170612 2-- Hwy 99 North of Darian Georgia |
170612 34_stitch 14 images. Hwy 99 North of Darian Georgia. |
150829--180_stitch Subway Shop, |
150829--171- Subway Shop |
120408-349-. Why would this gallery give me soft images ??????? |
120408-156- Americus Ga. |
120408-148- Americus Ga. The City of Light. |
120408-142-.jpg |
120408-136- Americus Ga. The City of Light. |
120408-116-.jpg |
121110-48.jpg South side of White House |
060105-007-2.jpg My 2 1/2 year project |
101106-025.jpg |
101123-385_- 5 images Interior of White House |
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101123-006.jpg |
101123-395.jpg |
101123-094_ 15 images The White House |
101123-002_ 2 images |
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1920 Jarrell Plantation House |
Took me 2 1/2 years to build this. |
Lovely Macon Georgia Home |
060105--003.jpg |
1881/1884 |
1881/1884 |
18/81/1884. Image Corrected for some distortion |
Uncorrected Image |
Row houses, 1900s |
080118-001.jpg |
Servant Cottage. 1880s |
Going to Waste |
Leaning to the Right. |
Looking from the Past Into the Present |
Civil War Memorial, Japers County Georgia |
Jasper County Court House - Nikon 12/24 |
Replica of Independence Hall |
Detail of plaster work on cornice |
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1856 Bonds Servant house for Overlook home |
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Mead- Bates-Jones House 1840 |
Rock Rogers House 1840 |
071022-houses-068.jpg |
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Raines-Miller- Carmichale House ca1848 |
071022-houses-035.jpg |
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Padelford-Beal-Napier House ca1840 |
Padelford-Beal-Napier House ca1840 |
071022-houses-024.jpg |
071022-houses-022.jpg |
071022-houses-026.jpg |
071022-houses-006.jpg |
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071022-houses-001.jpg |
College St Homes |
College St Homes |
070810-houses-024-copy.jpg |
A Comfortable Southern Porch |
College St. Homes |
Primitive Baptist Church Macon ga. |