: 1142 - Red-eyed Vireo ::
1143 - Warbling Vireo
:: 1143 - Warbling Vireo ::
1144 - Blue-headed Vireo
:: 1144 - Blue-headed Vireo ::
1145 - Yellow-throated Vireo
:: 1145 - Yellow-throated Vireo ::
1146 - Philadelphia Vireo
:: 1146 - Philadelphia Vireo ::
1147 - Indigo Bunting
:: 1147 - Indigo Bunting ::
1148 - Painted Bunting
:: 1148 - Painted Bunting ::
1149 - Blue Grosbeak
:: 1149 - Blue Grosbeak ::
1150 - Rose-breasted Grosbeak
:: 1150 - Rose-breasted Grosbeak ::
1153 - Western Tanager
:: 1153 - Western Tanager ::
1154 - Scarlet Tanager
:: 1154 - Scarlet Tanager ::
1155 - Summer Tanager
:: 1155 - Summer Tanager ::
1157 - Baltimore Oriole
:: 1157 - Baltimore Oriole ::
1158 - Orchard Oriole
:: 1158 - Orchard Oriole ::
1160 - Brown Thrasher
:: 1160 - Brown Thrasher ::
1165 - Gray Catbird
:: 1165 - Gray Catbird ::
1170 - Western Kingbird
:: 1170 - Western Kingbird ::
1172 - Eastern Kingbird
:: 1172 - Eastern Kingbird ::
1174 - Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
:: 1174 - Scissor-tailed Flycatcher ::
1176 - Great Crested Flycatcher
:: 1176 - Great Crested Flycatcher ::
1200 - Eastern Wood-Pewee
:: 1200 - Eastern Wood-Pewee ::
1250 - Yellow-headed Blackbird
:: 1250 - Yellow-headed Blackbird ::
2100 - Latta Park, Charlotte, NC
:: 2100 - Latta Park, Charlotte, NC ::